24. Memories

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No. Dipper signed almost instantly shutting down Bill's idea.

"Ahh, come on Pine Tree, it would be fun," Bill said.

Last time I was in the woods I collapsed. Dipper pointed out.

"Yeah...fine. We'll do something else." Bill said. He thought for a moment.

"Oh! I know!" He said after a few minutes of silence, making Dipper flinch.

"We can go visit Wendy. We've been meaning to for a while anyway." Bill said. Dipper smiled for the first time since they got home that night.

Dipper just nodded, rather than signing, and the two of them got up and walked out of the room.

"We should probably invite Mabel," Bill said. Dipper nodded.

"MAAAAAAABEL!" Bill yelled suddenly, making Dipper flinch again.

"WHAAAAAAAT?" She yelled back, just as loud.


"HELLLL YEEEEEEAAAAAH! I'll BE RIGHT DOWN MY GUY!" She yelled before Dipper heard loud steps.

Dipper looked up just in time to see Mabel sliding down the stair railing. He was able to move in time so she didn't run into him.

"Alright! Let's get going!" She said enthusiastically when she landed.

Bill looped his arm around Dipper's and pulled him towards his truck.

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Mabel blasted music off of her own iPod, first being Dancing With a Stranger by Sam Smith which was followed by No One by Alicia Keys, Bill and Mabel singing hard to the latter.

They eventually pulled up to the small office looking building that said Corduroy Lumber Co.

Bill, Mabel, and Dipper got out of the car. Dipper was actually excited to see Wendy.

It was strange for him to not feel nervous as he was going to see someone from his past.

Up until now, he was drowning in nervousness when he went to meet up with his friends and family from Gravity Falls.

But now, with Bill by his side, he felt fine, even excited, to face Wendy now.

Not to mention, Wendy was just an awesome person and he was glad to see her again.

They walked into the building. It was a small office, a waiting area with a few chairs, plants, and a small table with a bowl of candy on it as well as magazines. On the other side of the office was two desks, both of which had pictures, and other desk stuff. Both desks were empty.

As they walked in the door made a ringing noise.

"I'll be out in a second!" A female voice called from the back room.

Bill and Mabel walked around the room, Bill grabbing a yellow sucker from the candy dish and popped it into his mouth.

After a few minutes, someone came out from the back.

Dipper immediately recognized her, despite looking somewhat different, as it had been several years since their last meet up.

Her hair was much shorter now, cut just below her cheeks, her usual hat on top of her head. She still wore flannel, though the one she was wearing now was red, instead of the green one she used to wear. She also wore jeans and combat boots.

"Sorry about that, how can I help-" She stopped mid-sentence when she noticed them.

"Wait a minute...Bill? Dipper? Mabel? What are you guys doing here?" She said astonished.

"We were in the neighborhood and figured we'd drop in. How's it going Wendy?" Bill said.

"Dude, I haven't seen you guys in forever, where have you guys been?" She asked, giving Bill a fist bump.

"Well, after Mabel's accident Dipper had to move to back to Piedmont with his dad, who didn't let him visit, Mabel had to stay inside because of her memory issues, and I also had to go to Piedmont with the Northwests," Bill said.

"Shit man, why couldn't you guys visit?" Wendy asked.

"My uncle wanted me to focus on school down there and Dipper's dad was...really strict," Bill said. He quickly explained what happened and how Bill and Dipper had met. He also mentioned that they were dating and now living in Gravity falls again as well as going to the high school. Mabel jumped in, adding her own story about her memory problems and explaining how her memory worked now.

"Oh God, that's awful. I wish I could have punched that asshole in the face." Wendy said, after Bill had explained about Dipper's father.

I would have paid to see that. Assuming I had any sort of money. Dipper signed.

Wendy understood him, as she had taken four years of sign language in high school, mostly because she had to take two years of a language class to get into a university, which she explained that she later dropped out of so she could help her family with their lumber company.

"Dude, I missed you guys so much. I was about to close up shop anyway, let's go and get some food or something and catch up a little more." Wendy said. They all agreed and waited for Wendy outside the shop so she could finish closing without interupptions.

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They had agreed on the diner that they all frequently hung out at, as it was one of the only places to get food other than the ice cream shop and a couple of food places in the mall.

Wendy explained what had happened to her after they last saw her in detail, talking about finishing high school, going to a university in Washington then eventually dropping out after two years to help her dad and rest of their family with the company they started. She also talked about her old friends saying that most of them were still in college or moved on to other careers in other towns.

"No friends here anymore, that must have been lonely," Mabel said.

"Well, Soos and I used to hang out but it's been a little while. He mostly calls me at some ungodly hour of the night to catch me up on what's going on. I knew about Mabel, but I figured you probably had a lot going on so I never came to visit." Wendy said.

"It's cool Wendy, I wish I would have remembered you better, then I could have hung out with you more," Mabel said.

The two began exchanging smaller stories on what had been going on, gossiping about other people in town, Mabel telling Wendy about Dipper's encounters with Gideon, and the two of them trash-talking Gideon and teasing Dipper about it.

Dipper just like he was when he used to visit Gravity Falls, hanging out with Wendy and her friends, all gossiping while they hung out together.

He was happy, even with the anticipation of the memory gun which he had nearly forgotten about, Dipper was actually happy. And for a moment, he forgot all about his problems and worries and just let himself enjoy the moments of ignorant bliss.


Holy crap guys! I got #1 in Billdip!! Thank you guys so much!! I've literally never got #1 in any ship before, even on my main account. This really means a lot and I would have never gotten here if it wasn't for you guys, so thank you.

Honestly, this comes as a shock to me because I never really thought of these books as worthy of a #1 spot on any of its tags and this book of all of them I never thought would go this far.

What I considered to be my most popular book, the Stripper AU, has #199 on Billdip and the Blind AU at #99 and my other books not even getting close, I honestly never would have guessed this one could get higher than that, but thank you guys sosososososo much.

I'd also like to thank Danny Devito for making a cameo in some of my time skips, surely I couldn't have done this without you, my guy, so thank you, Mr. Devito.

Hope you are all having a great day (or night as it is 1:30 AM where I am)

Next chapter soon-ish.

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