Welcome to Earth-F. Everything you ever wanted to know about the Fox Universe awaits you.
All 1930's to 1950's characters are public domain and their original versions can be used by anyone. But all Earth-F additions and developments from costume to backstory to additional information are the intellectual property of Jason Greenfield and all authorized Earth-F writers and cannot be used or emulated without permission.
Where characters are wholly original (not public domain/existing characters) that will be stated in their entries.
Ok, legalities over!
Fox Universe is inspired by the format of DC's Who's Who and Marvel's Handbook to the Marvel Universe, but it isn't alphabetical.
Instead, characters, places, objects and other entry worthy additions will be presented in a chronological order, along with timelines. While most entries will stay close to the time of publication, a select few will be backdated (For example - The Mystery Man appeared in a 1939 text story but is established to have been active within Earth-F continuity circa 1935. Dr Fung first appears in a 1939 comic but his long history is hinted at, so his entry will be chronologically earlier).
Historical characters such as The Golden Knight and various western characters will also appear early in this "handbook/guide" and future characters will appear in the last section.
Don't worry though, it'll be easy to figure out as I'll be dividing into sections or "Ages" - example The Golden Age is usually the 1930's to around 1950. The Old West will have it's own section and cover the period from roughly 1865 to 1900. Some non Western characters will also appear in that section.
Certain characters who are long lived/immortal may have more than one entry in different sections. The Golden Knight will be one.
Please check the Index frequently as I'll be updating and adding profiles as I go along. I'll always announce here and in the Facebook groups.
Fox Universe
ActionWho's Who in the Fox Universe. Meet all the Earth-F characters and some additional ones from across the Multiverse. Although the original iterations of these characters are Public Domain, the Earth-F versions are copyright Jason Greenfield and the a...