Chapter 1| spying

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(Mirage's POV))

- 5 AM N.E.S.T base - Washington DC -

I strode over to the main hanger, Optimus had asked for me. I stretched myself a little, it was early in the morning and I was still a little bit sleepy. Last night, I had a patrol, some Autobots had a mission and would return today, but it meant, I had more work than usual.

Sunlight peered through the windows, making my red armor shine even more. Optimus greeted me, as I approached. "Good morning, Mirage!"
I smiled a little "Morning," I replied. "Hope you're not too tired," he said. I shook my helm "Nah... I am used to it," I said, telling only half the truth. The last few days have tired me out. "I have your first mission!" he began. Excitement built in my frame. This is my chance to finally prove myself!

I happily moved my doorwings, it was more of something that happened like a reflex. I didn't have that much control over my doorwings, as Sideswipe had. "We have located some Decepticons, we believe the dreads have a little reunion," he said. I groaned softly "Find out what they are doing, Mirage... we haven't had any Decepticon encounter the last few months, but it's been too calm," he said.

I nodded "Don't worry, Prime! I'll come back with information!" I stated, tilting my helm proudly. "I never doubt about you, Mirage... you're a very skilled spy!" he complimented me. A warm feeling spread throughout my frame making me even more excited and forgetting about the tiredness.

"I will send you the location" he added. I quickly nodded my helm and transformed, "Be careful Mirage!" he warned. I revved my engine "Don't worry Prime! I got this!" I said with much confidence. Optimus nodded "Be nice to the local citizens!" he added a bit grimly. I mentally rolled my optics. I disrespected humans, I didn't really like them, they're annoying and bothering me all the time.

They like my alt-mode though They are always taking pictures and asking me if they can take a pic with me. Femmes want me to drive them to wherever, to show-off or try to flirt with me. It would be the first time I almost drove a human over or was a bit aggressive, just like Sunstreaker, I hated humans and that's the main reason I got my own dorm--- to be far away from the humans.

Prime never approved of how I treated humans, it was the main reason why he hasn't sent me on a mission yet. I sighed softly while driving over the smooth highway. I just got the location from Optimus. I calculated the fastest route and sped up...

- 11 AM - South Carolina - Scarlet P.O.V

I glared at my parents, mostly my mom, who was talking shit again. Like I care about any of her talks. It doesn't interest me and I wanted to go out, and have some fun or what. As she turned around I sprinted towards the front door. I heard her yell and quickly slammed the door closed behind me before I sprinted over to the forest.

She wasn't gonna follow me anyway, she was so... annoying most of the time. My mom was overprotective and she treated me like a baby. I was sick of her rules and just wanted to go my own way, of course, she never lets me do something like that. I scowled while I jogged through the forest, making my way over to an old dusty road.

I doubted people even new this track existed. It led to some smaller roads through the deep, dense forest. Normally I walked this with the dogs I have back at home, two white Siberian Huskies, Shasta, and Tundra.

I took a left turn and halted, seeing a cabin with three black cars parked in the front. I new the cabin, I came there often to cool down after an argument with my parents or to plan pranks or what.

I often got myself in trouble. Not a big surprise there. I was rebellious and didn't want people to tell me what to do. I sneaked over to the window, not afraid of what I was gonna find. I knelt down behind the window and peeked inside, seeing three men sitting at an old wooden table. I saw something approaching from the distance, something fast and something red. It looked like a Ferrari to me. I moved away some more so whoever was approaching wouldn't see me.

It was getting really dark and almost hard to see.
Why didn't I even think of bringing a flashlight or even my cell phone?!
I can be so repulsive sometimes!

I heard a chorus of laughter coming from the three men.
What were they doing here anyways?
It's not like this house belonged to anyone, I knew that already after coming out here to hang out for about three years from now. This place was practically desolate.

I decided to sneak in but not through the front-- I knew of a small opening in the back of the house that I could crawl through.

I tip-toed to the back of the house, where the small hole was.
I shimmied my way through the hole, occasionally getting scratched and every now and then a splinter or two...

I hissed in pain as a large sliver of wood pierced through my finger and decided to stay there. I tried to dig it out but it broke off into my finger, now I need to dig it out with a needle.

Maybe this wasn't so smart!

Once my whole body was in the room, I dusted off my clothes, although there was no use to that; since I was about to get even dirtier but I still dusted myself off anyways.

I was in one of the bedrooms that this house contained.
The noises from conversations and laughter, that the men were making, could be heard from the other side of the door.

I slowly cracked the old wooden door open. The hinges squeaked and I almost slammed the door shut out of panic when they all looked up from what they were doing.
They seemed to shrug it off and go back to what they were doing.

I felt like a weight was lifted off of my body, as I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Once I settled down, I returned to investigating the room.I saw mysterious objects, as well as a blueprint spread across the table.
The men were conversing about something, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.
It didn't sound like they spoke English--it didn't even sound like a language I know.
It sounded foreign, like out of this world, foreign-- if that makes sense.

I tried straining my ears but I still couldn't hear them. Whatever they were doing I should probably get the police involved! I have been here long enough to figure out that whatever they are doing is illegal!

I backed away from the door when I heard a familiar name being said.
It sounded like they said my name!

"Scarlet..." I heard faintly again.

Or maybe I should stick around to see what they are saying about me if they were even talking about me...

I decided to tiptoe back to the door and look through it. My cheek was smashed against the door frame, as one eye was peeking through the small crack of the door.

I couldn't quite see what they were doing now and it was getting on my nerves.
Maybe opening it just a tad more wouldn't hurt---

The sound of hinges creaking and wood snapping e hood throughout the small wooden house.
The door had fallen off of its hinges and was now lying on the floor, as dust and powder fell from the frame and door.

The three men eyed me with such hate and disgust that for the first time in my life-- I was afraid I wasn't going to see another day.

They all stood up, while pushing their chairs away.
Two of the chairs fell to the floor, while one stayed upright.

At least one of the men has some class to him..

They all three approached me with sly smirks and devious looks.
Their dispositions were ugly!
They seemed soulless and had regard for anything living.
They all looked alike too! They all had dark black hair, black shirts, were well built, and they each of them had a pair of creepy blackish-red eyes. Their eyes were murderous and seemed like something you see in a horror film, cold and lifeless. The only difference between the three was size: one was short-- compared to the other two. He was taller than me, who is 5'10" but shorter than the other two men, one of them was in between about 6 foot even, and the other looked to be 6'2".

It scared me-- I am not going to lie.
I was petrified even.
I saw one of them had a pistol and was loading it.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The middle one asked in a creepy, lifeless tone.
His voice was scratchy and sounded hoarse.
I felt shivers tingle down my spine just from hearing him talk.
The others laughed--- have no idea why because I wasn't finding this situation funny at all.

"Shall we take this insect to Lord Megatron?" One of the three 'stooges' which is the mental name I have given the trio, asked while looking up to the tallest one.
The tallest one, whom I presume is the leader of the three, rolled his eyes.

"Like Lord Megatron would use this useless piece of junk for anything! We should terminate it before it gets out and tells the other pestilence on this Primus forsaken planet." He scoffed.
I was confused with most of the things they were talking about.

What is a Megatron or a Primus?

The one holding the gun nodded his head in understanding and raised it up to fire at me.
I felt my muscles tighten and my heart began to pound hard against my chest.
I couldn't even bear to look at him, while he pulled the trigger.

The sound of a gun being shot never came though.
Instead what I heard was grunts and groans of pain.
I opened an eye curiously, to see the back of a young man facing me. He was standing protectively in a battle stance, right in front of me! He had two black swords in his hands.
I saw he was tense and seemed angry, raged even.

One of the men fought with him as the other two loaded up all of the stuff they were looking at earlier, then they scurried out of the house.
The last stooge left, was able to shove down the younger guy, that had saved me.
He kneed him one good time in the stomach, before making his escape out of the front door.

The young man clutched his stomach while groaning in pain.
Once I overcame my state of shock I quickly knelt down by his side, to see if he was alright.

I know he was in a lot of pain and all and I shouldn't have been thinking about anything but his safety-- at that moment-- but I couldn't help but notice how hot this guy was!
He had dark hair that was somewhat spiked, a tight fit red shirt, that showed his firm, toned, eight-pack stomach and
his eyes made my heart sore.
They were an azuring blue that had an effect on me the minute I made eye contact with him.

I was in a trance for I don't know how long. It was like I was mesmerized by his hair and the idea of running my fingers through that luxurious dark hair was so tempting-- that is until he stopped groaning in pain and sat up so fast, I thought he would get whiplash.

"You idiotic human!" He spat, as he punched the floor in anger.
I flinched in surprise and backed away from him.

He was twitching in anger, as he stood up. His tall frame immediately towered over me and I felt like a chihuahua compared to this dude.

"Do you know what you just cost me?!" He asked in a shout.
I couldn't answer it was like my mouth wouldn't open. I wanted so badly to snap at him but what could I say? I didn't know what he was talking about.

What 'work' was he yelling about?

"Three months of non-stop research then my first mission to find them has all been wasted!" He moaned to himself, as he buried his hands in his face.

"AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" He hissed, snapping his head up at me.

I gasped and pointed to myself, as if to conclude I was the one he was talking about... even though I was the only person in the room, besides him of course.

"If it weren't for you I could've caught them!" He growled, as he stomped over to me and jutted his pointer finger into my chest. He starred at me with a look of pure hatred.

His eyes went from an azure blue to a crimson red in seconds.. which isn't weird at all...

Okay, he's gone too far!

"Them getting away was not my fault! Besides what are you an undercover cop or something?" I asked angrily.

"I am a spy!"

"A spy?"

He nodded his head to answer my question.
"Yes, what did I just tell you? What do you want me to spell it out as well?
S-p-y, spī." He said spelling the word out then sounding it out like I was a toddler learning how to say my first words.

This added fuel to the fire that was burning deep within me.
A fire that was about to get out of control if I couldn't tame it soon--

"Well Mr. S-P-Y so glad you can spell by the way! Congratulations!
Since it has taken you a total of three months to find these guys and me a total of twenty minutes, which is saying something there--- and another thing... what type of spy tells people he's a spy?!" I shouted outrageously.

My voice echoed through the house and bounced off the walls. My eardrums rang for a little bit, from me shouting so loud.
I shook my head a little then glared back up at him, but he was already glaring back.

"FYI I haven't been searching for them for three months. I have just been doing research on this case for three months! Today was my first day spying on them, as for telling people I am a spy-- I don't.
You asked, and I am not going to lie. Besides if you would have figured out later that I was a spy and lied to you, you would judge me for lying, so I already know that no matter what I say, you will always behave like a child and call me out for something else!" He spat furiously.

I felt my eyes twitching I was so angry.
He just did two things I hated..

1. He yelled at me, which makes me feel like a kid.

2. He called me a kid, which is a big no, no!

I glared at him harshly, before my actions acted before words.

I slapped him across his cheek so hard the sound echoed in the room.
He held his cheek while grinding his teeth together.

He turned around and began pacing before he faced me again.

"I am taking you home and am having a word with your parents." He stated, sounding so much older than me.

I mean he looks like he is older than me but not by that much. I am seventeen and he looks to be about twenty to twenty-twoish at the most-- maybe..

This made me angry not only has he insulted me for being a kid, to my face, but he is also demanding me to get in his car so he can take me home and talk to my parents.
I do not want my parents to find out about this and also I do not want him to tell on me and have me punished, which is what he wants! I am sure of that!

I crossed my arms across my chest while standing up to my full height.


He huffed before picking me up and carrying me out of the door.
I squirmed and kicked at him, while screaming and shouting, at the top of my lungs, for him to--

"Let me go!"

"No! Quit acting like an infant and get in the car!" He hissed.

"No!" I screeched, as I grabbed onto a porch rail.
He tugged on me while I clutched onto the railing with all my strength.

"You will not get me in that car!"

"Yes, I will!" He shouted back impatiently before he jerked me back so hard that my hands scraped across the wood, causing them to be gashed open.

I whimpered, as I looked down at poor bloody hands.
They were soft and beautiful at one point, and now they are not! All thanks to Mr. S-P-Y, here!

He forced me into the passenger seat then strapped me in.
I crossed my arms above my chest and huffed, as we pulled out of the woods and onto a road.

"Where do you live?" He asked.
I ignored him and starred out of the window.
He sighed before speaking again.
"Either we can get you home or we can drive around and argue all night! Either way, I am not letting you out of my alt--... I mean car!" He growled.

I rolled my eyes again before giving him my address.

Now I have to face my parents and be ratted out by some spy, that treats me like a child.

I have permanently made up my mind that I absolutely, positively abhor this man!

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