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Author's note:
Sour shrimp soup is one of our local delicacy here in the Philippines.
"Talay Sanguandikul!!!! You have to set your life straight or I will throw you out!!!!!" I heard my father's loud voice; I just woke up and scurried to lock my bedroom door, but I was too late.
The old man enters my room followed by my beautiful mother. He dragged me out by pinching my ear like I am some sort of a child. We reached my well structure and spacious living room and he instructed me to sit like a child.
My mother quickly but graciously sat beside me and examined my face.
"Baby Layyo you drunk too much again, haven't you? Ohh my poor baby." She peppered me with kisses as usual, I just smiled at her and pout.
"Mom I want some sour shrimp soup. I haven't eaten since morning." I appeal to her.
"Hey, you ungrateful prick. We just got here and you haven't even greeted us yet you are already demanding food. This bastard really." My dad smacks my head.
"Trent stop hurting your son." Mom scold my dad and returned her attention towards me.
"I will prepare your soup baby; I happen to purchase shrimp on the way. I will also make tempura for you okay." He cupped my cheeks and I just nod in agreement.
My mom walked to my kitchen leaving me with my old man who is still looking at me with anger. Well my dad cannot do anything to me since I am his only child.
I smile and bow to my father and tried to sit as polite as possible. "Hi dad. What did I do wrong this time?"
"Y-You you little ugghhh. How could you deny the contract from Seashore company? You let go of a good partnership Talay." My dad gritted his teeth while controlling his anger.
"Dad they are not worth our time and besides their daughter tried to blackmail me into marrying her." I retorted.
"WHAT?? You mean Hanna tried to trick you into marrying her? Isn't she your girlfriend?" Dad unsurely asked.
"No dad, not anymore. I found out that her dad instructed her on sleeping with me so they can leech off our company. I saw his text in Hanna's phone while she is sleeping." I palmed my face while confessing to my dad why I cut connection with the certain company.
"Hmmmm that's why her dad called me earlier, asking me to make you take responsibility of the contract and her daughter." He sighed.
"How does he still have the audacity to call you when she used her daughter for business, that arrogant man." I blurt out of annoyance.
"Oh well it is good that you knew how to handle the situation son. I maybe a businessman but I don't agree on his method, her daughter is not a merchandize for God's sake. Layyo make sure to compensate that contract and completely cut off our ties to that company." I saw my dad shake his head in disagreement.
"Done deal dad." I just smiled and offered the coffee I got from the coffee table.
My dad is Trent Sanguandikul the current owner of Lay Engineering Corporation. He looks serious and cold but he is as kind as my mother. My dad is an engineering student while my mom is culinary student when they met.
Dad work hard to make Lay Engineering Corporation as one of the biggest engineering company in Asia. Typically, expanding companies includes partnership like marrying son or daughter to business partner's son or daughter but my dad isn't in favor of that.
The company he established economically prosper by his expertise in engineering, he is top of his class and one of the most known engineers of his time.
I look up to my father, he raises me not to be like him but to do what I like. It just so happens that we have the same interest, I also inherited his prowess in engineering department.
Win may call me crazy and I admit to it, but I make sure to work hard like my father. I graduated with honors and helped my father in business ventures. I intend to build my own company, but my dad insist that the company is for me solely.
My parents gave me everything I ever needed, love, support, care and things I have asked for. You can call me spoiled but my father makes sure that I still work hard for something I like.
After preparing food, mom call us to the kitchen to feast into her cooking. We ate and catch up with each other, I live separately from my parents. They are living with my grandparents in the main house while I decided to build my own home after turning 18. Designing and building the house took a year so I move out from our family home at 19.
We just finished eating when my dad's phone rang, he answered and suddenly look unwell. It was my grandfather, he got into accident. I rushed to get my car keys and I drove us to the hospital.
Perth's POV
I am in my second shift when the EMT rushed in a man inside the emergency room. I follow them while asking the status of the person. We are about to rush the person to the OR but his heart suddenly stopped. One of the ER doctor started CPR but we got no response. I check his other vitals and think of something that can bring the man back. I have to act fast or else the person will die; I reach for the scalpel and start to make an opening in the patient's body.
"W-WHAT IS H-HE D-DOING?" I suddenly heard someone screamed from nearby, judging from their appearance they are the patient's family. Nurses handled the family members while I proceed to save the patient.
I inserted my hand in the opening I created to apply open-heart massage to the patient. Everyone in the ER was shocked while watching me perform the procedure. I've been pumping for a while and my hand starts to tremble when his heartbeat came back. I pulled my hand out and instruct the nurse to prepare for surgery, removed my gloves then proceed to get ready for the surgery.
(After 3 hours.)
I got out of the OR when a middle-aged man approached me, I recognized him as the patient's family.
"Doctor how is my father?" The man worriedly inquired.
"He is now in stable condition sir." I answered and all of them sighed in relief.
"Th-Thank you doctor, I've seen your effort to save my grandfather. I-I am also sorry for my sudden outburst earlier." A guy about my age spoke with sincerity.
"It is okay sir; the nurse will brief you about the patient's room transfer." I replied and excused myself, since I have 2 more surgeries to perform.
3rd Person's POV
Win was watching television when he saw the news regarding Lay's grandfather. Grabbing his keys, he rushed to the hospital where the elder Sanguandikul was confined. Win tried to call his best friend but can't get a hold of him.
Win is near the hospital while driving fast when a motorcycle swerved in front of his car. Stopping was too late resulting to Win's car bumping into the moving motorcycle.
Win walked out of his car to help the guy; he saw the sprawled man in helmet with big leg wound. Hurriedly, he helped the man who is trying to stand on his feet.
The man stands in front of Win like he wasn't injured, removing the helmet and looking at Win who has shock written all over his face.
"Y-you?" Win pointed at the guy who is staring at him with amused face.
"O-Oh it is you? The guy at the bar, right?" The guy replied with naughty smirk.
"Ughhh y-yes Mr. errrr."
"Bright, my name is Bright."
"Ahhhh this is awkward, but B-Bright are you okay, your leg is injured. I am so sorry. I was in rush I didn't see." Win stated in panic but was immediately cut by the other.
"I am okay errr what is your name again?"
"Win, and I think you are not okay. Your injury is quite serious." Concern laced in Win's voice.
Bright tried to move his injured feet to check and suddenly felt the pain.
"Uggghhhhh shxt." He groaned in obvious pain.
"Here let me help you." Win helped the other inside the hospital.
I was supposed to meet my brother in this hospital because he came to have his final check-up, or should I say he just needed excuse to see his doctor wifey. He was just discharged 2 days ago but keep on bugging the doctor and keep on visiting him in the hospital. They are officially together just before my brother's hospital discharge.
I did not see this situation coming but here I am sitting in a hospital bed. My brother's doctor wifey is currently treating my leg wound, while the guy who cause the injury is looking at me with concerned face. P'Pavel stands behind his wife while giving me a curious look.
"Mind telling me what happen here Bright." P' asked with serious tone.
I was about to tell him that it is nothing serious, but I was interrupted by Win. "S-sir I am sorry, I was careless and hit him with my car." He bowed in guilt.
P'Dome started to nag when he heard Win. "Are you serious Win? You have to drive more carefully."
"I'm okay P', this is just minor injury." I assured my older brother.
"Actually, it isn't a minor injury Bright. I am going to refer you to orthopedics."
"Is it that serious baby?" I heard my older brother worriedly inquired.
"Let us hope not, but we need further test. I think he dislocate something. Although your brother here seems not to feel anything, but his feet is badly inflamed."
"Oh okay, then are you need to push back your plan nong." I heard my brother suggested.
"No P' I need to still find the perfect location for my project." I objected.
"Do you really want to live away from me that much?" My brother faked a hurtful look.
"Ahhh P' just shut it." I smirked and he obediently stops his blabbering.
"You are looking for condo?" Win suddenly joined the conversation.
"Ahh not exactly condo, he is obsessed of having his own house." P'Pavel answered for me, he is right though I have saved for that particular project since I know that I cannot be with my P' forever. He seems to be quite serious about P'Dome too, so I am just going to take the opportunity to live separately.
I just heard the conversation between the siblings when I mindlessly blurted something stupid. "Ohh so you are leaving the condo we had ohhhh shxt." Good old stupid Win, I wanna bury myself right now.
"YOU HAD WHAT METAWIN?" P'Dome shout like angry mother hen.
"Ummmm n-nothing P', you just misheard i-it. W-what I m-mean is." Racking my brain cells for proper answer but I was interrupted by someone.
"I just invited him for a coffee P'." Damn that was wrong reason, I just want to dissipate into the air right now.
P'Dome's eyes is now wider that how his eyes widen earlier if that is even possible. P' is a kind guy but tends to baby me like a mother hen. "COFFEE? COFFEE? METAWIN DOES NOT DRINK COFFEE."
"Oh ohhh." We heard P'Pavel while sharply eying his stupid brother.
"PAVEL YOU SAID YOUR BROTHER FUCKS ANYTHING THAT MOVES, DOES THIS MEAN." P'Dome is now fuming, oh gosh where did my kind and gentle P fly to. This is not a good sign, well not for the guy who stupidly give the wrong reason.
"B-Babe please hear them out f-first." I heard P'Pavel tried to calm his wife.
Suddenly, solution come up to my mind. "P' he invited me and L-Lay because of the project he was planning. Y-You know Lay he always have this code for liquor as coffee." I tried to speak as believable as possible, I look at Bright and silently prayed for his cooperation.
"U-Uhhh y-yeah, that is right P'." Bright who is also obviously scared of P'Dome's outburst immediately agreed.
"Huh? How did you know each other?" Thankfully P'Dome seem to believe us but he still has doubts in his mind.
"I am the one who saw him faint in the rest room and we have been acquaintance since then." I answered quickly to avoid further conflict, Bright give me questioning look.
"Ohhh okay then. Are you sure you haven't fucked my nong?" P'Dome turned his attention to Bright who was still taken aback.
"N-NO P', what the hell." I answered for the stupid guy.
P'Dome look at us skeptically but thankfully his boyfriend is there to save us. I think he knows his brother well and don't want his soon-to-be-wife to murder his beloved stupid brother.
"Baby, I think you are jumping into conclusion. They explained everything now, will you relax?" He cupped his lover's face and kissed the tip of his nose.
Looking at my P's reaction, I let out a breath I am holding. Damn this is harder than fixing contracts for the company. P'Dome turned his attention towards me, and I immediately gave him an assuring smile.
I watch as my brother's wifey returned Win's smile. I shake my head, what just happen? The shy and gentle doctor suddenly turn rabid because of the guy I fucked nights ago.
Oh damn, Bright you stupid. I will surely remind myself not to blurt that word out or else it will end my handsome face.
"Oh, Bright I will just talk to a doctor in orthro to check on you." The rabid wife of my brother suddenly turns sweet upon the reassurance that I haven't devirginized his beloved nong.
"O-Okay P', thanks." I nodded and thanked him, Win and P'Pavel sat on the chair in sign of relief when the doctor is out of the room.
"Damn bro, I thought this will be your last day on earth. Hahahahaah" I heard my brother laughed crazily like how I laughed at him when he told us he likes the doctor who just walk out of the room.
"Shut up P', you need to prepare yourself. Your wife is fierce." I chuckled, turning my attention to the other guy in the room. I saw him facepalmed in relief.
P'Pavel also turn his attention to Win and give both of us scrutinizing look. "How did you hook up?"
"Uhh ughh." Win stuttered, while I interrupt.
"We ha-haven't done anything P'."
"Yeah lie to my ass. I will just follow Dome and inquire about your treatment lil bro." He responds with knowing look; he was about to walk away when he returned and smirked at me.
He pat Win's shoulder and added. "Nong never fall for this sex machine brother of mine."
"SHIT P'." I was about to throw him something when he laughed and walked.
Win and I stare at each other and look away in embarrassment.
I look at Win and asked if he was the person who saw me faint in the rest room after the mission.
"Yeah." Win respond.
"Oh thank you then meng."
"It is nothing, I just happen to be there. Anyone could have help in that situation." He shyly answered.
I just smiled at him, for a second I remember the night at the condo.
"Win, should talk we talk about that night?" I tried to open the subject.
"Ugghh NO! I m-mean no n-need. It's just one of my usual h-hook u-up and I t-think it is your usual night too." He hurriedly answered.
I look at him trying to normalize the thing that happened that night, but I know that he is lying. It is true that it is my usual activity, but for him I doubt it. He is virgin when I took him that night.
"That night is your first time Win and I know it. You freaking bleed and cry for damn's sake." I look at the guy with concern.
"B-Bright can we just forget about it, stress just got to me that night."
"Then you should have said so. Well if you wanna put it that way though. We will be friends in your P's view, so I think we need to clear that up."
"Yeah, let's just really forget about it. Uggh about the project you are talking about with your P'. Is it a house?" Win successfully changed the topic so I just go with the flow.
"Yes, I am planning on building house in more private area. Maybe not too far from the city but at least not within the city. I already have condo but I want a place to relax my mind sometimes."
"I think I can help you with that, if you don't mind?" Win offered with a genuine smile.
"Are you sure? You look like someone who doesn't have time to spare?" I eyed him in his business suit.
"Well my best friend is an architect and a damn good one. He built my home which is exactly like your dream house. And also take it as my apology for causing your injury. I'm sorry again." He shyly rubbed his neck.
"Yah it's okay. Stop apologizing already it is not like I died."
"Thank you. Uhm damn I need to go, I nearly forgot why I am here in the hospital." Win groaned.
"Okay then."
"Ugh wait, let me get your number. I have to pay for your motorcycle and the expenses."
"No need to pay for my motorcycle and expenses. It is just a scratch and for the medical expenses I think P'Pavel used it as a reason to bug the doctor." I smile assuring the guy.
"But let me get your number, for the architect friend of yours." I added and he hand me his phone.
"Ohhh okay then."
"Thanks Win, I will contact you soon."
"I'll go then, sorry for the trouble."
I waved my hand as a gesture that it was no big deal. He walked out of the room while trying to call someone. Well he looked worried maybe that is why he was speeding in the parking area earlier.
I glanced at my injured leg and lean against the wall while waiting for my brother, well that is if he will remember about me since he is with his wife.
I chuckled about my thought and just relax, maybe my injury is a sign that I need to slow down my wild life.
sorry for slow updating✌️✌️

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