I. A new hero arises

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You deeply sighed, readjusting the heavy bag pack on your back, which started to cause you some pain after a while. Having traveled for quite a bit now, you felt exhaustion gnaw at your body, as sweat dripped down your forehead. The sun was shining down on you, no mercy spared with it being incredibly hot. Using one hand to wipe away some of the body liquid on your face, you took the right strap of the bag in one of your hands and carried on your journey to a city named Demno, where you were supposed to head for your next job.

The air was thick, making you wonder how you were still able to breathe after all this time you had wandered around. Finally spotting a forest a few meters away from you, your (E/C) eyes lit up, your mood immediately raising as well.

"Yes..!" You mumbled to yourself, bliss evident in your smile as you quickened your pace, looking forward to some shade to rest in.

As a Holy Priestess you were always traveling around since individuals with your powers were quite rare. However, dark spirits or negative energy spread all across the world and it was your destiny to take care of them. Usually, you spent your time cleansing towns or other places. Yet sometimes different tasks occupied your time as well. As you took another, now much lighter, step forward, you remembered a time when you had to send spirits of the deceased away with a dance that relied on your holy magic.

Blowing one strand of your (H/L) (H/C)-colored hair out of your face, you fortunately reached the forest, seeking protection of the trees from the sun. Letting out a sigh of relief, you let your bag fall onto the ground and rested your back against the tree stub, slowly sliding down until you sat on the ground. Though life as a Holy Priestess was hard, you did not regret having decided to walk on that path. At the same time it was crucial to mention that you did not even have a choice in the first place. Normal people did not have the opportunity to become a Holy Priest.

Your head tilted towards the sky, being met by the green leaves of the tree. The story of people like you was said to be a myth but it was the only possible explanation humans had - so they believed in it nevertheless. Apparently, there once was a creator who formed the blue planet, the one all creatures lived on, and in doing so, he also conceived a few crystals to take their places on it as well. During that process, sparks of his magic were absorbed by the humans he had spawned on the planet too. Those then possessed the so called "holy magic", the main criteria for being a Holy Priest. The magic was transferred to other humans through birth but that was the only way. Hence there automatically were only a few who managed to use that sacred magic. Thinking back at the story, it constantly seemed absurd to you that exactly you were one of the chosen people. Since the destined were so few, it turned out to be the only chance for you to take up that specific job.

You shook your head, passing off any further thoughts of your destiny and instead chose to drink some water, searching for your bottle in the bag. After finding it, you quickly opened it and took a sip of the refreshing liquid. It felt extremely satisfactory to cool down in the shade. In fact, as some more minutes passed, you noticed how tired you truly were, unable to stop your eyes from closing over and over again. Eventually, you fully gave in to your urge to depart for the land of your dreams. If it was only for a little while, you would be fine...

. . .

A sudden and prompt movement woke you up, as your (E/C) eyes snapped open. Your heartbeat immediately increased while you realized you were surrounded by strangers that were currently holding you in place on the ground, which made it impossible for you to move at all. Gasping for air, you struggled under the unknown man's grip, trying to break free.

Faith - Kain Highwind x Reader (FFIV)Where stories live. Discover now