|chapter 1|

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Jamie was running as fast as his scrawny legs could run. He never runs. But he had to make it to class on time- even though he knew that wasn't possible. It was already 7:58, and according to his precise calculations; it takes him exactly 3 minutes and 24 seconds to reach the Arts building.

"Are you up yet?" He panted as he tried to make his words sound as coherent as possible. He held his phone between his ear and shoulder while rummaging through his bag to make sure of his equipment.

"Ugh!" Emily groaned from the other end of the call, he could imagine her rolling her eyes at him, "Still in bed, I told you yesterday -well today since it was 3 am-  I'm not going to class, J."

He chuckled lightly in amusement, "Alright, Em, I'll pick you up after class so we head to our 'Friday Frying Session' at the library, bye!"

Friday Frying Session. Ah, a neology Emily came up with during high school for their study session on Fridays. Why the peculiar name, you ask? Well, because it's a study session where her 'brain cells get fried'. Enlightening!

Jamie pushed the door to the classroom open, and as he entered, he shot his Art professor, Hera Lachlan, an apologetic look. And before he could open his mouth to try and explain himself, he was cut off by the professor herself: "See me after the class is over, Mr. Müller."

He sighed and went to his seat, right beside the tinted glass windows. Perfect for daydreaming, or 'Self-reflection' as he likes to call it. And with a mechanical pencil at hand, he continued his sketch as he tried to concentrate. But alas, his mind was elsewhere.

He looked out the window with an elbow resting on the desk and his chin perched atop a fisted hand. No, he wasn't thinking about the boy from last night, but rather, he was thinking of an excuse as to why he was late to class. The excuse wasn't for the professor, but to convince himself that he slept late because of the party, not because of the stormy grey eyes that kept him up. He might never see him again... Well, I guess that means that he indeed was thinking of the boy from the party...

After the class was over, Jamie wearily approached his professor with his arm wrapped around his books, "Prof," he softly called to grab her attention, "You wanted to see me."

"Ah! Yes, Mr. Müller, please, have a seat!" She turned around with a flaxen yellow A4 sized paper at hand, "The university students' magazine team needs members, and I thought you'd be interested!"

I am not throwing away my shot.

"Yes." He agreed whit a bright smile drawn on his face, "Thank you!"

And as he was heading out the door of the class, he heard the professor call after him, "Don't be late next time, Mr. Müller."


"Good afternoon respected colleagues! I am Irma Hudson, the Chair of the students' Magazine: 'HOME'" A tan girl that ignited with charisma spoke as she stood tall at the front of the class, "A warm welcome all the new team members, I hope this year is full of new adventures and jubilation!"

As he looked around the classroom, he noticed the small number of students, all from different years and different majors. They were a small team... 15 people tops, but he didn't recognize anyone.

"I will start off by dividing everyone into groups," Irma instructed as she gestured with her hands, "Each group will be in charge of a section in the magazine: Health, Photography, Poetry, Entertainment, and Arts!"

Jamie's face lit up in excitement soon as he heard the word 'Arts' leave the chair's mouth, he knew that's where he belonged. Irma walked around with a blue notebook and a black ink pen jotting down everyone's names into their assigned teams, but one person was left: Jamie.

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