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With a big confussion and fear, Jack began to sleep. Alice and Abella saw him pitifully.



alarm rings.

Rio with a big yawn stopped the alarm and started to wake Jack.

"Jack wake up...its 8p.m.Its time to get ready to school"he said.

"Good morning chimp"Jack said.(He used to call Rio chimp...because he is good at doing monkey attrocites).

Then both bathed and had their  breakfast.

"Oh!! sandwich.I luv it",Rio ate excitedly.

Then bell rangs.It was the first session of the day.A new proffesor came to the class.

She looked as young women and she wore a specs and a has a curly hair and had a wand in her hand and her purple lipstick shined in the sunlight.

"Good morning students. I am professor Kate.I am happy to see you all.I am senior professor of this school".

Wow!! what a goodness.How old are you mam?",Abella asked.

"I am 170 years old"he said with a pleasant smile".

But still you are young mam",Alice said.

"Ok guys its time to introduce myself.I am professor Kate. Astrologer.Mind reader.I will teach you all how to read others mind and how to bring the good angel in us.All excited in joy.But Jack was still afraid of the yesterday's dream.

"The boy at the last.Why are you sad tell me?",she asked.

"No nothing mam",he said.

Proffesor Kate saw his eyes and said,"Don't worry my son.Don't think about the nightmare.But your dream was half true.It will be a battle between angel and evil.But the angel only wins",she patted on his shoulder.

Jack smiled on her.Then she began to take class.

"Listen my students!!! There was really evil exits. But with our magic tricks and good behaviour, we will made them lose", she said and smiled at Jack who was listening the class seriously.

She suddenly waved her wand and then there was a little frog occurs. A Fire frog!!!! Wherever it goes, it spread fire. But she with some magic tricks she changed it into a cute rabbit.

"This was the power of magic", she said with a proud face.


I hope you all love this chapter!!! Do vote and comment.

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