chapter 26

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ALEX GRABBED TWO BOTTLES FROM the fridge behind the bar, taking them to a couple of regular customers with a smile on her face. Being back at Merlotte's was almost therapeutic to her, seeing as though everything was back to normal. Other than the fact there was a woman who had gotten her heart ripped out in the back of Andy Bellefleur's car the night prior. It didn't stop people from coming in and having their lunch, in fact, it actually brought more customers in. The old women and men in Bon Temp loved a good horror story, which is why when Alex came back to work, her tips were more than she ever expected them to be.

"You doin' alright, Cher?" Sam came up from behind her, placing a warm hand on her shoulder. The two had become unexpectedly closer during her recovery, which was something both of them needed. Alex gave him a cheerful smile, "for the first time in a long time. I think we need to be more worried about Terry though. I tried to get ahold of Lafayette everyday for the past week, nobody seems to be reachin' him." They both peeked into the kitchen, seeing the veteran slam his tongs down and throw his apron off.

"He ain't good with the pressure, that's for sure. Lafayette has pissed me off, I got people from my past showin' up and askin' for money, I had a dead body in my parkin' lot last night. These past few weeks have been shitty for everyone." Sam huffed, running a hand over his salt 'n pepper scruff. Alex placed a hand on his back and rubbed her thumb in soft circles, "oh hush darlin', I know you're stressed. You need to focus on yourself for a bit, fuck those people from your past. They're in your past for a reason, Sammy."

Sam scoffed, "yeah, I reckon." His eyebrows began to furrow and he sniffed the air slightly, nodding his head to Alexandra, "drinkin' on the job?" He asked with a smirk, trying to change the subject.

"Always, but this time it's from home!" She wiggled a silver flask she pulled from her apron and he pushed her shoulder playfully. Her grin was inevitable as he shoved past her gently, probably going to his office for an afternoon nap. Alex grabbed a bar towel and began to wipe down the dark wood, seeing as though the lunch rush was finally over.

The door opened and she glanced up to see Sookie, a frown etched in her beautiful features. It was clear to Alex that she was very visibly upset, which made the older blonde's smile fall. Sookie found Alexandra easily and made her way over to the bar, pulling a white envelope from her back pocket. The white sleeved paper landed in front of Alex with a harsh thump.

"The hell is that? And what are you doin' here anyway? You come in when I leave, Sook." Alex clicked her tongue, sitting down on the stool that Tara had hid behind the bar. Sookie took a seat across from her and laid her purse on the bartop.

Sookie nodded towards the envelope, "Gran's attorney, Sydney Matt Lancaster, came by the house this mornin' to give me that. Uncle Bartlett passed away. They're sayin' he got too close to the river behind his house and fell in." Sookie bit the inside of her cheek as she watched the smile drop from her older sister's face. She always knew Alex had a strong hatred for her uncle, ever since Sookie told her what happened between them. It was evident to her at Adele's funeral that Alexandra couldn't stand to look at him more than she could.

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