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Dim Sunlight starting to stream through the mostly-closed blinds was what woke Rob early the next Morn–too early for his liking. He didn't know what Time it was, but he did know one thing–he was too warm and cozy to wanna get up just yet. But being greeted by an irritable grunt when he squirmed made him crack open his eyes, anywhore, and he couldn't help a smile around his paci at what he saw.

        Snuggled as close as he could get with his face almost completely buried in his pillow, Richie was dead to the World next to him. As he lay there watching him sleep for a few moments, everything from overnight started coming back to him one memory at a Time. How the other toddler'd woken him up by pulling his covers off him, the two of them winding up in the bathroom for a quick potty break and Pull-Up change, him telling him to just get in bed with him–all of it. The memories were a lil on the fuzzy side, but clear enough for him to remember what'd happened, and he blamed that on being mostly asleep at the Time.

        Not ready to get up, himself and unwilling to disturb his impromptu bed partner, the pint-sized bassist laid his head back down on his lil pillow. He was still just enough asleep that it didn't really feel much different than cuddling with Zak physically, but he felt a closeness with his Melodic counterpart that he didn't feel with his son. Maybe that was 'cuz they were both technically grown men, or maybe it was something else–he just didn't feel like thinking right now since he didn't feel like getting up yet, either.

        "Awww–what a pair of cuties."

        Hearing someone's voice, Rob peeped up through one eye and saw Rikki standing in their bedroom doorway, an uncharacteristically Serene smile on his face. Barely lifting his hand so he wouldn't disturb the other toddler still, he waved just enough to let him know that he was actually awake before settling back down. He was still Intent on going back to sleep, but it seemed the drummer'd other ideas as he came into the room and settled on the toddler bed across from them. After all, it wasn't like any of Poison's adult frames were so heavy that they'd break the smaller furniture or anything, so it made a perfect, if slightly low-sitting chair for him at the moment.

        "Do I even wanna know why y'all're in the same bed?" he chuckled.

        The pint-sized bassist just shrugged, still mostly asleep as he suckled his paci.

        "Did he've a bad Dream or something?" Rikki asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

        His own brow furrowed a bit as he shrugged again since he honestly wasn't sure.

        "Poor lil guy," the drummer said, reaching out to gently rub his back.

        Richie whined around his own paci as that gentle touch drew him from the Depths of sleep way too soon for his liking.

        "Shhhh, lil guy–go back to sleep, if ya wanna," he said Soothingly.

        "Mmmph," the pint-sized guitarist grunted, squirming as he became aware of his need to go.

        "Well, all right, then–let's get both of ya changed and dressed for the Day," Rikki chuckled, careful to keep his volume low since they'd just woken up.

        Rob grunted as they disentangled themselves and sat up, not even having the presence of mind to be even the slightest bit embarrassed. His Melodic counterpart blushed slightly, though as he let out a big yawn and stretched before sliding outta his bed to toddle off to the bathroom. Course, he was the one who hadn't really wanted to talk about anything the Day previous, so he wasn't exactly surprised by that.

        While they were taking care of Morn potty breaks and changing their own Pull-Ups, Rikki started pulling out clothes that fit their personalities. He'd done a bit more shopping to buy stuff that Richie liked, considering that his style was a bit different from the pint-sized bassist's. Not only that, but he'd needed a few more supplies–like more Pull-Ups and wipes–in addition to sleeping accommodations for both of them. Thankfully, he'd already paid Bret back for half of what he'd bought for them, even though the front man'd insisted that he really didn't have to do that.

Double Trouble (Sequel to Baby of the Band)Where stories live. Discover now