15. Listened

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The car trip was long.

Dipper did his best to stay awake so he could DJ for Bill.

He has also used text-to-speech so he could talk to Bill while they drove, as Bill couldn't read sign language while driving.

They only stopped a couple of times. Once for pancakes, once for gas and snacks, and once to use the bathroom.

They had finally gotten to Oregon, taking an exit off the freeway and turning down an obscure road in a heavily wooded area. Dipper knew the area all too well. It may have been five years, but Dipper couldn't forget the roads leading to Gravity Falls.

As they drove down the road they listened to the music on shuffle. Johnny Run Away by Tones and I played, which made Dipper slightly nervous. It was like the song was warning him. The song was about a kid who was gay and his parents didn't approve.

Would mom approve of Bill? Would my Grunkles approve of him? Dipper thought.

But as he thought about it, he decided he didn't care if they approved or not. He didn't need their approval. Though he was sure they would approve.

They aren't like dad. They actually care. Dipper reminded himself.

Though Dipper remembered how long it had been since they had contacted him.

Anxiety started to fill Dipper's mind.

What if they don't love me anymore?

What if they hate me?

What if they forgot about me?

Bill seemed to notice. He leaned over, not taking his eyes off the road, and grabbed Dipper's hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Everything will be fine. I promise." Bill said.

"And if it's not?" Dipper asked using text-to-speech.

"I'll kick some ass then until everything is fine," Bill said. Dipper laughed, making Bill smile.

Eventually, they turned down the road going into town. Dipper's anxieties died down when they began to see buildings. He excitedly looked around, eager to see the changes.

The town looked more or less the same. Though some buildings looked slightly different. A new paint job, or new outer decor.

Dipper noticed Northwest Mansion on the hill and wondered if they still owned it, despite Preston not living there.

As if reading Dipper's mind, Bill spoke up.

"They still own it, but it's more of a vacation home now," Bill said. Dipper just nodded.

Eventually, after driving through town for a little while longer they pulled in to a store that Dipper didn't recognize.

The sign read; Strange's Strange Goods.

Leading Dipper to assume that the owner of this store would be Tad Strange. Dipper always suspected there was more to him than meets the eye, but he was never able to prove anything.

"I have to stop here. My other uncle runs this store, Preston asked me to stop by and drop off a package for him." Bill said. Dipper nodded.

I'll just stay in the car.

Bill nodded and got out of the car, grabbing a box out of the truck bed, and walking toward the building.

Bill had left Dipper his phone so Dipper could listen to music while he waited.

Dipper scrolled through his playlist before clicking on Dying in LA by Panic! At The Disco.

Mini Dipo Skipo

By the time the song ended, as well as two others, Bill returned.

"Sorry. He wanted to catch up a bit." Bill said. Dipper just nodded.

Bill backed the car out of the parking spot and drove through town toward the Mystery Shack.

Dipper once again felt anxiety tug at him.

"Why don't you put some music on. Maybe it will calm your nerves." Bill suggested, making Dipper realize there was no music playing.

"How did you know I was nervous?" Dipper asked, using text-to-speech again.

"I can tell by your face. Also, you kept tapping your fingers against the car door." Bill said.

Dipper didn't even realize he was doing that.

Dipper clicked the first song he saw, Stolen Dance by Milky Chance.

Bill took one hand off the wheel and held Dipper's.

"I already told you, everything will be ok. I promised didn't I?" Bill said. He squeezed Dipper's hand supportively.

Dipper felt a little better, but he couldn't get over this uneasy feeling he felt.

They drove out of town, following the signs for the Mystery Shack.

As they drove something dawned on Dipper.

What if they moved? Dipper thought. But he almost immediately dismissed it.

With Mabel in the condition she is, I doubt they would have taken her away from here.

The drive from town, though it wasn't far, it felt like an eternity to Dipper.

Eventually, they pulled into the driveway, seeing no cars in the parking lot. The Shack must have been closed for the night, it was around 8 pm, so Dipper wasn't surprised. Bill parked the car and looked over at Dipper.

"No hurry. We can go whenever you're ready." Bill said, still holding Dipper's hand.

Dipper took a few deep breaths.

In. And out.

In. And out.

In. And out.

After few minutes Dipper nodded, signing, I'm ready.


See, I told you the wait wouldn't be as long as last time! Anyway, I'll try to put the next one out soon too.

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