XVI. How do you reach the finale?

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You loudly groaned, feeling incredibly stiff. Your body seemed to consist of stones, weighing you down. Sighing, you decided to just linger in your current position a little while longer. Your eyes were closed, hence darkness was all you saw. Somehow, it didn't bother you though. It was no uncomfortable feeling, rather just one that let you simply breathe for a moment. Your mind was hazy, nevertheless, you attempted to remember the last thing that had happened. The fight surrounding the last black orb. Automatically, you shuddered at that thought, remembering the tremendous pain you had experienced. Seeing how you were able to feel all your limbs, despite them feeling like unmovable rocks, you guessed you were still alive. Relieved, you faintly exhaled. You had been able to fulfill Kain's wish.

Suddenly, your eyes shot open, yet since you weren't used to the light, you squinted them once more, feeling exposed. Slowly but surely you let yourself get accustomed to the brightness, enabling your (E/C) colored orbs to scan your surroundings. You were in a very tidy room, which almost looked empty. Figuring you were laying on a bed, there was nothing else in there except for a desk and a few chairs plus a dresser. You moved your head a little to the left, spotting a window through which the sun shone into the chamber. Feeling its warmth on your face was astonishingly comforting, whereas you basked in that moment for some time. Meanwhile, several thoughts occupied your mind. Where were you and how much time had passed since the battle? Somehow, all these ideas centered around one big question though: Was Kain still nearby? You yearned for nothing more at the moment than to see his face. To perceive his reassuring presence next to you. He had begged of you to return to him so would he leave now when you had been unconscious for a while? You didn't know the answer to that and it wasn't due to the haziness of your mind for sure. Unfortunately, you had no idea what you meant to Kain and what you were allowed to expect.

Out of nowhere, you heard a squeaking sound, causing you to slightly jump due to being surprised. Just a second later you regretted the hasty movement, as your body started to complain by urging pain waves through you. You bit onto your lip, simultaneously noticing how someone entered the room. Immediately, your hoped went up, thinking of the Dragoon. Sadly, it wasn't who you had longed for. The young black haired woman now stood inside the room, her red eyes wide open and a bright smile on her lips. "Lady (L/N)! You're finally awake!" Cheerfully, she jogged over to your side, kneeling down next to your bed. You hoped your disappointment was hidden, hence you shot her a weak smile. "I assume I am." You mildly replied, unsure of what else to say.

Ishina eyed your body, apparently searching for any wounds whatsoever. Satisfied, she grinned a tiny bit, starting to talk again. "We all were so concerned for your well being Lady (L/N). The way you were so silently asleep - we feared you would disappear from our world forever!" Upon speaking those words, the young woman frowned, vigorously shaking her head. After she stopped said gesture, she innocently raised the corners of her lips another time. "Well, I am sure you are quite confused, so how about I fill you in on more details?" You were extremely grateful for her offer, returning, "I would greatly appreciate that." Ishina did not waste any more time, telling the story, which had taken place after the last battle. "When the orb shattered due to your cleansing ritual, you collapsed at the same time. Seeing how you successfully had dispelled the darkness and the giant had disappeared, Sir Kangen used his teleportation magic to bring us back to Cerinn. This room here," she trailed off, scanning the chamber, "is part of the monk's temple in Cerinn." You nodded along, glad to know your mission had been lucrative. Furthermore, being aware where you were offered you some comfort.

"A week has passed since the whole incident so I was starting to worry you would never wake up again." Genuine concern was written all over Ishina's face, causing you to feel guilty for troubling her. At the same time, one question lingered inside your mind. "Did you stay here just to watch over me?" The words you spoke sounded so quiet. Quite frankly, you were shocked that seemed to be the case. You did not even know her that well. As if your eyes spoke for themselves, Ishina cheerfully smiled at you. "Well Lady (L/N), you're kind of like a role model for me. I admire your dedication to your job and the kindness you offer everyone. I sincerely want to be as skilled as you at my work." From the way she spoke, her admiration for you was fairly great, causing your heart to warm up at that thought. To think that someone actually looked up to you was... A nice sensation indeed.

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