3: Mom's Here

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At home
TK's point of view
I heard my dad let someone in as he was talking to them. I'm just relaxing on the couch, because he said I don't need to be up moving around a lot. I just got released from the hospital yesterday night, well I got shot so it kind of makes sense. He is such a mother hen, and I do love my dad he might just be over doing it though. "Dad, who was at the door?" I yelled to him, as this is the first time he has left my side for more then a few minutes other than to use the bathroom or something like that. "Awe, is that my baby?" I heard a women say, and I was slightly confused till they rounded the corner. "Mom?" I asked, as she quickly worked her way over to hug me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her, as she rubbed my back in a soothing manner. What the hell is she even doing here? She was supposed to be in China, or Asia, or somewhere that wasn't here. I don't remember where she said she was, mainly I just didn't care to listen. We aren't close, and I honestly didn't expect her to show up at all.

"My baby, are you okay?" She asked as she pulled back to look at me, as if my dad wouldn't of noticed if I wasn't okay. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said as she still held my head in her hands, and I could see my dad looking uneasy behind her. "You're not fine, you got shot. Owen I can't believe you would let this happen, how irresponsible can you.... Nevermind that now, TK really how are you feeling?" She asked again like my answer would change, which I guess it has now that she is here. I hate when my parents are in the same state, let alone the same house. They just argue, and it's a lot to deal with anytime. I just think now that I'm stuck at home, it's going to be a lot worse to handle. "Mom, I'm good really. I'm fine right now, dad hasn't left me alone. I'm in pretty capable hands." I said smiling up at her, hoping she would stop asking and trying to argue with dad about something.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were gone on some business thing." I said, because I'm kind of annoyed she showed up. I don't need to be arguing with her now, and I definitely don't need my parents arguing around me. They don't exactly argue around me, I'm usually sleeping when they argue. They eventually get loud, and wake me up so I just sit there and listen to every awful thing leaving my mom's mouth. My dad doesn't usually say hateful things back, he has learned to just ignore what she says about him. I mean after all I'm living with my dad, and have been since before I came out. When my dad called about me being shot she just assumed I was in the hospital from an overdose, clearly she thinks highly of me. "I was, but when my only baby gets hurt I have to come make sure he's okay." She said smiling down at me, and I kind of had to fake one back. Now this shouldn't turn too bad between us as long as my sexuality stays out of conversations. "Mom, I'm twenty six I'm not a baby." I said, as she knows that I always complain when she calls me that. "Well, I gave birth to you so you are still my baby. You are always going to be even when you are in your eighties, so get used to it." She said as smiled at me, and I had to keep from rolling my eyes.

"Here's your plate TK, you need a water?" My dad said as he place my plate of dinner in front of me. "Thanks dad, and I think I'm good on water right now." I said, even though my water bottle is basically empty. He just shook his head, and walked towards the fridge. "You're welcome, now eat. Also you need to drink more water, you can never over hydr..." He said as he placed a fresh water in front of me, and I had to interrupted. "I'm trying to eat, so please don't start telling me my pee needs to be a certain color." I said as I looked up at him, and he raised his hands in defeat before sitting down. This is the best moments I have had since my mom got here, maybe it's because she is putting her stuff in the guest bedroom. "Why is she even here?" I asked quietly now that it's just my dad, and I. "TK be nice, and I'm guessing she wanted to see you." He said before shrugging his shoulders. I just rolled my eyes at the whole be nice part, I can only try so hard. "I can only try so hard." I said smiling as he laughed at my words.

We sat there for a few minutes eating just the two of us, like normal before she joined us. I can say I was much happier with a party of two, instead of three. Well, on the bright side I have Carlos to distract me right now. He just got home from his shift, so he is finally all mine for the night. Now I can just focus on eating, and him instead of the silent conversation going on at the table between my parents. They seem to be arguing with their eyes, instead of words. I just shook my head, as I looked down at my phone I had sitting on my lap as my phone screen lit up.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- Hey, how are you feeling today? I hope better than yesterday.
TK~I'm feeling just fine, and yeah my day was going better. It's taken a sudden decline.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- well, I have the day off tomorrow so I can get you out of the house for a bit if you want.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- Also, if your dad is okay with it too.
TK~ You're such a suck up. I'm leaving this house tomorrow, even if I have to sneak out like some teenager.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- What can I say, I like being on his good side.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- So why did your day suddenly go downhill?
TK~ My Mom is here. It's so tense, and it's totally stressing me out. We are having dinner and they are having the most intense staring contest.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- Sorry, maybe you shouldn't be stuck in between them if it's stressful for you. It's probably not good for you right now.
TK~Well, aren't you sweet. Worrying about me, and being so caring.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- Of course I care.
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️- Even if your dad says no to you leaving the house tomorrow, I'll help you sneak out. You seem like you could use a break from home, and she hasn't even been there a day.
TK- I'm such a bad influence on you. Although breaking the rules looks good on you.😉
Carlos👮‍♂️❤️~You should eat, I'll talk to you later.
TK-Okay, officer. I'll talk to you after.
~End Of texts

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