How we met

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Finally first day of school when Yuma over slept 2 minutes late so his sister Kari went to wake Yuma up "YUMA YOUR LATE TO YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Yuma woke up, rushes to get dressed and everything running late "Oh man I'm gonna be late for class!" Yuma run's as fast as he can but on the way bronk was riding his skateboard looked like he was late as well. "BRONK LET'S RACE TO SCHOOL!" Bronk turned around and saw Yuma running "Hey Yuma, sure let's go. Whoever be the last will be a rotten egg!" Bronk speeds fast with his skateboard while Yuma was trying to catch up.

Meanwhile they got to school just in time "Finally we are here!" Yuma says out of breath looking at new people in school but while Yuma was looking at people with his happy face he saw a purple haired boy staring at Yuma with curiosity. "Hello!" Yuma smiled and waved at that purple haird boy but he looked away and walked off. "Woah ok" bell rang and Yuma tried to find his class and found it "I believe  this is my class?" Yuma's teacher looked at Yuma and says "Everyone we have a new student joining us, Come here" He reaches his arm to Yuma. Yuma went to his teacher "So why don't we introduce Im Mr.Key your teacher and you must be?" Yuma looked at Mr.Key and says "Yuma tsukamo sir" he said with his smile "Nice to meet you Yuma, there's a seat to Tori" Mr.key points at Tori. Yuma goes to sit next to Tori "Hey im Tori Meadows nice to meet you Yuma" She says with a sweet smile, "Nice to meet you too Tori" he smiles as well while Mr.Key was teaching the class about practicing spells and trap cards.

2 hours later the bell rang so it was their 15 minutes of break, when Yuma was trying to duel with someone ones again he saw the purple boy staring at Yuma "Ummm can i help you?" the purple boy frozed "umm no" he said with his cold tone and says "Get lost you fry, you don't belong in this school. YOU BELONG IN TRASH CAN HAHAHAHAHA" This made Yuma upset and runs away crying in the corner so no one would see him but Tori saw him and asks Yuma "Yuma are you ok? What happened?" Tori went closer to Yuma and hugs him tight. Yuma explain's what happened and Tori was worried "Don't worry Yuma i will find him and make sure he won't do it again ok?" Yuma nods while the bell rang so everyone went to class.

After 2 hours Yuma and Tori went to the rooftop of school, Tori introduced her friends to Yuma. Cathy, Caswell, Flip and of course Bronk and Yuma know each other since childhood, they accepted Yuma right away and started to talk. They all were curious and interested suddenly the purple guy showed up "huh what's he doing here?" He said with a cold tone, Yuma frozed and started to shake Yuma shakes Tori's arm and whispers "That's him" He started to tear up. Tori got mad and asks "Guys could you excuse me for a moment? I need to talk to Shark" Cathy and the others excused Tori and started to cheer Yuma up while he was trembling.
Shark asks "Why do you wanna ta-" Tori interrupts him "Why in the hell would you say nasty things to Yuma!? On his first day of school!? Are you insane? Just because you don't like this new kid it doesn't mean you have to bully him. This was the last strike you made shark" Shark laughed and says "What are you gonna do about it 'princess' duel me?" Tori got even mad "YOU GUESSED RIGHT KASTLE!" Shark couldn't help but laugh evily "You lose you gotta give me your deck and if you win i leave him alone deal?" Tori couldn't help but to agree, they activate their duel disks and begin to duel. Couple minutes later Tori won "I won shark now you will leave Yuma alone" shark got up taking his duel gazer off "You dueled cool this time. But next time I'll beat you" he says with sad cold mix tone and walks away. Tori goes back to her friends and sits next to Yuma hugging him "It's all sorted, no need to be afraid now" Yuma smiled and hugged Tori back "Thanks Tori" the bell rang and everyone packed they lunchboxes and went to class.

Hi my beautiful kittens i hope you liked the first chapter. Cya soon💖💖👋

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