Part three

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Feeling a bit nervous, Wade is unlocking the lock to the basement there Peter is.
Then he starts walking downstairs with Eddie close by. Only few steps behind.
Eddie is looking curiously around with his gaze, in the dark basement.
Wade walks against Peter who seems taking a deep sigh.
Immediately Wade takes off the gag ball from Peter.
"Finally!... where have you been?.." Peter asks and seems hurted by being dumped that long.
Wade shrugs.
"I have been busy..." he explains while Eddie appears with a smirk.
Peter jolts and inhales sharply.
"What...." Peter starts asking.
Eddie chuckles and walks closer to the tied up young man.
"Well well... what do we have here?Hm? Isn't this our beloved Pete? The amazing spider-man?" Eddie teases and grabs Peter's sweater and pull him against him.
Peter clears his throat nervously and his gaze has a hard time to stay in same spot.
"W-what..." Peter starts stammers and is still afraid of Eddie even if he hasn't the symbiot anymore.
[Wouldn't it be awesome if these two starts having sex with each others?]
Wade gulps.
(Why just enjoying by watching them, when he can join?)
Wade starts blushing and shushing his boxes.
(Don't you dare to shush me)
Wade sighs and rolls his eyes.
Peter tries turning his head away from the frightening man.
"Why are you here?" He whispers.
Eddie is eyeing him, still holding his sweater.
"My date told me you were here. And I wanted to visit my old friend"
Peter gasps and is looking over Eddie's shoulder against Wade.
He gives Wade a hurted face.
"Are you two dating?" Peter asks and is looking from Wade to Eddie.
Eddie nods.
"Yes we do"
Peter furrows his eyebrows and open his mouth to say something but regrets it and close his mouth.
If he could be as he was before, he would asked them if they have'd  met up on a meeting with villains.
But he doesn't dare to ask, since there is a risk Wade will punishment him for bad behaviour.
And he doesn't dare to take the risk that, Eddie will join the punishment too.
"You seems speechless for the first time ever" Eddie points out.
Wade grins and walks against Peter and Eddie.
"Daddy thought you needed a father who can make sure you will behave " wade comments and make Peter to blush while Eddie raises a brow against Wade.
Then Eddie smirks.
"Yes! You have right Wade... a naughty boy as Petey here, needs a father who will teach him some manners" Eddie says and stares coldly at Peter who tries his best to look away from Eddie.
"Pete, have you something to apologise?" Eddie asks.
Peter shakes his head.
"I-I...have no idea ..." Peter starts saying.
Wade snaps with his fingers to get Peter's attention.
Peter is looking confused at him.
Wade nods against the side there Eddie stands.
"Look at Eddie when you speak"
Peter furrows his eyebrows and swallow sharply.
Then with red face he is looking nervously against Eddie.
"What do I have to apologise for?"
Eddie sighs and tighten his grip of Peter's sweater.
"Everything you have done to me... you have destroyed my life"
Peter raises a brow and is looking as he is thinking hard, if he has done anything wrong against Eddie.
Then he jolts.
"Oh... ehm... I...I am S-sorry that... I webbed you upside down and teased you... that was pointless and mean of me to do...sorry" Peter apologies and drops his gaze.
Eddie is looking curiously at him as he was waiting for something more. And when it isn't showing up, he pulls Peter up closer to his face, and stares frustrated at him.
"And? Are you sorry that you got me fired?!"
[But wasn't that Eddie's own fault?]
The corners of Wade's lips are curling up and he does his best to avoid snickering.
He curses his box in his mind for remembering him the situation at Eddie's place, there venom told him the true story.
Wade doesn't want to piss Eddie by being irresponsible.
Peter tilts his head confused.
"When did I got you fired?"
Eddie drops the grip of Peter and points against him with his index finger.
"When you..."Eddie starts explaining and sees the small grin appearing on Peter's face.
Eddie snorts and hits Peter's face with his fist.
Wade jolts while Peter grunts of pain.
"Don't you dare to make me look like a fool again" Eddie barks.
Peter makes a grimace of suffering and wishes he could answering sassy.
But even without the symbiot, Eddie's punches hurts.
Wade grabs Eddie's shoulder and make Eddie turns his attention against Wade.
Eddie is both looking frustrated and asking.
Wade puts his mouth close to Eddie's ear.
"What about release some steam and punitive fuck him at my place?" Wade suggests whispering.
(Hahaha what the fuck!? You liked our idea?!)
Eddie raises his eyebrows and take a step backward. Looking confused.
Then Eddie is looking asking at Peter and later at Wade.
Peter gives them a distrustful look.
"Wade..." Peter says with a low begging voice.
Eddie gives Peter a look and shrugs.
"Okay..." he says and nods against Wade.
"Let's do it..." he adds.
Wade grins and starts unlocking the handcuffs from Peter's wrists.
Peter starts breathing heavily and seems stressed and completely confused.
"What's going on?" Peter wants to know.
"You are going home to me..." wade explains and grabs Peter's arm and starts pulling him against the stairs who leads them to the door.
Peter is both looking forward to get home to Wade, and a bit nervous.
He gives Eddie some asking glances.
"Just you and me?" Peter asks.
Wade snorts and pull him harder in his arm.
"Don't be rude baby boy... you must be nice to our visitor"
Peter inhales and exhales sharply.

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