XII. Someone else in his past

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You groaned, sitting up, still dazed from all the pain before. Slowly, you lifted your right hand and rubbed your eyes, trying to actually wake up. Gradually, your vision turned from blurry to clear, enabling you to scan the environment. From the looks of it, you were in a tent, resting on a rickety bed. As you pondered over where exactly you were, the last images replayed in your mind before you had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. Kain had carried you back to the camp where Adao and the other residents had taken refugee from the dark energy. On your way, even despite your tiredness, you had made sure that no one had seen your tainted left hand. It was an insult to a High Priestess' image. Something the public was not allowed to know at all costs.

Sighing at that thought, you shook off the rest of your thoughts and warily moved said hand out of the covers, in order to inspect it. As fast as fear built up inside your head, it disappeared just as quickly, once you realized the darkness that had been inflicted on your fingertips had faded away. Relieved, you held your left hand close to your heart. One less things to worry about, you thought to yourself. "(Y/N)? Are you awake?" Suddenly, a familiar and very welcomed voice appeared at the entrance to the tent. Your heart skipped a beat, while you remembered how close Kain had held you before you had passed out. Automatically, your cheeks turned red, your mind going crazy. Of course it had been like a blessing to you, however, you wondered as to where his offer had originated from. Surely, it merely was out of a place of kindness, knowing the Dragoon. He appeared partly stoic on the outside but usually cared more than one would suspect.

"Yes, you can come inside." You offered, moving the thin blanket out of the way, now sitting on the edge of the bed. Meanwhile you made sure not to break it, as unsteady as it was. Kain entered just a second after that, walking up to you and stopping right next to you, carefully scanning over your body. You felt bashful, being aware of that, hence you decided to ask an important question. "So, for how long did I sleep?" You needed to know how much time had passed, since it was important to get to the last dark orb as fast as possible. The monks in Cerinn had told you it was right behind the mountains that were located behind Ternes from your current point of view. You figured another two to three days were in between you and the last remaining black sphere then. Kain shifted his weight from one foot onto the other and calmly answered, "You were asleep for one whole day. Judging from your prior exhaustion though, that seems to be a quick recovery progress. It makes me wonder how you really are feeling right now."

You shortly averted your gaze, glad to have not been passed out for too long. Despite that fact though, you felt relatively good, which was quite a bit surprising. Quickly facing Kain again, you gave him a warm smile. "I'm feeling fine already, so we shouldn't have to worry about that. How are you doing though? I mean, you fought rather perpetually too..." You couldn't help but worry for the man's sake, as he usually kept his discomfort to himself. Kain however, was fast to deny that ounce of concern in your heart. "I'm feeling absolutely healthy. Don't worry about it (Y/N)." Seeing how confident he spoke, you easily believed his words.

Making up your mind, you got onto your feet, shortly losing your balance due to the fact that you hadn't walked on your own for a little while now. One of your arms moved forward, as you prepared yourself to avoid falling on your face. At the same time, you attempted to reposition your feet, automatically trying to regain your balance. Out of sheer luck, you actually managed to keep standing, a sigh of relief escaping your mouth, as you heard a gasp from in front of you. Lifting your head, you stared at Kain's tense body, one arm about to reach out to you. You blinked a few times, just now realizing he had tried to save you as well. Would it have been better to just let yourself fall? Embarrassed that you thought that way, you started slightly blushing, massaging your hands.

Straightening your back, you cleared your throat, as you watched the Dragoon retrieve his arm out of the corner of your (E/C) colored eyes. "Well, we should get going then." You declared, scanning over your outer appearance. As you spotted a small hole in your dress at your waist, definitely left behind by that dark spirit that had directly attacked you, you pressed your lips onto each other. An idea popped up inside your mind, hence you quickly turned it into reality. Moving around your belt, you arranged it in a way that the pocket on it covered the hole. "That will do for now!" You nodded to yourself, glad to not look that horrible otherwise. A cough interrupted your train of thoughts, making you look up once more.

Faith - Kain Highwind x Reader (FFIV)Where stories live. Discover now