part two

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Eddie leans closer against Wade with a smirk on his face.
"Hm?... what did I missed?" He asks again, now with his face close by to Wade's face.
Wade's heart starts racing.
Both of excitement of having Eddie that close by. And by panic of being probably revealed.
How would Eddie react if he knows Wade has kidnapped the man Eddie hates??!

Try him and tell him about Peter...

Wade swallow sharply.
"Ehm... you didn't missed that much... I got free beer and my friend here, teased me for being on a date for the first time in long time " Wade tells Eddie who raises a brow.
Suddenly it hits Wade, what he had just said. He jolts.
"Oh... no! It's not like this is a date or something " Wade tries rescue himself and starts blushing.
(How pathetic...just shut up before you have'd said something too embarrassing)
Eddie starts snickering while the bartender starts cleaning a glass with a towel.
"'s not a date huh?" Eddie asks and leans away from Wade and takes away his arm from his shoulders.
Wade starts shaking his head.
"I-I...Didn't meant that...ehm..."
Eddie grins.
"Don't worry, handsome" Eddie interrups and make Wade to drop his jaw.
[Wait!?...did I actually heard right?]
(...did Eddie called Wade handsome?...he must have'd joked or I'm deaf)
Eddie grins widely.
"You are allowed to see this as a date... I do it anyway" he adds.
Wade starts feeling dizzy. He isn't sure if he is feeling dizzy of happiness or of arousal. Or both.
The bartender smiles against them and clear his throat.
Eddie is looking asking at him.
"Do you want a beer too? Or something more strong?... It's on the house"
Eddie nods and shift his body against the desk with one arm on it.
"A strong beer would taste good..thanks ehm..."
The blond bartender smiles and starts filling the glass he just cleaned, with beer.
Eddie is looking asking at him.
"Ah..thanks, you are a friend of Wade?"
The blond bartender nods and places the filled glass in front Eddie.
"Yes I am... I have know Wade many years now" weasel tells Eddie proudly.
Eddie starts drinking his beer and is eyeing the place.
Then he nods against the board above the bar with weird names on it.
"What is that?" Eddie asks.
Weasel turns around and is looking confused against the direction there Eddie nodded.
"Oh...that's a game we runs calls 'dead pool'... we bet money on who we thinks will die next" the bartender explains.
Eddie raises his eyebrows and is examining the board, curiously.
Wade glances against him.
Then Eddie sees Wade's name on the board.
"Have'd someone bet on you will die?" Eddie asks and is looking at Wade.
Wade shrugs.
"It seems like that..."
Weasel starts laughing.
"But that poor asshole will never win... our Wadey will never die"
Eddie gives Weasel a look that, he shouldn't be sure about that.
Weasel loses himself for a bit of Eddie's look.
"However..." he clears his throat.
"Wade wins almost every time on dead pool" he adds and starts cleaning the desk.
Eddie chuckles shortly and is looking at wade.
"Soo... you play those kind of games?"
Wade shrugs and end his beer.
"Sometimes..just for fun"
Eddie is looking down on his own beer. Seeing his own reflection.
"Do you want to play another game?" Eddie challenges Wade and smirks against him.
Wade tilts his head.
"Which game?" He asks and is up to challenge.
He actually likes games.
"What about truth or dare?" Eddie suggests.
[Sounds fun!]
Wade nods.
"I'm up to the challenge... I will start... truth or dare?"
Eddie starts humming thoughtfully and caress his chin.
"I will start with truth" Eddie chooses and points his index finger against wade.
Wade presses his lips thoughtfully together.
"Do you...."he starts asking and the shade of his cheeks turns into pink.
"Do you actually finds me interesting and really want to date me?"
(No shame there, huh?)
Eddie exhales chuckling which make Wade nervous.
"Of course I do...or I wouldn't be here now" Eddie answers with a shrug and takes a sip of his beer.
Wade gasps surprised. Then a happy smile spreads on his face.
Eddie clears his throat.
"My turn... what do you choose? Truth or dare?"
Without giving it a bigger thought, Wade answers with a wide smile.
Eddie grins and leans against Wade and give him a kiss on the lips.
Weasel gasps and tries looking away and give his friend some space with his date.
Wade blinks confused.
"Eh...Was that..the dare?"
Eddie nods while his hand caress Wade's cheek.
"Yes it was"
Wade chuckles and leans against Eddie, trying to get another kiss.
But Eddie leans away and Shields his mouth with his hand.
Wade is looking a bit hurted at him.
Eddie grins and let down his hand.
"You aren't allowed to steal a kiss during the game..."
Wade jolts and he understands this is a part of their game.
"Well then... truth or dare?" Wade grins and let's  Eddie playing with him for now.
Eddie takes up his beer.
"Dare..." he answers with a shrug and drinks up his beer.
"Weasel" Eddie says to get his attention.
Eddie raises two fingers as the victory sign.
"Two more beers please"
The bartender nods and fills their glasses with more beer.
Eddie smiles gratefully when he gets his beer and takes a sip.
"Well? Have you decided what I have to do?" Eddie asks and is looking at Wade.
Wade starts humming thoughtfully.
[Ask for a kiss!]
(Don't! He will think you are boring... ask for something else)
(I don't know... holding hands is too childish... and asking for a deep kiss, sounds too unimaginative)
"What about..." wade starts saying.
Eddie tilts his head curiously.
Wade exhales.
"What about you drink three Shots?"
Eddie is eyeing him curiously, then he laughs.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" He grins.
Wade shrugs with a goofy grin.
"Who knows..."
Eddie shakes his head chuckling. Then he orders three shots.
  Eddie picks up one of the three small glasses.
"Here we go..." he says and drinks the strong alcohol in one swallow.
"Hah...." he slams the glass on the desk.
"And the next one..." he says and drinks the second shot.
Then he continues to the third shot.
In short time, Eddie has drank three shots.
Eddie chuckles and is looking at wade.
"Just you know... I'm a pretty big guy with muscles... you will get a hard time to get me drunk...but you on the other hand... I will get you drunk in no time "
Wade shrugs.
"Sorry but you won't..."
Eddie raises a brow.
With a grin, Wade leans against him and starts whispering with his lips close to Eddie's ear.
"I can't get drunk by alcohol... I need stronger stuff than that... and even with strong stuff I only get high in short time" he explains whispering.
Then Wade leans away from the confused man.
Wade takes his own beer and starts drinking it.
Eddie clears his throat.
"Well then...ehm... truth or dare?"
"Truth..." wade says between two sips of his beer.
Eddie smirks.
Then he leans against wade and speaks with a lower voice, almost whispering.
"Soo... where is spider-man?"
(Wait! What?!)
[Start getting panic!]
Wade's lips parts a slightly.
Then he shrugs.
"In a basement for the moment"
(Wait!!! Why are you fucking answering him?!)
  Eddie raises his eyebrows and chuckles nervously while Wade drinks his beer as nothing happened.
"How did you know?"
Eddie shrugs.
"I....I didn't... the question was a joke actually"
Wade is looking asking at him for a short moment before he starts laughing.
"Oh my God!... " wade says and continues to laughs. His eyes starts tearing up while he is laughing.
  Eddie is looking interesting at wade who wipes away the few tears who runs down on his cheeks.
"who are you? I mean..." Eddie starts asking.
Wade shakes his head and hold up his palm in front Eddie.
"No no... the game is still on... you had already asked me a question... now it's my turn... truth or dare?"
Eddie raises a brow, but seems amused.
Wade nods.
"Are you planning to dump me be course of this?"
Eddie snorts.
"Of course not! You are my fucking God! I mean... you are that Bastard who kidnapped him" Eddie says grinning.
Wade chuckles nervously and a bit relieved.
"Thanks.. I think" he smiles shyly.
Eddie ends his beer.
"Truth or dare..."
Eddie starts laughing.
"Take me to him..."
Wade tilts his head.
Eddie gives him a serious look as he said "Are you stupid? Who did we mentioned earlier?"
"Spider-man..." Eddie explains.
Wade jolts.
"Oh...ehm... don't harm him... too much..."
Eddie shakes his head and put an arm around Wade's shoulders.
"Trust me... I won't... I want to play"...

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