Chapter 36 ― Take the chance

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Always go at your own pace, steadily.

—Kim Seokjin.

Chapter 36




A soft whisper came out of the phone's speaker. It was clear the person was drunk as they were mumbling things in between soft chuckles.

The music behind the voice made it hard for Hyejin to recognize who it belonged to. As it was her brother's name written on the screen, she assumed it was Jin. "Oppa? You drank too much? Do you want me to come and pick you up?"


This time it was much clearer. It wasn't her brother. It was..


She called out and earned a laugh coming from the other end of the line.

"Ha, yes, that's my name." He enthusiastically responded. An enthusiasm that wasn't shared.

"Really Jungkook? I'm working—."



Another voice followed Jungkook's making the girl whined in annoyance. While she'd be laughing if it was someone else, Hyejin started feeling upset it was Jungkook over the phone.

"Can I help you with anything? Because if not, I'm hanging up to go do my job."

"Yes." He automatically said, peeking her attention.

"What is it?"

"I want you to come." His voice sounded oddly clear, out of any trace of alcohol. He seemed pretty conscious.

"I have to work, I'll see you all later o—"

"Please, before you hang up. Come after your surgery. Just so we can talk.. we never sat down properly. Please.." He whispered his last word.

Once again, Jungkook succeeded in touching a soft spot. It was as if every one of his words or even moves brought memories to her mind. It was always like this before, ever since she knew he cheated on her.

Jungkook would call her every time he's out with his friends, begging for her pardon. His drunk voice would whisper her sweet words, trying its best to reassure her that he's not doing anything wrong. And it always worked.

But it won't anymore.

"I gotta work Jungkook. Let me know if you guys need anything." She completed and without even knowing it, she hung up on him.

Hyejin made her way to the waiting area and announced the good news to the patient's family. As the room filled with smiles and tears of joy, the girl still had something in the back of her mind.

She gently nodded towards the family before leaving them behind. She walked down the corridor and met her bestfriend as the latter came out of a patient's room.

"Hey, how was surgery?"

"It went all fine. Yours?" She responded lazily.

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