ch 2; One last chance

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( Why are you standing outside Peter's apartment without covering the face?-... You know it's not Halloween yet?)
[Hahahaha-... Wade is going to give him a heart attack the moment he sees his ugly face]

Funny guys

Wade's lips curled into a pout. It still sucks getting laughed at, 'Cause of his ugly look...
And always getting reminded of that-... It's painful.
"... No they aren't!" He protests a while later where he scoffs. Standing by the door to Peter's apartment.
Today he was dressed in black, ripped pants and a cherry red t-shirt. Which means-... Not only is his face exposed, but even the arms are naked for the eye.
The man feels very uncomfortable by that-... A slightly anxious to be seen with the burn marks.
Maybe he should had least wore a long sleeved sweeter?... At least then the arms would be covered.
And perhaps he should even had chosen a hoodie where he could partly cover the face by having the hood up.
Fuck-... Why didn't he do that?!... At least then, he would feel a little more comfortable in his own skin.
Hopefully the night sky would cover part of his looks...

Wade remember how everything started when he had cancer, and his then current girlfriend wanted to find a cure for that.
They found a shady place where the workers there, miraculously cured everything. Even incurable diseases as the kind of cancer Wade was suffering from.
So-... He contacted them since he was dreaming of a life where he could get married and having his own little family.
But-... Maybe he shouldn't had done that... Perhaps he should had let the cancer fulfill its purpose and kill him?!
Since-... His life ended at that moment when he entered that building.

It turned out, a guy whose name was Francis. An asshole. Was trying to create an army with mutants.
They injected something in Wade's body whose fluid would turn him into a mutant.
The problem?-... The mutant gene could only get kicked in the moment Wade's heart was racing from either fear or panic. Or both.
And since Wade didn't had any fear, he had to endure the worst kind of torture.
At first they tried simple things as kicking at him... Which didn't worked at all.
Then they also tried pushing his head under the water surface where he almost got drowned several times.  But that didn't worked either. Instead he laughed at them, bragging nothing could make his heart to race due fear or from panic.

At least not until the most awful torture he has ever endured, happened.
Or fine-... Being in a container where the air could disappear one moment, and then coming back again, wasn't that bad.
It was a pain in the ass-... But, he wasn't even bothered by the torture.

Wade was in that container in many hours-... Maybe even for days.
It was actually hard to keep track of time when he was so focused on breathing air when he had the chance.
Even Francis seemed frustrated over the bad result from the last days of torture on Wade. There nothing seemed working to start the mutant gene.

But something suddenly happened... Maybe it was due the cancer in his body combining with losing air here and there during a longer time...
'Cause his body started reacting from the torture.
Burn marks started appearing on the body as hell fire where the whole body was covered in those ugly scars.
Even the beautiful blonde strands of hair on his head fell.
And when he saw the bald, ugly guy with burn marks in the reflection at the glass on the container, his heartbeats increased in speed from the awful sight.
It was like a nightmare.
He was an ugly monster-... Something you shouldn't let out in the light where others could see the abomination... And he doesn't even deserve having a girlfriend. Least a good-looking one.

So-... Due the sight of his new face, caused the mutant gene to kick in. Giving him a new curse. There he couldn't die.... So... Not only is he ugly ... He must also stay alive to endure that nightmare forever.

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