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sorry its short 🙂

Joong's POV
I hurriedly kicked the gun away from the armed guy I just shot then kneel in front of P'Pavel who was being held by the man he protected.

"Call for an air medevac and get this to the kid outside. I will take care of your P." I heard the guy instructed me, I responded quickly and do as the stranger instructed.
"Air medevac is on its way." As soon as I heard the confirmation I run outside.

I saw Bright with the kid, he is boarding him to the aircraft. One of the medical staff held the kid and I immediately give the inhaler to the woman who carried the kid.
"I heard gunshots nong what happen." P'Bright asked me while making sure that all hostages are in the second aircraft.
"P, P'Pavel has been shot." I answered, P'Kao who is also nearby run inside the room.
Bright's POV
We entered the room and saw a guy performing CPR on my brother, I felt like all my blood drained out of my body.

We held our breath when the guy starts crying while still trying to revive my brother who is obviously shot many times.
The guy starts to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation.
My eyes started to get wet while my knees start to feel weak. Joong held my shoulder to steady me, I know this is bad judging from the guy's struggle to bring my brother back to life.
I saw P'Kao kneel beside my brother and keep calling for the medevac to hurry up.
Dome's POV
I breathed in relief when I started to feel the man's pulse, we heard the aircraft landing and his comrades immediately pick his body.
I followed them and moved beside the body.
"I am a doctor." I informed the group of men.
I started connecting IV fluids and other machines to help the guy.

The machine beeps indicating that something is starting to go wrong, the patient is loosing too much blood.
I started to feel helpless and force my brain to think. I saw tube and asked one of them to hand it to me.

"Does someone know the patient's blood type?" I asked hurriedly.
"He is AB negative." I heard the trio answered.
"Shittt." I cursed helplessly it is the rarest blood type.
"I'm his brother and we have the same blood type." I heard one of them spoke.

"Okay we need to have blood transfusion sir, but let me remind you it will take much of your blood." I informed the young men.

"Okay anything you need doctor. Please do everything you can." He answered, I just nod my head.
I started to insert the needle in their arms. The younger squeezes his palm then the transfusion starts.
I continue to do everything to save the patient while we fly to the main hospital. I just hope that the younger can withstand the blood transfusion because we have no other choice for his dying brother.
Kao's POV
My best friend's face is so pale, I held to his hand and keep grasping it. How could this happen, I just sat holding his hand and keep praying that everything will be okay.

He was shot 3 times, in his shoulder, right leg and stomach. This is the first time we have someone injured this serious in our unit. We are always careful and skilled enough for the job, but I guess bad luck just caught up with us this time.

I look at my two younger brothers, Bright looks pale with a needle attached to his arm which is keeping his brother alive. Joong is looking at Pavel worriedly while tapping Bright's back.
The trip to the hospital feels like years, I observe the doctor working hard to save our brother.

The pilot inform us that we are landing in 5 minutes and I was at ease for a moment.
The helicopter landed and we immediately transferred Pavel in the hospital.
"We have male gunshot victim. We need 1000cc of ABnegative blood, prepare him for surgery." I heard the doctor who is with us brief his colleagues and go somewhere.

"Sir we need you to stay here." The nurses inform us.
The needle attached to Bright is already removed a while ago. I saw the familiar doctor walk to Bright and put plaster on his hand.

"Are you alright nong? Do you need to lay down for a while, we have taken so much blood nong." He asked worriedly.
"N-no doc, I-im ok, Help my brother p-please." Bright begged the doctor's arm and the doctor nodded in assurance.
The doctor took off then we just watch the operation room's door praying for the best.

"I need to go to the CR." I heard Bright told us.
"P' im going with you." Joong attempted to help Bright but was declined by the older male.
"I am okay nong, stay here."
We just watch his back while slowly walking at the end of the corner.
I worriedly palm my face and pat Joong's back.

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