Best Years - Ashton

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An: requested by -ASHTONICWIN 
If you keep up with my life you know I'm engaged and my fiancé and I are dancing to Best Years at our wedding so this had me all up in my feel.

Sav 🖤

Everything was in place.

The aisle of the garden was lined with baby's breath filled vases, the guest all already in their places and the music sounded throughout the space as all eyes turned to look for the bride.

Ashton stared at the space where she would soon appear his breath held and his hands shaking.

Harry stood beside him, his best man. Calum, Luke and Michael beside him all standing up in support of the black haired man who's heart was racing as he awaited his bride.

She finally appeared, her eyes downcast until the music changed, snapping up and fixating on Ashton.

To him, it was like all of the air disappeared from the room. She was beautiful and he was overwhelmed by the notion that in only a few moments the most gorgeous girl, inside and out, that he had ever known would become his wife.

She reached the end of the aisle, her lip pulled back between her teeth as she gazed at Ashton excitedly.

Her dad placed her hand in his and offered him a hug whispering into his ear, "take care of my girl."

Ashton nodded to him and grabbed her hand, unable to keep the smile off his face.

She reached up and wiped the pad of her thumb just under his eye. He hadn't realized he was crying.

The ceremony was quick and a blur, she was all he could see all he could think of. He heard the officiant tell him to kiss the bride and he wasted no time, his hands cupped her face and tugged her gently forward until their lips collided.

There first kiss as husband and wife was sweet yet passionate, full of emotion and ecstasy that they had finally done it.

It was official. She was his forever and he was hers.

Many of the pictures had been done beforehand in an effort to prevent a long stretch of time away from their guests and they were both thankful for that.

They loaded into the car to move to the reception and Ashton paid no mind to the driver, leaving over and firmly planting his lips on his bride's.

"I love you Mrs. Irwin." He said, a feeling of giddiness taking him over as he said the words for the first time, excitement coursing through his veins.

"Hello? Is this on?" Calum said into the microphone.

Ashton and his bride laughing at the face he made as the feedback of the microphone blared through the venue.

"Ohhhhkay. If you don't know who I am. I'm Calum Hood. Calum Thomas Hood. I've been friends with Ashton for what feels like forever, myself along with the two boys beside me make up the band 5SOS. As a present for Ashton and his lovely bride we're going to do a special a version of our song Best Years. To the happy couple we love you both so much and we wish you a life time of happiness."

He raised a glass in the couples direction and knocked back the amber colored liquid before grabbing his bass.

Ashton held his wife in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder as they swayed gently to the soft music.

"Was today everything you wanted?" He asked her, lowering his forehead so it rested against hers, their eyes locked as Luke sang the pre chorus.

But I'll build a house out of the mess
And all the broken pieces
I'll make up for all of your tears

"No." She said simply and his heart dropped to his stomach. "It was better."

He let out a nervous laugh.

"You scared me for a minute." He said honestly.

I'll give you the best years
I'll give you the best years
Past love burned out like a cigarette
I promise, darling, you won't regret
The best years

"I got to marry you. I get to call you my husband for the rest of my life—what more could I have wanted?"

I wanna hold your hair when you drink too much
Carry you home when you cannot stand up
You did all these things for me
when I was half a man for you
I wanna hold your hand while we're growing up.

Ashton closed just eyes as he thought back on his relationship with the girl in his arms. The road to today had been a long one, paved with trials and tribulations that only made him more sure of his all encompassing love for her.

They weren't perfect. They'd been through their fair share of issues but they always came out stronger after the fact. He wanted nothing more than to spend every day for the rest of his life showing her how much she meant to him, how heavily she had impacted every piece of his existence.

The song trailed off and they shared another kiss before turning to clap and thank the boys for their performance.

The night seemed to pass too quickly and it was time for their send off.

They said goodbye to all of their friends and climbed into their get away car, waving goodbye to their guests as they set out for the first night of the rest of their lives.

an: short, sweet, & soft

Sav 🖤

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