Chapter 4 | First day at work

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

I woke up - on the floor of the brig!!!
I sprang to my feet so fast, I was surprised I didn't get whiplash, the door was opened by Ironhide who was standing there. Without saying anything else, I stormed over to Mirage's room.
Dino was sleeping peacefully on the bed, all curled up in the blankets .
I grabbed the first thing that I figured would cause him pain.

A lamp.

I smashed the lamp as hard as I could against his head. Glass shattered in a million pieces all over him and the bed.
The lamp shade had also ripped, a huge hole now visible from the impact.

He whimpered, a hand flying immediately to his bleeding forehead.
What was weird was his blood wasn't red.

I screeched and smashed the lamp against him again, making him gasp and groan.

"Quit that! Dangit!" He snapped.
He closed his eyes, as he held his head, still groaning in pain.

"Y- Your blood is green and blue! Your like diseased!" I screeched. I snatched my shoe off and began beating him again.
I tried to keep my distance in case the disease was airborne.

I grabbed an extra shirt out of my bag and wrapped it around my face using it as a mask.
He stood up and began to change his clothes.

"Well aren't you just peachy!" He commented.
I just wanted to get this trip over with and leave this stupid base as fast as I could.

Mirage opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could I spun around and punched his jaw with such force that it knocked him off his feet.

He jumped back up to his feet and gasped at the strange colored blood that was oozing out of his jaw.

"My energon!" He squealed like a little tit baby.

I didn't even know what energon was and at the moment I didn't care.
Stashing the rest of the clothes in my bag, I slung it over my shoulder then left the room, without saying anything else to the jerk faced freak!

He had caught up with me some time soon enough. I felt his hand grab my shoulder then spin me around.

"Don't you ever punch me again!" He hissed. He dug his rotten little finger nails into my skin, piercing it.

I shrieked, kicking and punching at him until the freak show let go of me.
"Your so freaking stupid!" I shouted. I kicked him in between his legs making him fall to the ground in agony and groan loudly in pain.

I sprinted out of the room, pissed off he locked me up in a cell and pissed off he even touched me. How dare he! I was so pissed off I bumped straight into some soldiers, that pushed me on the floor with a lot of force. I groaned in pain. As my senses got back, I jumped back on my feet in rage, I was already pissed off and this wasn't making anything better.

"Watch it!" I shouted furiously. The soldier hovered over me with a challenging look in his eyes. "Or what?!" He mocked. Just like I did with Dino, I punched his jaw with all the force I had, but I wasn't that Lucky and got hit pretty bad before I was thrown against the wall. I groaned and looked up them, feeling my blood boil with hate and anger. I was already in a terrible mood, and they weren't helping. "get out of my damn way!" I shouted.

He was about to say something before Mirage interupted us. "Leave her alone!" he snapped, giving them a push backward. "Oh piss off!" He sneered before he left. "You see! No one is happy to see you mister S-P-Y!" I sneered. Mirage glared at me "Get up!" he snapped. "No!" I snapped, crossing my arms. "Uh yeah! You have work to do!" he snapped. "I refuse to work for a stupid idiot like you!" I snarled. He started to count and scowled something under his breath before he crossed his arms and tapped angrily with his foot on the ground. "I give you...three seconds to get up!" he warned. "Or what! Gonna kill me!" I challenged with a snappy tone. "get up!"

"don't make me say three!" He growled. "You just said three!" I barked. Without saying anything else, he grabbed me threw me over his shoulder. "Let me go! you spoiled brat!" I screamed, trying to kick and hit him. "No!" he growled, holding me tighter in response. He threw me on the floor as he entered a room and I grabbed a gun aiming it on him. "You don't even know how to use it!" he mocked, crossing his arms. "I do!" I snapped, pulling the trigger bit nothing happened. "You forgot to load it... and it's empty!" Mirage mocked.

I threw it aside and glared at him "Look! You can do two things, fight me and make a hell for yourself, or just do as I tell you to do!" he snapped, glaring at me. "I don't wanna work for a jackass like you!" I snapped. He took a deep breath "You hit me with a lamp this morning!" he almost shouted. "Yeah and you locked me up in a cell!" I screamed at him. We glared at each other before I tried to hit me, but he didn't let me and threw me on the floor. I growled and kicked him, he lunged for him and we rolled over the floor, punching each other.


We both froze and looked at Ironhide and he stormed in, grabbbing Mirage's hair and mine. We both protested as he dragged us with him. "This day one! And you two are already fighting each other!" he hissed, throwing us in a room. "Work it out or you two wil not leave this damn room!" he shouted, slamming the door closed. "Happy!" I screamed. "ME!!" he screamed, giving me a push. "This is all because of you!" he snapped. I grabbed a cup off of the table and and threw it at his head when he wasn't looking. He collapsed on the floor unconsious while I stepped over his body. "Open the damn door Ironhide!" I shouted angrily, but there was no response on the other side. I angrily paced around and grumpily flopped on the only chair in this room and threw my legs on the table. This gonna be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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