IV. The duty of a Holy Priestess

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As soon as the sun rose, you were woken up by its natural light, slowly sitting up, remaining in a daze for a moment. Inhaling the fresh morning air, you stretched your arms, while your mind went over the proceedings from the day before. Realizing you were not alone, you hastily turned around, expecting to find your temporary traveling buddy Kain there, however, once you raised your head, he was nowhere to be found. Your heart stung upon noticing that, as you shook your doubts off, convincing yourself, he would be right back. Seeing how well your conversation yesterday evening went, you couldn't imagine him leaving without a word. He seemed to be too much of a kind person to actually disappear in such a way.

You hurriedly stood up, gathered all your belongings, stuffed them into your bag pack and straightened your clothes. If the monks at the temple where you were raised would've seen you in this state, they surely would have been disappointed. Usually your white knee-long skirt with golden embroidery and lace at its end looked very clean and soft but due to all your travels, it had turned slightly darker because of dust or dirt. Fortunately, your white off shoulder top was still clean, even though it had two long parts on your back, which went down to your knees as well. How that hadn't been stained was a mystery, nevertheless, you were elated at least some part of you was still good to look at. Adjusting your brown leather belt, you closed the small pocket you had on the opposite side of your weapon. Usually you kept herbs and similar things in there but as you had been wandering around for a while, it was almost completely empty.

"I see that you woke up. All right, then let us depart." Recognizing Kain's voice behind you, you turned around, a genuine smile on your face. Relieved that your hopes had been alike reality, you cheerfully responded, "Yes!" The man seemed to eye you for a second but then waited for you to join him by his side and the two of you started walking down the road, now already pretty close to your destination.

. . .

Sooner than you had anticipated, you arrived in Demno. On the inside, you prayed that your short delay was not too dramatic. Especially since you did not wish to have to report that you were almost kidnapped due to being sloppy. Shaking the negative thoughts off, you internally reminded yourself of the mantra you had been taught back in the temple. 'Don't let the dark emotions rule over your body!' It was crucial for Holy Priestesses to focus on brighter sentiments, as too many doubts could pollute one's powers and weaken them. Kain and you crossed the market, eventually stopping in a quieter corner to talk about your next steps. "So, where exactly do you have to go?" You curiously asked, glancing at the Dragoon, whose face was still hidden by his helmet. Even though you understood and venerated his devotion, it was a shame either way.

Before Kain was able to answer, you noticed a person in a white robe with a golden hood approach you, waving their hands in the air. "Lady (L/N)!" It was a woman, perhaps a little younger than you, jogging over to the side where you and Kain were located. You recognized her clothes to belong to a temple. She most likely was one of the people who had hired you for this job. Once the woman arrived in front of you, she bowed to you and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Ishina. I was ordered to guide you to our temple for a welcoming banquet, however..." Her expression turned troubled, as she nervously looked around. Her red eyes landed on Kain, suspiciously observing him.

You quickly interrupted her, hoping to not cause the man next to me any uncomfortableness. "Don't worry Ishina, he is a friend of mine. What is the matter?" The woman pushed her short black hair out of her face and nodded. "We originally wanted you to begin the cleansing ritual tomorrow, yet it turns out the situation turned even graver. The dark energy in the slums is already possessing a few residents, making them lose their minds. We have to head there now!" You massaged your hands out of nervousness, understanding how serious this issue was. Sighing, you moved your head up and down and asked her to give you one more minute before heading to the slums. Ishina nodded and distanced herself a little from you and Kain.

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