Curiouser and curiouser.. 

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Brittany stared at her through the glass.
She had been observing the woman for minutes now, her hands and nose pressed to the glass. The woman hadn't looked up. Not once.

There she stood in front of the cell, clad in red louboutins, dark slacks, and her signature white lab coat. She knew that she should be getting to work, she had so many papers to file for her newest patient, but this patient was just so enticing. Brittany licked her lips.

On Monday when they had dragged the woman through the door-with the help of 4 orderlies-she had looked wild. Her hair had been messy, a cut marred her face, blood running down as well as mascara in rivulets from a combination of sweat and the downpour of rain. The blonde remembers the smudge red lipstick distinctly The crazed woman had her pearly whites bared in a malicious grin and maniacal laughter floated from her wide open mouth.

The dark woman had looked fucking demonic and Brittany wasn't able to keep her eyes away.

Brittany had stared at Santana as she was dragged in the doors, past her and down the long dark hallway of the asylum leading to a free cell. The woman had laughed the whole way, mocking the orderlies, the doctors, the nurses, and the asylum itself.

Even when she was gone, Brittany had still stared at the place where she had seen her last before they the corner. Quinn, another doctor, had asked her if she needed a drink of water or to lie down. It had been her first encounter with the madwoman known as Snix and Quinn told her that Snix could be very intense.

Brittany had shaken her head and proclaimed that she was fine and that fear of said madwoman had nothing to do with her staring. She had then stalked off to her office to finish up paper work for the night, leaving Quinn speechless.

It was now Wednesday.

And Brittany was staring again.

The woman now looked almost...normal. Except for the bright orange jumpsuit, of course. Her hair was no longer matted and messy, but now fell in glossy, dark waves. The brunettes face was free of blood and the only blemish on her beautiful face was those gruesome scars. But now that Brittany stared at them, they weren't so gruesome.

She titled her head slightly to the right and observed the woman's broad shoulders and chest. She was leanly built. Brittany could tell now that she was out of her bulgy, too-large black coat she'd come in with. The blonde wished that the woman wasn't sitting cross-legged. She wanted to see those long legs stretched out.

Tan hands were folded in her lap. Well, as folded as they could get do to the handcuffs on her wrists. Brittany had wondered why the brunette hadn't been put into a straightjacket. But thank goodness they hadn't, or else she wouldn't have been able to observe her as thoroughly.

She wanted to see the woman's eyes now that none of that dark hair covered them. She wondered what colour her irises held. She also longed to see her smile. The blonde wondered if it hurt her scars when she smiled.

Only if the woman would look at her.

She knew that the brunette knew she was there. The woman was highly intelligent, tests proved that. The dark woman wasn't stupid; she just chose to ignore her.

Brittany waited a few more minutes before sighing. She could always come back. And she had put in a request as her psychiatrist.

She was qualified and able to be her doctor and she had already proven that she was very good at her job. Brittany Pierce was well respected at Lima Asylum.

If only because of how good she was at her job.

She was thought to be strange, distant, and devious; described also as beautiful, charming, and cunning. The other doctors were jealous of her beauty and intelligence.

She was also well liked by the patients of the asylum; no one could understand why. They thought it might be the way she talked to them, treating them as humans and as everyday citizens. Acting like they hadn't committed homicide, or that they hadn't eaten numerous people. Maybe it was because she could possibly do those things as well, being as strange as she was.

Brittany began to step away from the glass. She had begun to turn around, when the woman finally spoke.

"Why do you stare at me?" Her object of observation crooned. The brunette raised her head up slowly to look at Brittany as she asked the question

The blondes breath caught in her throat and she slowly turned back to face the glass. She took a deep breath before she looked up, her blue eyes finally meeting dark brown ones.

A tongue swiped across full lips as she asked again, "Is it the scars?" Santana dipped her head and glanced at the blonde skeptically.

Before she could begin her story, Brittany answered her. "No, not at all. I find them to be a most attractive feature...actually," She said in a whisper. Her voice was calm and level. There wasn't a trace of fear or alarm.

The dark woman raised a brow at her and frowned. "Are you...making fun of me?" Her voice had dropped an octave. "Miss Pierce?"

Brittany opened her mouth slightly and furrowed her brows in confusion. Her head dipped slightly to the left and she replied, "No...I meant what I said. Why would I be making fun of you?"

Santana released a low chuckle. "Because most people do, doll." She leaned her head back onto the wall and her dark eyes found the ceiling.

Brittany shifted her feet and leaned her head to the right. She stopped studying Santana's exposed throat and looked back at her face as she spoke, "Now beautiful, why is it that whenever I'm in somewhat close proximity with stare?" Santana whipped her head forward so quickly Brittany thought she might have whiplash. Dark eyes stared into blue again. "And answer me darling... because I don't like to be ignored." The brunette set her face into a frown and glared at the blonde.

Brittany still had that puzzled look on her face as she answered the woman, "Because Miss. Lopez, you're extremely fascinating and I enjoy looking at you.."

Mouth falling opened slightly, dark eyebrows shot up the latina's forehead. "You're kidding, right?" Santana chuckled a little at her boldness.

"Not at all, Miss Lopez," Brittany stated simply.
She then turned and skipped away down the hall, leaving her baffled and confused.

For awhile Santana sat there contemplating their encounter.

The woman she had just met was rather odd. Miss Brittany Pierce was one strange woman.
But she was also fascinated by her.

Very much so.


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