"The big moon day it will come here in 300days after 500years.",Abella added.
"So we should hurry up guys!!",Jack said.
They told about the big moon and the searching of power wand to the professor Kate and Thomas and they got the permission from the principle.
Proffesor Thomas told them few magic tricks and Professor Kate gave Rio and Abella a powerful stick and Jack and Alice a powerful hat.The stick with magic tricks will change the appearance of the people and the hat will stronger the power of the person wearing it.
"And the important thing is its power can be used only once.Be careful and have a safe journey guys!",She said with a pleasant smile.
They all took their own horse and paved their way to the palace.
"Tok Tok Tok Tok!!!!".
Their journey starts.50days passed.
"Hey were is the palace we can't find it.There is only a forest",Alice said in a hessitated manner.
"There is an old lady.We should ask her".
"How can i help you my son?",the oldlady asked.
"Is any palace here?"."For what purpose you are asking?",she asked fearly.
"Don't panic granny.where are here to protect the power wand",Jack said.
"Are you from Rockdyle family?",Granny saw his tattoo.
"Yes granny",he said.
"Oh poor boy,long long ago this forest was a palace.They sowed peace and happiness.But their son has missed.But they thought he died.The king and queen died of thinking this.Her only daughter Sophie,was suffered from depression and she also passed away.Then the palace were closed and now it became as the forest.There is the palace here inside.You should search here, my son.",she said.
"what about the power wand?",Rio asked.
"I don't know about it .",the old lady slowly moved the place.
"Ok lets go here and search",Alice said
Hope you all loved this chapter too!!! Please hit the vote button if you liked it!!!
Adventure(COMPLETED) Hey guys this is an adventure and terror story that was happening around a school. Here studying four students ABELLA, ALICE, JACK and RIO They are close friends. The school is a hostel. It was too old. Magic spells and magic tricks ar...