18. Silenced

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I know I used Silence for the first chapter but this is different. It's Silenced. One whole letter different. So I'm not going to word jail or wherever you'd go for reusing a chapter name.

Dipper nervously followed Bill and his mom to the school front doors.

They walked in, a few students roamed the halls, as it was still class time. They looked at Dipper and Bill, making Dipper nervous. He did his best to hide behind Bill.

"You alright Pine Tree?" Bill asked quietly, taking his hand to reassure him everything was fine.

I don't like being looked at... Dipper signed, having to let go of Bill's hand to sign, then grabbing it back again.

"They're just curious. I bet they don't get new here kids often." Bill said, "Just ignore them."

Dipper just nodded, continuing to follow his mom.

They eventually got to the main office, Dipper's mom went up and started filling out the paperwork while Dipper and Bill wandered around the office looking at everything.

It wasn't a particularly big office, but wandering kept Dipper's mind off the students watching him.

They eventually stopped at a wall full of pictures of the graduating seniors of prior years.

"Hey look, there's Wendy." Bill said, pointing to a picture.

She looked more or less the same, her hair seemed a little shorter, but other than that she looked no different than when she had last Dipper saw her.

Wonder what she's doing now that she's graduated. Dipper signed.

"We can always ask your mom when she's done registering us." Bill suggested. Dipper just nodded, scanning the faces to see if he recognized anyone else. Other than Wendy's friends, he saw no one.

Dipper went back to the bench sitting against one of the walls and sat down.

Bill sat next to him, pulling out his phone so the two of them could scroll through memes while they waited for Dipper's mom.

Five minutes and several memes later, she came back, handing the two boys a couple pieces of paper.

"The principal is allowing you guys to pick your schedules. But you have to take all the classes highlighted." She said.

The classes highlighted were; Pre-Calculus, Contemporary World Problems, and Classic Literature.

Which left them four classes fill. Their choices were P.E., Latin, Anatomy, Psychology, Intro to Cooking, Theater, ASL, Agriculture, Computers, and Choir.

They immediately agreed on ASL,  as they both knew ASL (American sign language) quite well. They also agreed on Latin, as Bill was fluent in Latin, which was news to Dipper. Dipper himself wasn't new to Latin, but he obviously couldn't speak it, he still knew it.

Choir and Theater were obviously out, as they required working vocal chords, which Dipper could not provide.

PE was also a no, as Dipper strongly disliked PE and didn't feel like changing in front of more kids he didn't know.

The two boys reluctantly agreed on Anatomy. Dipper had been fascinated with Anatomy, at one point considering a career in the medical field, but he eventually decided it wasn't for him. It didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the class. Bill wasn't too big on science classes, but he figured it would be fun with Dipper.

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