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Naomi's POV

"Well, it's about time," was the phrase I was greeted with by my best friend as I walked into the kitchen this morning.

"Good morning to you too, Emily, I hope you slept well." I groaned, as I grabbed a bowl and some cereal and took a seat at the table. She took the seat directly opposite me and sipped her coffee, slowly and suspiciously.

"What is it?" I asked, as she continued to eye me up.

"Why are you up so late?" She smirked, "you're usually the first one awake, cooking pancakes while we're all napping."

"I couldn't sleep last night."

"So I heard." I gave her a confused look and she rolled her eyes. "Geez, Nem, I wasn't spying on you. Michael told me you were up at 3am, thinking about Calum."

"He fricking said that what a liar I can't-"

"Save it, honey, we all know you're head over heels for him." She laughed, placing a hand on my arm. I paused my eating and stared straight at her.

"Where are Calum and Michael anyways?" I asked, resuming my eating.

"They went to the store with Kat." I froze briefly at the sound of her name, but quickly tried to brush it off so Emily wouldn't notice.

"What's the deal with you and Kat?" She smirked, sauntering around the kitchen and placing her empty mug on the counter. "I mean besides from the fact that you both like the same guy."

"I know he'll end up liking her, Em, it always happens." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes.

"That's not true," she stated, rushing over and taking the chair beside me. "Well all know how crazy Calum is about you, why can't you see that? Not even Kat could stand in his way." She placed her hand on my hand and whispered. "I think he might even love you."

"He couldn't," I said, shaking my head and looking at her, "he's not that kind of guy. He doesn't just go around falling in love with people wherever he pleases. Em, we've only known each other for like four months."

"Four of the best months of his freaking year," she exclaimed, "he's so into you Nem, I wish you'd notice." I let out a short chuckle before standing up and taking my bowl over to the sink.

"I really miss him."

"Dude, he's just gone to the freaking store! He'll be back in twenty minutes."

"No, I mean, I miss us." I sighed, and left the kitchen.

* * *

"Okay fine, red or white." I asked. Michael was helping me choose a dress for some event tomorrow night. Apparently it's a big deal and it's 'definitely dress worthy'.

"Show me the white again?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows. I let out a loud sigh as I held up the little white body con dress to my torso. "I think I prefer the red one."

"Okay." I said, "finally."

"Wow, you really do hate wearing dresses." Michael laughed.

"Yes! I told you that!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air and sending the dresses flying. He chuckled a bit before walking over and placing his hands only shoulders.

"You will not regret asking me for my help," he smirked, then turned and made his way out of the room.

"Michael, you haven't even told me what it's for." I said, following after him.

"Let's just say a certain somebody wants to take you to a certain place."

"Calum's taking me out to dinner? What, why?" I sighed. I always feel like dinner dates are so cliche, and anyway, Calum wanted to be friends.

"I never said that," he smirked, and turned away.


idk it was short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer bc awe nalum

you guys keep sending rlly cute comments it's cute awe thank you



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