A "normal" truth or dare play

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7 pm Tsuyu's apartment

A hyped Uravity opened the door and greeted us with a smile: "Hey guys how is it going? I'm so exited! Come in! The others are already in the living room."Then she ran off and we followed her a little slower. My roommates sat down on the couch.I sat down on the floor next to momo.
She was wearing a red t-shirt and black leggings, her beautiful black hair fell down her back. I smiled she was a nice,caring girl that always looks after her classmates. Kaminari didn't even needed to ask for help she already tryed dragging me in the class community and help me make friends. I guess that's why I consider her a friend and don't get tired of her company.

Before we could talk a little Mina asked very loudly : "How about playing truth or dare again?". "WHY THE F*** NOT , PINK HAIR! WE TALKED ABOUT THAT LAST TIME WE HANG!": Bakugo yelled. He was a bit agressive and not as respectful as others but his reasons were always acceptable and his good intentions can be seen by everyone , so I don't mind his nature and language. "Calm down bro ": Kirishima said,:" let's get snacks and then started!"

We began around eight o'clock because the girls ( and Kirishima) decided to make a sleepover and everyone needed to get things ready. Hagakure started : " Uraraka truth or dare?" "Truth" "So you have a crush on someone in this room?" "No,my turn. Kaminari truth or dare? " " I take dare " " Put your t-shirt off ":she said with a I-know-someone's-going-to-be-embarrassed smile on their face. I snorted,  Uraraka would be surprised if she knew what everyone in our apartment looks like when nobody's around. Kaminari just took it off and smiled. " I was expecting something unpleasant or embarrassing dare! No fun! But I'll get some action in here ! Momo truth or dare? " Now I was concerned. I knew Kaminari well and he enjoyed embarrass his friends.

Momo's POV

Truth":I said unaware of his intentions and love to cause chaos. "Say if you need to choose which person in this room would be your boy/girlfriend? ": he asked with a unusal exprssion on his face.

WHAT!?!?!? How should I answer this ? I mean I'm not into girls and the guys? I simply wasn't sure what to say ? Bakugo isn't my type he's just to aggressive and angry all the time with all his curses and fights. Kirishima and Tokoyami are cool guys, but that's it. Kaminari isn't a option since I'll make sure he and jirou will end up being a couple. The last one left was Todoroki but before I could think about that Hagakure interrupted." So , who is your future lover ?": she teased me with a grin. At least I guessed that she grinned. " I-I think that that" ,I stuttered with a red face,:"I don't know". In a brief moment everyone looked at me in a stupid expression. "Come on! Stop lying ",Mina and Hagakure squealed, " Everybody sees that you have a crush on Todoroki, rrrright?"  "No I don't ": I responded shyly and looked next to me Todo sat there silent the hole time but spoke up now. "Leave her alone with your dragging ! you can't just force her to a statement ! : he said in a monotone sound. Kaminari froze in his teasing and stopped instantly, convincing the others to do the same. "Hey Kaminari, why so scared he didn't even yell": Uraraka asked. Suddenly Bakugo cursed:" Don't you bastards understand what's going on here? Icyhot is short on patience when you tease someone dear to him Kaminari told me and you're scratching the end right now so fucking stop  if you don't want to get your asses kicked by some dangerous pyro-and icyomane ." It didn't even took a blink of a second for the girls to sit down again. "Thanks Todoroki I was getting uncomfortable there. ": I said to him. "No prob let's just go on with the game" We played till 23:00 and got ready for bed. I read a book before heading to my mattress. The boys slept in the living room. I and the other females stayed in The bedrooms. One thought went through my head as I tried to sleep.What did Bakugo mean with " people dear to Todoroki ". He and I didn't know much over each other nor did we talk or hang out that often so were we even friends ? He could've been annoyed or tired back then. As I thought about that I slowly went to sleep.

Todoroki went out of the apartment around 3am. I noticed it because a ongoing storm didn't let me sleep a minute. Since I were awake anyways I got up and followed him to the common room where he disappeared . Something was weird , Todo was watching his surroundings very carefully on the way down and it was pure luck he didn't see me. My sorrow grew fast as I checked the rooms next the common room. He wasn't in the building anymore I were sure about that. Suddenly I heard a very quiet scream in the woods near the dorms . Probably someone needed help there or was lost! Maybe it was Todo and he got hurt. It wasn't necessary who it was or why he screamed! I ran in the woods to search the place the scream came from.

Uggh , I hate the nature of the night. Everything is wet , invisible and frightening!

The forest was dark I couldn't see a thing around. The sounds of the forest were everywhere and I could feel the livings of the night lurking. It became more and more unknown to me as I walked through the forest. The rain drained me to my bones and the cold wind made me freeze like hell. A new scream made me shiver but it died quickly . The night got slowly louder and I heard sticks breaking behind me. But I were prepared ....

I created a iron club ,turned around and swang the club in the person's face. That was the plan but my club got stuck in an ice wall.

"Hey momo what's with the sudden attack?,Todo asked suprised," and why are you in the forest during the night?". " Todo you scared me I expected something dangerous and I heard a scream in the forest so sry for the attack but I had reasons". : I replied a bit angry cause he didn't said anything before coming out.  "Oh yeah I heard it too but don't worry it were just a little deer stuck between two rocks. It was easy to help but I'm kinda lost now.":he replied.

"Yeah me too the forest is just to dark to see.",: I said, do you think we'll find the way back?" He looked at me seriously. "It's easy to go back in the daylight when you can notice the ways in the forest.  Right now we probably should seek for a shelter to keep safe from the storm." I nodded and followed him.

After some time we found a little cave and sat us in the entrance. As we leaned at the stone wall I started freezing and shivering. Todo looked at me concerned and pulled me closer to his left side. "What are you doing Todo?!":I blushed. "Wait a minute .....
Now better?"he asked. Before I could wonder what he meant by that I felt a  comfortable warmth flowing through me.  We fell in a nice silence for a period of time. "Say Todo is it true that I'm someone special to you or were you just annoyed back then?" :I broke the silence with a nervous expression. " I need to say that the others were annoying as hell back at Tsuyus apartment.", he said .  So he didn't really helped me like a friend I tryed to accept sadly.

"But I wouldn't have said anything if it weren't for a good friend": he replied. "Really thanks Todo I'm really happy about that": I whispered before sleeping in.

Todos POV

Momo fell asleep next to me and she snuggled up to me because of the warmth I was sending . I smiled at her cute face while sleeping peacefully and warm but also hoped her group wouldn't interrupt next week in the mall. Thinking about this I went to sleep

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