Chapter 12 ― Exhausted

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Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. 

— Hans Christian Anderson.

⊱Chapter 12⊰



Jungkook greeted lazily after picking up the call.

"Hey babe, where are you?" Soyeon's rang through his ear and became oddly annoying.

"I'm at the hospital. Why?"

"The hospital?"

The suspicion in her voice bothered him. He didn't know why he did it but he lied, "I wasn't feeling good after my round so I came to see Jin hyung."

"Jin.. Ok.. Are you feeling better ? We were supposed to eat dinner at my place tonight."

Jungkook slightly pulled away the phone, groaning at himself for forgetting. His grip tightened on the mobile device before he finally put it back on his ear,

"Um, yeah I am. I'm sorry. It was a long day at work."

"It's ok, are you still coming? You can sleep over maybe?"

"Y-yeah. Yes, I am." He quickly gained himself back, "I'm coming."

"Alright, see you in a bit then. I love you."

"Yeah, me too." He completed before hanging up.

His eyes fell to his phone before it got taken back by the incredible doctor before him. As he watched his ex-girlfriend, a thought hit him right in the face. He shouldn't be here. It wasn't right.

He heaved out a sigh and turned around, "Why am I here"

Hyejin finally had a minute as she went to grab an iPad by the nurses' counter. As she breathed out a long sigh, her eyes rose up from the screen only to see Jungkook's back facing her way as he walked away.

She'd recognize this figure in millions. Her head tilted to the side, "Jungkook?"

"Dr. Kim, the patient is ready for surgery in OR 1." Jeno informed his superior who instantly nodded.

Placing her iPad back on the counter, she took one last glance at the man before walking away herself.

A few hours later, Hyejin was completely drained by the emergency situation.

She peeked inside the attending lounge after going around the resting rooms but Jin was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey Dr. Byun," Hyejin greeted the lonely guy eating by the lounge's sofa, "Have you seen Jin?"

"Hey, call me Baekhyun. Jin is in OR 3 with the last victim of the car accident."

"Ah.." She exhaled.

Hyejin was exhausted. They had their on-call nights already but being an attending meant she'd have to be available anytime which ends up giving her poor amount of sleep.

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