ch 10; the date with Eddie part one

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Wade is feeling a bit frustrated.
He tries calm down himself by walking around in his living room.
But it seems as an impossible task.
"Why haven't he call me yet? Did I do something wrong?"
(I know why he haven't call...)
"Shut up" Wade grunts.
He takes up his phone with the broken screen and turns it on, to only see no one had try calling him or at least sent a text.
Wade sighs loudly and tuck the phone back into his pocket on his green colored jeans.

Give him some more time...

Wade jolts a little when Venom spoked.
"So...I have not doing anything wrong? I should just give him some more time?"

You did good last time... Eddie will call you when he is ready

Wade exhales relieved but couldn't calm down himself since he is impatient and wanted to find out soon  if there is some chance between him and Eddie.
He starts biting on the skin close to the nail on his thumb.
"Venom I have been thinking... how would you feel about, merge with Eddie again, if Eddie and I works?"

... I...I would love that...

Wade smiles softly and stops biting on his thumb.
Immediately he feels how his shoulders sinks relieved and how he calms down a bit.
[Hey! Do you plan on dumping us?!]
(I would understand if you wanted to dump Wade...but us? Not cool...)

Hehe... sorry guys

Wade feels how his smile grows into a wide grin. A happy grin.


He tilts his head.

...I'm hungry...

For a short moment Wade is looking confused, but shortly after that, he starts laughing.
"Okay... let's find some food"
Wade walks into his bedroom there Peter isn't anymore, and takes out his Deadpool custome.
Peter had a good point about that he had said some days ago; Wade misses sleeping with him. Knowing there is a warm body he can cuddle with.
And he misses the small talk they had.
  He starts undressing himself when the phone starts buzzing.
With surprise he wides his eyes and hold his breath.
Then he takes out his phone from his unzipped jeans and is looking curiously and a bit hopefully, at the screen.
Eddie's name and number is showing up on the screen, with a long broken rent across the first letter on Eddie's name.
Wade smiles widely and answers the call.
(Don't disgrace yourself)
"Hello?" Wade asks while he rolls his eyes because of his box's comment.
Eddie inhales and exhales some times as he was thinking about what he wants to talk about.
"Hi Wade, it's me... Brock... ehm..Eddie... " Eddie starts explaining which make Wade to smile while he sits down on the bed.
"Yeah?" Wade asks and leans forward, resting on one of his arms on his leg.
Eddie gets silent for a moment as he loses what he was about to talk about.
Wade gets nervous and starts biting on his thumb again.
What if he has made Eddie upset by interrupting him?
Eddie clears his throat which make Wade to sit upright.
"I was thinking... what about taking a beer? At a bar or something"
Wade nods.
"Yes! That sounds as fun... what about visiting my favorite place? 'Sister Margaret's'?" He suggests and is missing the bar.
"Oh... you like visiting those kind of places?"
Wade shrugs.
"Yeah... I'm friend with the bartender there..." he starts saying and was about to tell about his dead girlfriend he hooked up from that bar. But left that information out in last second.
"Ah okay... why not... let's meet up outside café Miranda and walk togeheter"
The name of the Café Eddie mentioned, is swirling both of confusion and cognisance inside Wade's head.
"Café Miranda?" Wade clears his throat.
"Yeah... the one beside the Rolex store"
"Oh..." Wade exhales understanding.
"Okay... see you there... which time?" He adds.
"About  a hour?"
Wade nods smiling.
"Sounds good... see you then"
"Perfect! See you later"
Then they both end the call and wade starts smiling widely. A goofy grin.
(What a surprise that he actually wants a second date)
[Yeah.. who could have guessed?!]

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