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"These are wonderful... they're... beautiful!"

"Why?" Jamie asked, a small smile playing on his lips as he eyed the other boy, "Because they're of you?"

He watched a small glint in the boy's eyes shine as he cracked a smirk, "you think I'm beautiful?"


Jamie, a college freshman, longs to pursue a career in art and designs at the University of Southern Hale, England, but with his father's expectations soaring high day by day; Jamie finds it hard to focus, hard to do what he loves, hard to pursue his dreams. So he refers to the only means of relaxation. No, not yoga, rather smoking. But the comfort and companionship comes with a price: addiction. Not only is he addicted to kissing the tar, but also kissing Edward's lips...


This story will contain swearing, neglect, violence, and mild sexual content. This story is also a bxb which means that it will include lots of boy on boy actions if you do not like content as such, this is not the book for you. Please keep the comments section free of any form of bullying. Any constructive criticism and feedback are welcome!


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form without the permission of the author. Any extra images and gifs that may be used in the book do not belong to me, credits will be given if the owner is known. Any relevance between events or places in the book and real-life are coincidences or used to add realism to the storyline.

Copyright © 2020 NoraERiddle


This is new territory for me, I don't usually write books where the main character is a part of the LGBT+ community, if I do write something that may come off as ignorant or wrong, please correct me and let me know in the comments section or through DMs so I can make both this story and myself better.

If you find any spelling or grammatical errors while reading, please do point them out so I make the changes.

Also, comment the time, date and place you started reading this book. I'm just curious about how diverse my readers are :)

If you wish to send in book covers, pictures, or edits, DM me and/or send them to my email (noraeriddle@gmail.com), they are very much appreciated!!

started: April 2020

finished: tbd

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