Varian's mom

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Not an Au , but I haven't written anything, so here's this thing I've been trying to develop, so it's also a WIP

Me and Var had finally gotten a day off, and we both happened to have it on the same day, which was something that rarely occurred. Another rare occurrence was that Yang and Anne were preoccupied by Catalina and Kiera , so they wouldn't try and drag me away from Varian.

With our first day off, we went out on a little date, it had been quite some time since we've had one. From having your boyfriend thrown in jail, to leaving the kingdom to rescue your two sisters, to saving that very kingdom from being destroyed, it's hard to make time for one

We decided to just have a walk around the marketplace. Every once in a while we'd stop by a shop to buy a snack or drink, or just buy a little something nice for ourselves/ each other. Eventually we both got tired from walking, so we decided to stop inside a cafe to order something to drink and eat.

" Are you sure you're not banned from this one?", I asked worriedly as he pulled me inside.

"Yes I'm sure, this one's new, and with having an actual job now, I haven't had time to blow it up", he reassured me as we walked to the line.

"Don't say that out loud!"I smacked his arm, he only chuckled at my scolding.

After his fit of laughter he looked around the cafe,      " It's kinda crowded in here, do you wanna go look for a table while I order?"

" Yeah sure, just get me whatever, you know what I like", I say as I hand him some money and proceed to look for a table.

"He's right, it is really crowded in here, doesn't look like there's any spare tables in here...maybe there's some outside", I silently mumble to myself as I make my way past the sea of people. I made it outside to notice a single table made for two, that was empty!" "Haha! Yes!", I fist bump in the air and quickly make my way towards the table. I patiently wait for Varian to come back with our food. Through the window I see him walking around looking for me. I wave my hands and hope he sees me through the window ( I'm waving through a windooowww) He sees me waving him down and makes his way outside...without any food.

"Where's our food Varian?", I cross my arms and lean back in my chair waiting for a response. " Were you already kicked out? Or did you get kicked out just now? What's the damage and how much are we going to have to pay?", I ask starting to get up.

"Neither. Yin, don't worry", he took out a piece of paper out of his pocket. On it was a number ," That's the number of our order, someone is going to come bring it to us, so, again,don't worry about it"

"Oh ...sorry for not trusting you", I say relaxing and uncrossing my arms. I lean my hand on the table, and rest my head in my palm. Me and Varian sit there in a comforting silence, until we hear footprints approaching. We both expected it to be our food, but it was a woman with red hair, tied up neatly in a bun. She also had freckles on her cheeks, and big blue eyes, much like Varian's. She was quite beautiful if I was being honest.

" Excuse me, I hope I'm not bothering you but I was hoping you'd give me some directions? I'm a bit  lost you see", she told us as she walked to our table.

Varian, being the gentleman he is, got up to introduce himself, " Of course! We'd be more than happy to help you,my name is Varian by the way, this is Yin", he motioned towards me. I got up and shook the woman's hand. "...and you are?"

The woman looked stunned, like she had just seen a ghost. She held her hands out to Varian, barely grazing his face, "V-Varian?"

"Y-yes?", we were both starting to get a bit freaked out by this woman. Varian took a step back, causing the woman to physically flinch.

" Is your father's name Quirin by any chance?", she asked, her voice was barely audible.

"I- y-yes ... ma'am how do you know my dad?", Varian was really freaking out now.

" Varian, please believe me...I'm your mother", tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes. " I was going to ask you for directions to old Corona, to see you and your father.

"Wait... mom?", Varian now began to cry, he immediately wrapped his arms around her, sobbing into her chest.

She wrapped her arms around him protectively , kissing his forehead and combing her fingers through his hair. The two of them only cried and hugged each other, I on the other hand only stood there and stared. It didn't feel right to just watch all of this unfold, this was a private moment for Varian, and I was just standing there. After a few seconds they let go of each other.

" Oh Varian, what a handsome young man you've become, you've grown so much", she cupped his cheek in her hand. He leaned his head  into her touch.

"I- how? Why ? Mom, why did you leave me and dad? I I thought you were dead",he managed to choke out. Now I felt really out of place, but I couldn't just say something and interrupt them.

"It's complicated son, you're not ready", she only shook her head, averting her eyes from his gaze.

Eyyyy, it's short , I've just had a huge creative block recently so yeah

Anyway hope ur all well and safe

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