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"Shots fired I repeat shots fired." I heard one of the police officers yell into their radio asking for back up as he stood outside our door to protect us.

"Ash." Harper began to cry as she held me tightly as we heard shots through out the houses.

"It's ok. Nothing will happen to us." I replied holding her close.
After a while there was silence and then a knock on the bathroom door.

"Mr. Irwin Ms. Owen it officer Leon please open the door." The officer said. "Everything is ok you can open the door." He said again as we didn't open the door the first time.
Slowly and not really wanting to I opened the door to see the officer. Harper hiding behind me.

"everything is ok." The officer said and then sighed. "Ms. Owen I need you to identify a body for me."

"A body? Harper asked shyly.

"Yes ma'am a body." The officer replied. "We believe it's your uncle."

"Oh." Harper replied sighing. "Yeah I'll go identify." She replied softly. "Ash will you come with me?"

"Of course baby girl." I kissed her head and walked out the bathroom following the police officer to the living room where a body was laying on the ground. It was covered with a sheet and Harper and I walked closer to the body. Once we got over to the body they lifted the cover off of the man and Harper gasped.

"T-that's Him." She stuttered. "H-he's dead."

"I'm sorry for your loss, but it's safe to go now. You're no longer in any danger." The officer spoke softly to us.

"Your sure?" I asked.

"Yes." The officer replied. Before he died her uncle confessed to killing the girl and chasing after you. You're free to go live a normal life."

"You here that baby we can go back to our normal life?" I smiled at Harper.

"Yeah." Harper replied walking back to the bed room.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked chasing after her.

"My uncle is dead, I'm gonna have to go live on my own,  I'm just not as excited about this as you are." She sighed.

"Hey who said you'd have to live  alone?" I asked looking over at her.

"I just assumed I mean back to normal means me living back at my own place." She sighed.

"Nope." I relied. "Our new normal is you living with me, coming on tour with me. You no longer working at High. Just me taking care of you." I relied walking over to her.

"Really?" She said quietly looking up at me.

"Of course." I replied kissing her softly. " I love you and I just want to have you in my life and take care of you."

"You... you love me ?" She said with glossy eyes looking up at me.

"Of course I do." I smiled and kissed her passionately. As I kissed her she began to cry. "Hey hey. Why are you crying?" I whispered softly.

"No one has ever said they loved me before." Harper sniffled.

"Oh baby." I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I kissed her. "You will never have to not hear that you are loved. I'll make sure you know it every day. Ok?"

"I love you ash so so much." She cried and peppered me in kisses. I spun her around and kissed her passionately.

"You're sure you want me living with you?" Harper asked.

"Of course I'm sure." I replied kissing her once more.

"You can't take that back now." Harper giggled.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Harper and I began to pack our things so we could head back to my place. I called the boys and told them we were gonna be coming home. They said they were gonna throw a party in celebration of my return. Which I didn't exactly want but I knew if I said no they'd make it even bigger and invite people I don't even know.

"So um the boys decided they're gonna throw a party." I said to Harper. "I don't know if it will be tonight or tomorrow but they're throwing us a party and you'll get to meet some of my friends."

"Ok." Harper replied quietly. " I don't know if Your friends will like me, plus I don't have any party clothes." Harper replied sighing.

"My friends will love you and we will go out an buy you some clothes if that will make you happy."

"Ok Ash." She smiled up at me and we grabbed all our stuff and put it in my car. We drove to a couple of stores and got Harper some clothes for the party. And once we were done we headed back to my place where I called Calum.

"Hey cal are you guys doing that party tonight or tomorrow." I asked as I began to unpack my things.

"Um tonight I think. We're still setting things up." He replied as he was doing something on the other end of the line. "Be at Luke's around 8." Calum replied before hanging up the phone.

"Harper we have to be ready and over at Luke's around 8." I yelled up the stair well to where Harper was in my room.

"Ok ash!" She yelled back.
For the rest of the afternoon I just laid around and waited for 8 o'clock to roll around.

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