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Naomi's POV

Why me?

It was 3:07 in the morning and I was sat downstairs drinking coffee on the couch. I didn't really need the coffee, I was wide awake anyway.

I don't understand why he wanted me?

The memory of Jake throwing Calum to the ground kept circulating my head. I felt so helpless. It was as if someone was grabbing me by the arms and holding me away from him.

I need him. I don't want to admit it to him, but I do.

In all honesty, I don't know why I always do this. I've done it so many times, I should know better now. When you push people away, they won't fight for you. They won't try to get you back. That's all fairy tale talk. They will just agree with you, and then you realise, they never really wanted you at all.

I thought if I told Calum that I wanted to stay friends, his response would be something roughly along the lines of "no Naomi, I want to marry you and have sixteen million babies and live on a beach in Spain where we can have a dog called joey and a goldfish called shawn". But all I got was a disappointing "yeah, friends". What a dickweed.

No, I don't mean that actually. I'm the dickweed. Jeez, I'm such a dickweed. Why did I have to let him go like that?

My thoughts were immediately interrupted my a creak on the stairs. Suddenly my whole body froze, and I held my breath.


Thank god, it's only Michael.

I turned around to face him, and smiled. "Michael, hey, what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well, considering it's my house and all, I suggest you answer first." I retorted, smirking back at him.

"My head hurts, I came down to get some paracetamol. Your turn."

"I needed a coffee." I explained. He let out a small chuckle and smiled widely.

"You needed a coffee? That's it?"

"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged.

"Oh, I figured it would be something to do with the fact you, you know, kinda friendzoned Calum." He said, scratching his neck. I gasped and spilt a bit of coffee on my sweatpants in doing so. "He hasn't stopped going on about it all night." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked, confused at everything Michael just said. He shuffled a bit before walking over an sitting opposite me on the couch.

"He's gone all soppy since we came here because he's undeniably madly in love with you." Michael rambled in monotone. I gasped again, and he chuckled. "Okay, that's an exaggeration. But he does really like you." He nodded cheerfully, removed the mug from my hands and sipping my coffee.

"That's my coffee."

"I know."

"It has my germs."

"I know."

"I could have some life-threatening illness that you don't know about, and you're now risking your life just by sipping some coffee."

"I know." He finally looked up and smirked at me. I laughed at him and took back the coffee.

"So Calum... He actually likes me?"

"What do you mean 'he actually likes me'?" Michael put on a stupid voice and waved his arms around to imitate me, and I sighed at him. "Of course he 'actually likes you'. He's head over heels for you." My cheeks immediately flushed red, and I was very grateful for the dimmed lighting of the sitting room at this hour.

"Oh." I stuttered out. Michael laughed and rubbed his hands together.

"So you can go back to bed then, yeah? Now that there's nothing to stress about." He said, helping me up from my seat.

"I wasn't up because of the Calum situation, I told you that."

"Yeah, but we both know I'll never believe that." He smirked, following behind me as we walked over to the staircase.

"Uh, Mike?"


"The paracetamol, dear." I laughed. He shuffled a bit then stood up straight.

"Oh yeah, right, paracetamol." He smirked, rushing back to the kitchen.


this is kinda just a filler chapter bc it's Christmas and my mind has gone completely blank.

also, i figured you guys could follow me on twitter bc it would be cute and cool and stuff. my acc is @basicallymuke_


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