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Dome's POV
I sighed out of tiredness; we just came from medical outreach program in some provinces outside the city. We are heading back to the city so I decided to sleep for the time being. I wear my headphones and put on some of my favorite music, I started to drift off and allow myself to be lull to the comfortable darkness.

I was awoken when I felt the sudden halt of our vehicle, I rub my eyes then look upfront. There is a truck in front of our vehicle and group of gunned men who were shouting commands, I quickly hit my speed dial.

Nine answered his phone and I immediately give him information on what is happening to our group.
"Nine you need to help us; we have group of men with guns." I whispered to my headphones while hiding my phone.
"Whaaattt are you serious Dome? Where are you? Ohhh my Goddd!!" Nine asked me in panic.
"F-focus Nine we need your help now. Track my GPS now, they are h-here." I remove my headphones and slip my phone under the seat.
" Get out nowww." One of armed man shout at our driver. 3 men entered and shoved our driver in the middle seat.

They pointed their guns on our way and command us to cooperate. My colleague and other hospital staff just keep quite out of fear. I just hope that they will not notice my phone under the seat.

Nine's POV
I can hear commotion on the other side of the phone. I immediately track my bestfriend's GPS while continued with the phone call. I'm running to the front desk and ask the nurse on duty to dial the police.
The nurse immediately dials for the police hotline, I turn on the speaker while recording the call for more information.
"What is happening Dr. Park?" Dr. Hopkins asked me worriedly.
"Earth we need help now, the medical group sent to the nearby province is in trouble." I stated to the heir of HME.

I briefed him with the current situation while we still hear the commotion on the other side of the phone. He contacts his dad about the current situation. I keep on tracking Dome's GPS while waiting for the police.
I just hope that no one is going to get hurt.
3rd person's POV
Earth calls his father who is the current chairman of the hospital. Nine is reporting information to the police assigned to the case.
The chairman of the hospital calls his friend from the army for help. They exchanged information and set up for a meeting.

(After 2 hours)
The chairman of the hospital is having meeting with the General of the Armed forces of the country.
"We need to rescue my staff as soon as possible General." The chairman stated.
"I will do everything in my power to help you Mr. Hopkins. My men already talk to your staff and as soon as we get enough information I will deploy my men to the location." The general respond.
"Thank you sir, I am counting on you." The chairman shakes the General's hand while the General takes his leave.
Pavel's POV
"Captain we need you for a holiday." The general informed me, so I intently focus on his words since I already got the hint.
"We have all the information regarding your holiday vacation captain, we need your team in the conference within 5 minutes." The general dismissed the captain.
I salute then immediately proceed to our respective unit room.
I open the door and look at my men who are already standing waiting for my command.

"Brothers we have to go for a holiday." I smirked at the 3 people in the room.
We entered the conference room and waited for the general.
"P what is this all about?" I heard Bright ask me.
"As far as I know we have to rescue medical staff and that's it." I answered nonchalantly.
The general entered the room then briefed us with the information they have, we all concentrate and focus on the briefing then formulate a plan for the search and rescue.
"I am expecting you to have zero casualties, rescue all of the medical staff before the dawn." The general stated in a firm voice.
"Consider it done Sir." I stated then we all salute to the general.
We got out of the room and proceed to get the things we need in out unit room.
3rd Person's POV
The Alpha team proceed to the chopper with full gear, the youngest sits in complete silence while the other 3 casually talks.
"We all need to be careful since we are going to face uncertain number of locals in our holiday." Kao reminded his brothers. Holiday or vacation is a code for dangerous missions and locals is code for enemies.
"Of course P we are going there as tourists so we expect their warm welcome. Right Joongie" Bright chuckled and look at their youngest member.
"Of course P. I love locals specially during vacations." Joong answered with blank face.
"Of course you do Nong, you always love them the most." Pavel laughed and ruffled Joong's hair.
Kao just smiled and shake his head for his brothers' silly conversation.
The pilot informed the group that they are landing within 10 minutes, so the group put on their head gears and get ready.

They landed pretty far from the target location so that they will not disturb the locals they are visiting.
"This is it brothers another vacay for us." Bright look at his companions.

Pavel pats his head, Joong nods and Kao reminds them to be extra careful.
The special unit proceeds to the darkness.
Kao's POV
As we set foot in the foreign place, I keep on having bad feeling on this so-called holiday, but I just brushed it off and focused on the mission.
We silently drift into the unknown darkness for a while when Joong tap my shoulder and signaled me to the right side. We saw the light and checked for the GPS signal. We saw the medical vehicle and sneaked closer.
Bright proceed and signal us that the place is safe. Joong checked the GPS signal and locate the source, it is inside the vehicle.
Joong covered Pavel while he searched inside the car but just found a phone so we proceed to the nearby camp.
I moved closer to the camp and saw armed men drinking while celebrating, I signaled Pavel to move to the other side of the place while the two younger people covered him.

I continued to move closer to the camp then heard Pavel's command through my earpiece. "Kao let's start."

I sneaked on a sleeping man then knocked him off, sending him into deeper sleep. I saw Bright coming to my direction and we start to silently ambush men who were guarding the sides.
I heard Pavel's command for us to take care of the armed men.
"Unit I have a sighting; I need to go for a walk." He stated indicating that he is going to look for the hostages' location.
"Be careful P." I heard Bright whispered to his earpiece.
We continue sneaking until we are left with the armed men who are drinking beside the campfire.
I heard Joong in earpiece saying they located the hostages.
Pavel's POV
I saw a room and entered as swift as I can. I saw the medical staff bound by ropes and checked for armed men inside the room, which I doubt there will be any since the bandits seem to be relaxing outside unaware to our presence.
I moved closer to the hostages while giving silent instructions to them. I count 9 hostages including a weak looking boy, he is not bound but is weakly leaning to one guy bounded to the post.
"Please check the kid." The guy who was bound to a post whispered and I did what he told me.
"Hey he is okay." The child has pulse, so I started to unbind the guy next to him.
The kid starts to wake up and hold the man's hand. Joong entered the room and help the remaining hostages.
Suddenly we heard loud men shouting and gun shots came after.
"Get down!!!" we both shout at the hostages, they ducked on the floor.
The gunshots continue, Joong and I got out to help our brothers outside.
I shoot at the remaining men then saw Kao and Bright at the other side of the camp. We checked for some time then after securing the area we entered the room where the hostages are held.
"Clear unit, proceed to the hostages' area." I instructed.
Joong lead and I took cover for them just in case.
"Air51, Air55 we are clear, we need you on the scene." I talk to the air crafts that are on standby.
"Air 51, Air 55 are on the way sir." I heard confirmation and follow the unit inside.
"Good job guys." I approached the unit inside with the hostages. They are helping them move out.
Joong nod while Bright and Kao smiled at me. We heard the aircraft landing and my brothers ushered the hostages out.
I saw the same man who asked me to check the kid's pulse kneeling on the ground while patting the kid lightly on the back.
The kid seems to have hard time breathing, I moved closer to them and asked if everything is okay.
"Is everything okay?" I inquired.
"Sir we need to find my first aid box somewhere, this kid needs the inhaler." The man with worried face answered me.

My brother enters, wondering what is delaying us.
"P do they need something?" Bright asked.
"Please carry him Nong. We need to find something." I instructed Bright.

He carried the kid and proceed outside. I followed the man who seems to be a doctor, he immediately found the kit and rushed to where it is.
I followed him but I suddenly heard gunshot then fell down the ground. I feel hot pain in my shoulder while still crouching on the ground. I heard a man laugh and shout at the man I was following a while ago.
"Do you think you can take my son!!" He screamed and aims at the man in front of him.
Everything happens so fast. I saw Joong aiming at the armed man, so I run to the guy who was still holding his first aid kit.
I shield him with my body, the armed man manages to fire at me. I don't know how many shots, but I feel numb then I fell on the ground.
"P" I heard Joong shout and someone held me. It was the guy I protected; he worriedly look at me. My mind starts to drift off, so I smiled at the guy which I noticed to have an angelic face and that was the last thing I saw before I succumb to the darkness.
ok done with rush proof reading
P means older person.
Nong means younger person.
Meng means friend.

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