8: Best Friends or Lovers II

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Okay here is something kind of different, someone wanted a part two of the Hugh school AU. So basically I did a before they started dating, so this is happening almost a few months before the first part happened. I hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading.

Also, I have a quick question for you. I got an idea from a friend, well more like a request. Well, she asked for a Alpha/Omega story. I was just wondering if that is something you would enjoy reading. If you wouldn't mind I woukd really appreciate you leaving your opinion on it in the comments. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the new one shot.

Principles office
TK's point of view
"Good morning, What can I do for you Tyler?" Mr. Lindsay asked as I sat down across from him. I had to hold in the groan as he said my name, I don't hate my name it just doesn't fit me. "Well, I don't actually know why I'm even here. You called me down, so I don't really know what this is about." I said shrugging, before he grabbed a piece of paper on his desk. He had this sympathetic look, when he gave me the paper. I glanced down at the paper, but I didn't get time to read it since he started talking.

"A few of your teacher are worried about you, so I called you down to talk about it. Maybe get to the bottom of this, so the teachers don't have to worry." He said before grabbing a bag that was full of sticky notes, and other small papers. I know exactly what they all are, notes that people left on my desk. I through all of those away, I didn't read most of them. I just throw them away whenever I found them, and this looks over double the amount of notes I found. "People have been leaving note on your desk?" He asked, and I just nodded along. My dirty secret that I'm so ashamed of is finally coming to light, others know and I hate that.

"Okay, so what things have the other students done to you? Physical bullying, verbal or even notes like these. Anything you can think of." He said as he grabbed a note pad to write things down, like that would be somehow helpful. "I know some stuff that one concern student shared with me, but I want to hear everything from you." He said, after I sat there silent for a few minutes. I just rolled my eyes when he said that, I know he means Carlos. Remind me to kill him later, it's not that big of a deal anyways.

"Um, mostly I get notes. I get a bit of people yelling when I walk down the hallway, and sometimes they push me into lockers. It's never physical, like hitting or anything like that." I said, before looking down at my hands. I don't like Mr. Lindsay, and he's giving me that judgmental look. He always has that look, or maybe it's just pointed at me. "Okay, What do they yell in the hallways?" He asked obviously ignoring my reluctance to talk about this, clearly I'm uncomfortable. "Have you looked at the notes?" I asked as I pointed towards the large bag, as his eyes wondered to it.

"Yeah, every single one I've personally looked at." He said nodding his head, so obviously he knows I'm gay. "They yell the same things they write on those notes." I said giving a short answer, hoping to leave soon. Alex gets annoyed when I show up late to lunch, he usually thinks I'm sneaking off to see Carlos. "Look, you must of done something to cause this. Just tell me so we can get this resolved." He said as he finally looked up at me, when he dropped his pen on the desk. "You're saying I caused this?" I asked kind of shocked with his response, I mean he is the principal he can't just say that.

"Clearly you did something, or this wouldn't be happening." He said as he made an expression with his eyes, and I knew exactly what he was hinting at. "I'm gay, that's what you mean, right? That's how I caused this. Is that what you are trying to make me realize?" I asked, more quiet than I had been previously talking. I wasn't looking at him anymore, I was looking at my hands to avoid his stare. "Being like this it's just expected, there really isn't much I or anyone can do." He said shrugging, like he was wiping his hand clean of the problem.

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