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Naomi's POV

"Nem, please, just get in the car."

"No." I insisted, "I can't risk seeing him there." I heard Emily let out a loud sigh. She pinched the bridge of her nose and began speaking slowly, as if I was foreign or something.

"There's a 0.1% chance you'll see him there. There's 60 people going, so it's highly unlikely."


"Get in the car, you dickweed." She opened her car door and slipped in, leaving me with no choice but to simply follow.

* * *

When we arrived, it was evident there were a lot more than 60 people here. The front garden was already scattered with 18 year olds, and the loud, obnoxious music could be heard from miles down the street.
Jake Holloway stood in the doorway, chatting away to some guy, clearly waiting to greet people as they arrived. He looked up at us and a smile broke onto his face. "Naomi, Emily, you made it."

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world," Emily winked, nudging me slightly.

"Sure," I agreed, forcing a smile and twiddling my fingers.

"Well, there's drinks in the kitchen, help yourself to that." He smiled, then let us pass him and walk into the house.

It wasn't different to any other house party I've attended. Drunk girls skipping around the floor, giggling, and even drunker guys stumbling along behind them. The lighting was extremely dim, and I was finding it hard to see where I was going.

I've always hated parties. Partly due to my anxiety, partly due to my hatred for people. I hate the music, I hate the dresses, I hate the crowds, I hate the drink. It's all too much.

Somehow I managed to push my tiny figure through the mass of people to find a closet. This is what I usually do when Emily drags me to parties; find the nearest empty room that no one is likely to come and have sex in, and listen to music. Sometimes I even fall asleep sitting in some dark empty room and wake up at 5am when everyone has left, with 16 missed calls from Emily.

I pushed myself between the vacuum cleaner and some old vinyl covers, finding a comfortable spot, and resting my head on the wall. The music from the party was slightly vibrating the flooring and all the objects in the cupboard. I wondered how much more of this the neighbours could stand. I always feel an immense amount of guilt when I go to a party, because of the neighbours. It must just be hell for them, hearing music and drunk teenagers until 3am to lull them to sleep. I sure wouldn't be able to put up with it.

Suddenly my phone vibrated, and I figured it would be Emily. She's probably got Jake with her. She's been trying to set me up with Jake since junior year.

I glanced down at my phone. The bright light burned my eyes at first, but slowly adjusted.

Where are you?

I furrowed my eyebrows. Whose number could this be? Then it hit me; of course, it's Jake's. Emily must have given him my number.

In some closet, why? Do you need me?

Of course I need you

Well come and find me then. What do you need me for?

Listen, Naomi, I'm so sorry. I really am, please please forgive me

What? Why would Jake be asking for my forgiveness?

Jake, what are you talking about?




Okay what's going on

Ohh, you thought this was Jake

Well shit, don't worry then

Pretend I never texted you

Go find you're little Jake

Okay srsly who is this

Who do you think?


Please tell me


*message unable to send*

Answer me

*message unable to send*


i've been busier than a bee lately i hate revision


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