III. So this is what traveling truly means...

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Two hours had passed and until now, you hadn't really talked much. Kain appeared to be a very quiet individual, which was something new for you. However, you couldn't say it actually bothered you. It was fairly interesting and exciting to go on a journey with someone else, which was a first for you. Even though the conversations were very short, his company alone let you feel bliss. Admittedly, the loneliness on your usual travels was kind of depressing. Now you were able to listen to two pairs of feet, steadily moving across the ground. It was comforting in a way.

The sun had already vanished behind the horizon and you were starting to feel the exhaustion from earlier return. Frowning, you gulped, trying to ignore it. After the incident you already had lost some time, which was unfortunate enough but that meant that you could not lose any more. You had to pull through the night, as long as Kain did not wish to rest that was. After all, you had offered to accompany him and not respecting his wishes in doing so seemed incredibly rude.

While walking, you started rubbing your arms, feeling the coldness of the night embrace you, nevertheless, you shook it off. You had an important job to finish after all. When you had accepted and taken up your official position as a Holy Priestess when you still had been a child, you had also vowed to offer your whole existence to the world. That was what was expected of chosen ones like you, after all.

"Are you all right?"

Kain's voice shocked you for a second, whereas you briefly stopped walking. Fearing your tiredness was too obvious, you put on a forced smile and innocently asked him a question in return, "What are you talking about?"

Kain came to a halt next to you, apparently not convinced of your acting. "You have been staggering a little for a while now. If you are drained, tell me. We can rest for the night. It is quite late anyhow." You blinked a few times, partly grateful for his offer, yet similarly feeling guilty.

Shaking your head with a weak smile, you answered, "I couldn't possibly ask that of you, after wanting to repay you by being your guide. I would not wish to slow you down in any way."

The man sighed, pointing over to a small cave, which was surprisingly close to you. "I would rather you relax for the rest of the night than see you collapse during our journey. Let us go over there."

With those words, he turned away from you and approached the spot he had hinted at, while you stood there, baffled. How kind was this man? Somehow, his gentle and caring nature made you feel uneasy but warm at the same time. This had been a strange day, that was for sure.

Seeing that there was no space for refusing his offer, you gratefully accepted and followed his steps, until you arrived at the cave. "I don't think anyone will come by here at this hour so we might as well light a fire." You contributed, searching for some wood on the ground. Kain silently nodded, while picking up a few branches himself. You gathered several sticks and eventually both of you dropped your loot on the ground in front of the cave.

Shortly facing the man, you motioned your head away from the pile of wood, saying, "I can light it up with my magic, so please step away for a moment."

Following your advice, Kain moved a few steps back, as you took out your staff and pointed it at the wood. Chanting a spell, you let your divine magic travel through your body until it took the form of a golden flame at the tip of your weapon. Merely a second later, the branches lit up, giving off a warm atmosphere and a comforting orange light. Attaching the short staff to your belt once more, you smiled, satisfied with the result. After approaching the entrance to the cave, which was barely big enough to fit one person, you sat down a meter away from Kain, who leaned against the stone wall with his back, his arms crossed.

You grabbed your bag and looked for the food stored in it, luckily managing to locate two sandwiches in the mess of an inventory you owned. Carefully, you pulled them out and handed one over to your traveling buddy.

Faith - Kain Highwind x Reader (FFIV)Where stories live. Discover now