ch 12; kidnapped again

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Peter's pov;

It's some days after that day there Eddie showed up.
Peter is sitting on the bed, examining the two handcuffs he has tied around his wrists.
Nowadays, he has become used to them. But, he sees no point in them.
He understands Wade doesn't want to take the risk that Peter runs away.
But... Peter won't run away.
He actually likes how things are, except some few details.
One of the few details he wants to change is; erasing Eddie from Wade and his life.
He isn't sure if he feels that way be course; he is afraid of Eddie or be course of jealousy. Or both.
But he knows... Eddie cannot be trusted.
  He hears the front door opens.
Peter opens his mouth to greet Wade welcome home.
But his spider sense starts tingling as crazy.
Something is wrong.
An intruder?
Peter keeps silent and tries not doing any sound.
Since he is tied up, he cannot defend himself.
He jolts when he sees the intruder pull down the door handle to the bedroom there Peter is.
But the door is closed and cannot get opened.
The person behind that door sighs and stop pulling the door handle.
Peter's heart starts pounding faster and he freezes.
Where are Wade? Can't he comes back home soon?
Weird sounds appears as the person tried to pick the lock to the door.
Suddenly a click appears as the door got unlocked.
Peter wides his eyes when the door opens.
Then he inhales sharply of the sight of Eddie walking into the bedroom with a grin.
Eddie's grin spreads wider when he sees Peter's pale face.
"Hello Pete...missed me?"
Peter starts stammering.
"W-what....a-are here?"
His spider sense keeps warning him for Eddie.
Eddie starts walking against him.     Which make Peter's head starts spinning around and make him nauseous.
"I'm here to get what's mine..." Eddie explains.
"Yours?" Peter asks and starts breathing heavily and faster.
Eddie crawls up to the bed against Peter.
"Yes... your are mine..."
Peter shakes his head.
"No I am not!" Peter shouts and tries kicking away Eddie from him.
Eddie grunts and tries dodge Peter's kicks. Some of the kicks hits him and make him to gasp.
"Stop Petey! You are making it harder for yourself... accept your destiny" Eddie tells him and grabs Peter's legs and tries making him to stop kicking.
He pulls Peter's legs and make him to lay down onto the bed.
Peter starts tearing up and furrows his eyebrows.
"Aren't you dating Wade?! You will harm him if you are doing this ...I will tell him what you did to me" Peter threats Eddie and does his best to look into Eddie's eyes and sound determined.
Eddie starts chuckling coldly.
"Oh... I like Wade... but... he has no right to keep you to himself... You are mine... you have always been mine" Eddie starts telling him.
Peter shakes his head.
"No! I'm not yours... I have never been and won't ever be..."
Eddie laughs.
"And..." he starts saying and make Peter to tilt his head curiously.
Eddie grins and is eyeing the young man who lays down onto the bed.
"And... you won't get your chance to Blab to wade about this"
Peter raises a brow.
"What are you..." he starts asking and stops himself when he sees Eddie taking away one hand of his legs, and starts searching after something into the pocket of his browns leather jacket.
Peter gasps shocked when he sees Eddie taking up a needle from the pocket.
"What..." he exhales and sees Eddie pulling off the cork from the needle and then moving the needle against Peter.
His spider-sense is shouting loudly and make his body to stiffen.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Peter screams and tries kicking away Eddie who isn't stopping his movements against Peter.
"WAAADEEE...."Peter screams before the needle sinks into his stomach and let out its fluid into him.
Peter clears his throat and gasps.
He feels how his muscles stops working and make him limp.
Tears starts running angrily and sadly down on his cheeks. Wetting the pillow below his head.
Eddie starts picking the handcuffs, unlocking them.
Peter notices how he after a while lift up into the air.
Eddie holds him in bridal style and walks out from the house, going somewhere else.

  Peter gets putted down onto another bed.
Since his body isn't working anymore, his eyes starts darting around. Trying to see where he is.
This isn't the same apartment Eddie had before. This is another place.
He feels how his pants starts pulling down.
Peter opens his mouth and tries saying something. But his tongue isn't working and he can't say anything.
His pants pulls down to his ankles.
Eddie snickers.
Peter is looking asking at Eddie and understands what he is staring at.
A deep blush starts appearing on Peter's cheeks.
He makes an attempt to sit up and pull up his pants.
But he cannot.
His body won't moving how much he tries to do.
With a smirk Eddie takes off Peter's diaper. Then the last part of his pants.
Then he unzips his own pants and take up his hard dick.
Peter starts making grunting sounds an is twisting a little in the bed, unable to move or talk more than that.
Eddie starts shushing while he bends Peter's legs against his chest.
"There is no point Petey... the drug still works inside of you..." Eddie grins and tries leading his cock with his hips.
Peter gasps when he feels the tip of Eddie's dick, going into his butt.
Then without drag on, Eddie makes a last push and let his whole dick into Peter.
Peter makes a gasping scream.
Eddie moans snickering and let's go off Peter's legs.
Then he leans against Peter and starts moving his hips forward and backwards, trying to find a rhythm.
Peter closes his eyes, feeling disgusted of Eddie's breathing touching his face.
The feeling of pressure from being banged, there Eddie's dick going in and out into his tight butthole, make him nauseous.
Peter starts wishing this is a bad dream. A nightmare he will soon wake up from.
  One of the scary things about Eddie is; Peter doesn't know what will happen next.
He is pretty sure Wade wouldn't kill him. But... he isn't sure about it, when it comes to Eddie.
Eddie is a different kind of psycho than what Wade is.
And Eddie scares him. Which Wade doesn't.
  Eddie keeps pushing his dick deep into Peter. Speeding up his thrusting there he penetrate Peter's inner.
Peter's back starts paining of the violence.
Each moaning sound from Eddie is disgusting Peter and make him to wish he was deaf.
Peter feels as a cheap whore.
A toy everyone use as they please.
Hopefully he won't get broken and throw into the bin. Not being wanted anymore. Not being worth a shit.
Suddenly he feels the unpleasant feeling of being filled with sperm.
Eddie groans shaky against his throat, while he is shooting sperm.
Peter makes a small crying sound and furrow his eyebrows.
He feels dirty.
Eddie takes out his tired cock.
Peter makes a sound as he was about to puke. But isn't.
Eddie sits up and zips his pants.
"Why didn't I thought about this earlier?... Wade isn't dumb... this is brilliant "
Eddie is eyeing Peter whose tears starts falling down from his closed eyes.
"Now you are only mine... my precious toy"

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