To Wonderland - Chapter 2

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Not good. This is just soooooo not good. I mean, where the hell are we? Cheese? We’re not mice! Wait, maybe this is the moon! You know... on Tom and Jerry show the moon was called as the land of cheese right? Haha. Wait. Why did I just laugh? It’s not funny. Nothing is funny right now. I mean nothing! Not even Mr. Bean is funny now. Oh God!

            “ Cindy! Cindy! Look! Mice!”, Lucie said as she pointed at two mice. One wearing a pink dress (Yes, a friggin dress!) and the other wear a blue one.

            “ Ooh! A customer! A customer! 167 years passed and at last, a customer!”, the pink dress squeaked. Wow. Mice talked. THEY TALKED. Where the hell am I!?

            “ Ooh, am I dreaming? Pinch me, Lilo!”, the other said as the pink dress mouse pinched her. HARD. I could see that that was hurt.

            “OUCH! That hurts, Lilo!”, the blue said.

            “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! ”, the pink dress said. Then, she look at me. SHE FRIGGIN LOOK AT ME. I'm comunicating with a mouse( if I tell this to my classmates, no one -EVER- would believe me. Hah.)  and then I tried to look away from her then start a conversation.

            “ Where are we and who are you guys? How come you mice could…talk?”, I asked, walking a bit closer to them and bent down a bit since they are mice after all.

            “ Ah, silly! This is cheeseville. You don’t know? Where did you come from?”, the blue dressed asked.

            “ We’re humans. We don’t even know why we’re here”, Lucie said. I nodded.

            “ Humans? What creature is that?”, The pink look at the blue. The blue gave the pink a ‘I have no idea’ face.

            Right. We’re stuck with mice in this so-called Cheeseville  where humans are some ‘creatures’ out there. Situation like this looks pretty great. Way too great. So... humans are aliens? Okay. Point taken.

            “ By the way, erm, what do you guys – I meant mice- mean by calling us customers?”, I said, searching for topics.

            “ Oh. I haven’t mentioned? We both open a cheese shop. And we thought you’re here to buy some.”, the pink said, pointing at their shop. Even though they are small ( maybe 20 cm tall) but their shop is big, human-sized shop. I hate to say it but, their shop looked pretty awesome.

            “ But… why no customers? You’re shop are well- customized.”, Lucie said as we all went into the shop.

            “ Actually…”, the blue said softly but was stopped by the pink .

            “ I-I don’t think you both should know.”, the pink smiled.

            Okay. Keeping secrets, eh? Fine, then. Our realtionship ends now! Lol, kidding. I was too dramatic. Wait. Why am I talking to myself again!?

            “ Well, Cindy… I think we should find our way back home. I don’t think my mother would be pleased to see me came back home late.”, Lucie said.

            “ W-Wait.. Cindy? Are you… Cindy Moreson?”, the blue asked.

            Oh my, a mouse knows my name? I didn’t know I’m THIS famous. Wait. How on earth did she know my name? Hah, what a joke.

            “ Yeah. So…what?”, I said.

            “Oh! So the other one should be Lucie Cansleigh!”, the pink squeaked happily.

            “ How did you know my- I mean our names?”, Lucie asked.

            “ Ha? I thought that the purpose you both came is to save our country?”, the mice said.

            “ Your… country?”

            “ Exactly! Long time ago, we were ruled by a King. He was so good , really good to his citizens, but unfortunately he is too foolish. His right-hand man betrayed him. He killed our King and married the Queen. I think that the Queen is also cruel. And I bet that their motice is to snatch the King’s wealth.”, the blue- dressed mouse said.

            “ So… what happened to your country now?”, I asked.

            “ About 90 over years ago, Cheeseville is supposed to be a happy ville, merry and blissful. But until the King was killed, the new King – which is the ex-King’s right handed man- ruled our country and sent soldiers to attack some parts and Cheeseville are one of their target. The soldiers are cruel!-“, the pink said but was cut off by the blue,” Very cruel! They killed all of us! We’re the only mice left!”

            From all those explanations, I don’t get even one word. King? Right-handed man? Mice, mice and more mice? Well, that’s very hard to understand since my country is ruled by a president. Well, the funny part is, Lucie cried. SHE FRIGGIN CRIED. Ah, tired of dramas. I sighed.

            “ Ah, that’s a sad story!”, Lucie said,” How could we save your country?”

            Lucie? Lucie!? Saving their country? Man, I don’t even know who they are! Apparently, saving a strangers country!? Doesn't look good to me. I'm out of here.

            “ You want to help us? Really?”, the mice said with twinkling eyes.

            “ Yes!”, Lucie smiled with those twinkling eyes too.

            My face bricked, jaw dropped. “Sorry, but I’m leaving!”, I said.

            “But they need our help!”, Lucie said, grabbing my hand.

            “ Lucie, I don’t even know who they are! Let’s go home, your mom will be worried.”,I said. To tell the truth, this is the first time I said these words to Lucie, like.. shouting.

            “No! I’m not leaving!”, Lucie pouted and I left them. I friggin left them! I walked and walked. Okay. I am lost. This place has nothing at all! Nothing! It’s like a desert with no end! I just hope that I could find a way home. Then, I saw a large field, full of grass. There’s someone under the tree. A shepherd? There’s about seven or eight sheeps chewing grass and I think the human is reading a book. Ah! Wait a sec. Human! That’s human -I think-! I better go check.

            I ran to the field. Strange. The more I run, I more I got further. I ran even faster. Then I get even further. Damn it! Fantasy land sucks! What to do? I need to go home! Then I tried to move further away from the field. Then the more I walked backwards, the more I got near to the field. Ah. Tricky, eh? I finally reached the field. I stepped on the grass and walked to the human –I supposed-. I saw his face. Ah! That very charming face! Oh God, I blush. I FRIGGIN BLUSH IN FRONT OF A CHARMING HUMAN! MY HEART BEATS LIKE BADUMP-BADUUUU- Ahem.  Sorry for being exagerrating. I tried to control my heartbeat and smiled.

            “ Excuse me?”, I smiled, again.

            “ Aevif soemssfncsl? Aojfoe cvffddcv fgmc? “,the person said.

            The heck? What language is he talking!? Charming face and weird language does not mix together. No way!

            “P-Pardon?”, I asked back.

            “ Hjknc? AH! LEEEEE BOOOOOOOC! HUUSJFODCCCS! ASKFHUIBVXSS!”, he said and the sheeps look at me with a face. A very ‘that’s our next target’ face. They charge at me. No second thoughts. RUN! I look back and kept cursing myself for leaving those mice. I look back every three steps.No. No. No. No. Those freaking sheeps look at me with those sharp eyes that only tigers could have, those pointy teeth that only wolves could have and that. THAT. Horns that only a big huge giant bull could have. I'm doom. Sooooooo doom. I might be eaten alive! Somebody! Come.And.Save.Me.

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