{Bonus} Chapter 56 ㅡ Safe and sound

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A/N: I've been trying to figure out a way to thank every single one of you that gave my book a chance and here's what my mind set itself onto. Another bonus chapter!

So here is my 'Thank You' to you all. I am so grateful you have no idea. 10, 100, 1K, 10k.. it doesn't matter. One's view is as important as the other so no matter the number, I'll keep thanking you guys.

Ok, shut it now Pearl; onto the chapter! This chapter is dedicated to all of you.



Don't stay within [your] limits.
Overcome them each day.

— Kim Namjoon.

(Bonus) Chapter 56



It's been a rough two days at Seoul Grand Hospital. Winter is always a season where anything is unpredictable. Snowstorms, icy roads, ice-fall.. all of those entertained our days in a way that could only please surgeons.

I rushed through the ER and began to organize it with Chaeyoung's help. "The girls are in command today!" Lisa cheered out with the widest smile on her face until it vanished in a snap of fingers. I raised my eyebrow and followed her gaze. I exchanged a look with Chaeyoung and we both smirked.

"Let's organize this." Chaeyoung whispered only for me to hear and I nodded. It's been a few weeks since Lisa has been acting up every time Johnny is in the room. Who wouldn't fall for a man who saves kids? Me, I guess.

"Dr. Kim, Son Jae is ready in OR 2." Jeno walked into the conversation and I nodded. I followed him and I couldn't help but look at the man he became. It's only been a year since I joined the team but Jeno was far from being the shy and scared intern anymore. He was now a confident resident that I can't wait to brag about for being my student.

"Alright. It's a good day to save lives, isn't it?" I spoke out and I could see my team smiling through their masks as their eyes squinted into sweet curves. I couldn't be happier seeing the team I've been working with for a year now, not to mention the new addition. Lisa. "Scalpel."

A few hours into the surgery, a sudden strain of pain hit my head. I tilted my head to both sides respectively, cracking my bones a little, and tried to ignore it. The headache persisted and it soon travelled down my spine. I felt a light sensation and I immediately yet softly pulled my hands off the patient's chest.

"Dr. Lee." I called out for Jeno's name when I felt the sudden twist in my stomach. My breath slightly got caught in my throat as something began to build up in there. I knew exactly what was coming but I held onto it a little bit more. Jeno looked up at me and his eyes were filled with questions. "Can you take over for a few minutes?"

With a nod, he placed himself in a more comfortable position and pushed his hand inside the patient's chest. As I had my hands in the air, my eyes travelled down to them and the sight of blood dripping down my gloves sent a hit to my stomach again. For once in my life, it made me sick. I gently pushed myself away from the operating table, causing my student to look up at me.

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