54: Battle Royale

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War horns.

Sonic thought it was awesome Sally's dad's army had brought actual war horns with them.

"CHARGE! For the Kingdom of Acorn!"

The assembled soldiers of Black Doom thought it wasn't quite as awesome when, to the sounds of those very same war horns, the knights of King Max were now galloping straight toward them, swords drawn. And their own leader was too busy to give orders because apparently whenever he tried to, he got a hedgehog in the face.

And then there was that small detail of a horde of red-furred, complete maniacs that had also just arrived and thrown themselves into the fray. The echidnas fought, and they fought in a way that said they had heard about strategy, and armour, and caution in battle and they had found it funny.

"Troops!" Black Doom hollered, "Rally! General Drago, attack the-!"


"-you insolent vermin, I will-!" Black Doom tore through Shadow's attack with one outstretched claw, scattering the Chaos like harmless sparklers with one rage-filled swipe, before he tried to continue his order, "General Drago! Charge to the left and-!"


"I will erase you from the face of the Earth and feed my spawn on your bloodied entrails, Shadow!" the dark king roared, again blocking the Ultimate Lifeform's attack with ease, but seeming to pop some sort of black blood vessel sometime soon now, "GENERAL DRAGO, YOU WILL TAKE THE RED TROOPS AND-!"

It was at this point that first a sonic boom cut clear across whatever Black Doom had been trying to say to the confused dingo, and straight after that, a red sneaker connected straight with the king's forcefield in a flying kick, making a sound not unlike a cymbal that had just been struck. Sonic bounced off the shield to land in a safe distance, before tilting his head at Black Doom with a wide, innocent grin.

"What's wrong, your Disgrace? Have a bad connection?"

And then something like a Chaos Blast happened, and even later, Shadow still blamed Sonic for making Black Doom angry enough to actually figure that one out.



It felt like being hit by an invisible sledgehammer. The collared hedgehog had been taken off guard by the shockwave blossoming out from the dark king and it had sent him flying, blue and peach limbs flailing uselessly in the air.

"Run to catch your worthless pet, Shadow, it won't save either of you! This day will be your last day alive!"

Shadow barely registered the sneering words of the alien king, his skates already moving on their own, propelling him forward at impossible speeds to reach his target. The Ultimate Lifeform had been able to react in time, the wave of the dark Chaos Blast parting around him, but Sonic had been hit full force. Shadow soared forwards, energy rippling around him, through him when he let it, giving him the extra force he needed to -

Shadow leapt.

When he caught Sonic, for a moment he wondered whether he'd ever be able to let go again.


The breath was knocked out of the blue hedgehog's lungs as they impacted on the ground again, not in the middle of Black Doom's soldiers where his flight path had been aimed at first, but in a safe, empty spot Shadow had managed to drop them into. Reflexes brought the blue speedster's feet underneath him immediately as they landed, even if Shadow's arms would have held him up anyway. Convincing the black hedgehog to give up his death grip was a bit harder.

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