" What's this feeling?" Chater 1

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" Hello everybody , I'm Todomau Hitsame, this is my first time doing a wattpad so I hope you enjoy it" 

(Narrator POV) 

Kaito was getting bored of waiting for a customer to come , but no luck nobody came to buy any plants or seeds, until he spotted someone , the door opened and then doorbell rang and he saw a small boy , purple hair , smiling at him. " Hey, uh.. Is this Store open?" said the boy and Kaito was smiling because finally a customer had came to his Flower Shop. " Yes, this store is open what flower are you looking for?" the boy looked at him " Well , I'm looking for Lilac Seeds for my garden" Kaito looked at him and smiled " Lilac seeds, well follow me , there in the purple flower seeds section" Kaito walked out of the counter and then Kokichi followed Kaito to the Purple Flower seeds section.   

Kokichi got his Lilac flower seeds and went to the Counter and Kaito looked at Kokichi and Kokichi brought out his wallet and when Kaito told him how much it cost and payed for it , and he got his seeds and walked out the store. Kaito felt different like his heart started beating a lot he thought maybe his heart is just playing with him.  

~ The Next Day~ 

Kaito heard his Alarm Clock, It was 6:55 am so He got up and got ready for his Job at the his Flower Shop. Kaito finally was ready and headed out the door and went to his flower shop and got his keys out of his pocket and opened the door and went to his sign and flipped it to open. 

Kokichi got up from his bed and looked at the clock and it was 7: 15 am and he needed to water his plants, so got out of bed and ran to his plants and grabbed his water pot and watered his plants. He looked at his Lilac plant and he watered them " Don't worry , my little lily , you'll be so beautiful when you grow and bloom" then he went to his and changed his clothes and he putted bread in the toaster and when it was ready he headed out , and grabbed his wallet to get more plant seeds and flowers. Kokichi went to the flower shop he went yesterday and headed inside and saw Kaito, He smiled when he saw Kaito and then Kaito started to blush and he didn't know what to do and then he just smiled back at him. 

( that's all for today , I hope you guys like it, In my head , It's telling me it's the worst book i ever wrote) BYE 


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