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"Don't panic", Jack said with a strongest tone.

The day passed.The next day.Jack met Proffesor Kate and said

"Ma'am,I am in a great confusion.Who I am?tell me ma'am.what is the meaning for this symbol(postioning his neck)".

She patted his shoulder and said,"My son its time to reveal your identity.The story of this symbol is......

That you are not a normal boy.There lives a family named ROCKDYLE.They are pure hearted and they worshipped dragon.They are the guardian of powers.

They had a daughter named Sophie,beautiful women of the world and had a 2year boy Ramen. They were looked like angel in the shape of man.

The powers were stored in a wand and it was highly secured.At that time,There was the prince Julender,Prince of Crawford knows about them and planned to seize the power wand.

The power wand may cause the world destroyed.It has a big power.Then he had an idea.If he will go there ,as the prince of the ROCKDYLE family,he will able to get that wand.Then he went to the palace to asked their princess.

On the way,the witch cursed him and he turned as the monster",she said.

"Then how can i get this symbol?? ",Jack asked.

"The 2 year old boy was kidnapped by the same witch,for the power wand.But on her way wolves chased her and she died.She left him in a garden.At that time a cowboy crosses the way.He was married and he does'nt had an heir for 5 years.

So they don't know about him and they adopted him
as their son".

"Then how does it related to me?",he asked.

"They were not somebody they were your anchestors."

"Whaaaaaaat?",he asked.

"yes,your grandfather's grandfather was that Ramen,lost son of Rockdyle family",he revealed the mystery.

"It's your duty to find and save the magic wand and kill the monster",she said.

Do you want to reveal the mysteries. Then continue the upcoming chapters.

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