Chapter 39 ㅡ Don't lose her

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A/n: This chapter will contain a bit of graphic content, blood and more. Please, be prepared or just skip it; I update every two days.

Also, I have a question for you! Do you like long books? I feel like the way I'm writing makes the book even longer than it might already is. I can maybe put more content into one chapter if you guys prefer. Lmk!

Ps: This chapter might be all over the place but hopefully you'll get the idea hehe.

Love always,
PL. ♥️


Don't be trapped in someone else's dream.

—Kim Taehyung.

Chapter 39



"What do we got here?!"

Baekhyun's voice took over the sound of the sirens as yet another ambulance pulled in front of the Emergency service. The paramedics opened the EMS doors and revealed the unconscious patient.

"KIM HYEJIN. 26. EVIDENT TRAUMA TO THE HEAD, LEGS AND ARMS. JAW AND RIBS BROKEN. IN NEED OF IMMEDIATE INTUBATION." The paramedic shouted the patient's information as the state of emergency increased. Yet, the team of professionals wasn't moving.

All of them gasped at the image of their colleague laying before them, a common shock filling the air. Hyejin was unconscious on the gurney. She was completely disfigured. Her eyes were deep purple and swollen. She had lacerations on both eyes and lips. She was almost unrecognizable.


Baekhyun immediately snapped back to reality. His hands started to shake as he rushed to Hyejin's side. The adrenaline was rushing through his veins but he knew he had to be in control. "OK, LET'S GET HER TO TRAUMA 1 AND PAGE NEURO AND ORTHO !"

Almost all of the on-call team were gathered around the Trauma 1: the residents, the surgeons, the nurses. None of them wanted to stay aside, not helping.


"Wow. Calm down Dr. Byun, I'm here." Chaeyoung entered the scene while tying her hair up, causing the entire unit to look up at her in surprise. "Someone read me her chart."

"I-I," Jaemin stumbled on his words as he had trouble focusing.

"Ok, someone else? Come on—" She stopped putting her gloves on when Baekhyun was the one looking up, staring deeply into her eyes with nothing but worries and sadness in his gaze. Chaeyoung's heart suddenly skipped a beat and a frown made its way to her face. "Dr. Byun? What's wrong?"

Baekhyun remained silent as he continued examining Hyejin.

Hesitant, Chaeyoung slowly made her way to the other side of the bed, where Hyejin's head was. In a split second, she thought she was dreaming; or at least, she hoped so.

She could feel the air decreasing in her lungs and getting stuck in her throat. Her eyes wandered everywhere on Hyejin's body going from her legs to her stomach then up to her face. The bruises that were covered with blood would have made it hard for anyone to identify her, especially since the swelling had reached its pick.

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