16: Bad Word

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In this story TK and Carlos have a child you can come up with how exactly they had him. It can either be both of their child, or it could be only one because they got a sergeant. They do have a child though, and this is basically just little bits of their day with Noah (their son). I hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading. I really appreciate your votes, and if you have any requests feel free to leave them below.
At Home
TK's point of view
"Would you stop worrying? We will be just fine, won't we bud" I asked Noah while he was having his breakfast, and I was on the phone with Carlos. He worries so much, I guess I get where he is coming from. I haven't been home alone with Noah, usually my dad comes over or someone else on the team. Dad and I always get the same days off, so he spends his days off with his grandson. Although, today everyone has to work, they are all covering shifts. So it just leaves me and little man, and everyone is worried.

"I know you worry, but you don't need to. We'll be just fine, and if we need anything I have most of Austin's first responders on speed dial." I said as I placed more cut up strawberries onto Noah's plate. "I love you more." I said smiling as Carlos said it first, and how I always have to start this little argument. "Well, I love you most." I laughed as he replied with "I'll let you win this one." That isn't usually how this ends, but he is probably heading out for patrol soon. "Be safe." I said, before ending the phone call.

Let's see what do I do for the next 7 hours, I know the obvious. I mean how do I keep myself occupied while Noah naps, and everything. Usually like I said someone is here, so we usually talk about calls or life whatever we feel like that day. I could always go up to the station and visit the team, but it's a lot to take Noah anywhere. The car seat is a huge hassle, and he gets bored of car rides. We also only let him watch a little bit of television during the day, well it was more of Carlos' rule. I'm actually glad we have that rule now, because he's a kid and he should be outside playing.

"Alright, are you all done?" I asked him as I did the hand sign for all done, and he did it back. When he was a baby the doctors thought he might have a slight hearing problem, so Carlos and I spent a lot of time just learning simple signs. This just happened to be one we learned, and Noah has just learned to do that sign when he's done eating. It's actually really adorable, but he is fine. He has no hearing problems, or any other types of problems. He is simply a happy, healthy baby. I smiled as I wiped his face and hands clean, as he kept trying to bite the rag in my hand or grab it from me. "Well, we can watch some paw patrol then you have to take a nap. Got it?" I asked him and he just nodded his head.

A Few Hours Later
"Shit." I said as I realize grabbing a hot pan wasn't my best idea, I thought it had enough time to cool down obviously I was wrong. I grabbed an oven mitt and moved the hot pan, before walking over and running my hand under cold water. Noah just finished lunch, after his nap. He's in playing with his building blocks right now, in his play area which is in a prefect viewing spot from in the kitchen and the living room. I'm gonna take Noah out to play in the yard when I finish cleaning up. I know you shouldn't swear around kids, but I never do. No one swears around Noah, sure if he's not around I will but if he is in the room or could hear me I don't.

You know cleaning can wait for his second nap, and that pan is still hot and I don't want to burn my hand again. "Bud, you ready to go outside and play?" I asked as I dried off my hands, and waited for his answer. "Yes." He said quietly, before he stood up. I reached up in the cabinet, and grabbed the sunscreen. He's a baby, I don't need him getting sunburnt. I heard something hit the ground softly, I'm assuming he dropped his Sippy cup. "Ch-it" I turned around as soon as I heard that. He couldn't of picked up on it that quick, right?

"Noah, baby what did you just say?" I asked, because I don't want to be wrong. "Sh-I-t" he said sounding like it was sounded out instead of just being spoken. I'm in so much trouble, one day with me and he's already swearing. "Buddy, listen to me." I said, before crouching down so I was at his level while I talked to him. "You can't say that word, it's a very bad word... and papa is definitely going to kill me if he hears you say it." I said and trailed off with the bit about Carlos, because there is no way he won't be mad when he hears that. "Why?" He asked me with questioning eyes. "Well, it's a big boy word. So you can't say that, big boys shouldn't even say it. It's not a nice word, okay?" I said even though I couldn't think of any better excuses.

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