|chapter 2|

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Being "in love" is tough. To Jamie, Love was the golden cage. It traps you in just to shatter your heart. And when you think it's finally over, when your heart finally starts to mend its broken remains, you're crushed once again. Your heart can't take it... it could only go through so much... There will be times when the person you love so dearly doesn't love you half as much. And these times are the times you tend to ignore the addictive emotion and look for escapes. Jamie was far too familiar with that feeling. Whether it was painting or smoking, it was still an exit.

Well, that was until Prince Charming kissed him...

He was once again pulled into the bitter-sweet realm of love, but this time he will be prepared.

So, with a pencil at hand, Jamie sat at the circular wooden table trying to force his emotions onto another direction. Emily sat on the table watching him, Halima, and Noah touch up their base of the triptych's art pieces as they made small conversation.

"Gosh! Halima!" Noah protested as he pressed his index and middle fingers to his temples in frustration, "Why would you ever think that DC is better than Marvel!"

Halima looked up at the tan boy in horror, "Because it is!"

Before she could back up her argument, the ebony table turned into a WWE wrestling ring: Noah vs Halima; Marvel vs DC.

"Guys, relax, calm down... chill out," Emily tried to diffuse the argument with a small smile on her lips, "the faster your guys finish, the faster Halima and I can go shopping and leave you two dudes alone."

So they worked; less arguing and more painting...

The sweet September breeze tickled their faces when they stepped out of the big classroom. The earth fragranced air whooshed by, instantly relieving any stress, "It feels like I haven't been out in centuries-" Noah stretched his arms above his head and took an exaggerated deep breath resulting in him choking on an auburn leaf.

"I'm hungry, do you guys want anything?" Jamie asked pointing towards the silver vending machine but received a 'no' from his laughing friends.

He picked up the coin from the output port and inserted it into the coin slot again; his third try. And when he heard the low hum, a small smile formed on his face. But his hopes shattered when the packaged good got stuck behind the glass. Jamie stood in front of the vending machine in defeat as he pondered his two options: sticking his hand inside the receiving port and grabbing his lemon cake, or kicking the machine in hopes it will spit out his order.

He lifted his leg backward, imagined himself at a football field, ready to give it his best kick before he was interrupted.

"I don't think that's a smart idea." An all too familiar deep voice came from behind him.

He turned around; his shocked expression was met with the brunet from the party. He still didn't know his name, and it sure was eating him alive.

"Uh... um, hi."

"Let me help you with that..." he suggested as he stepped towards Jamie. After he leaned close enough for his hand to slip a dollar bill into the vending machine, he made no effort in stepping away from Jamie. He stood, grounded in his place, a smirk playing on his lips. And when Jamie looked at the silver storms, he couldn't breathe and his heart started pounding.

Thump, thump, thump.

Unfortunately, a low thud sounded when the ordered juice fell into the receiving port along with the lemon cake.

"Here you go..." Jamie accepted the wrapped cake with a small thank you, and from the corner of his eye, he could spot his three friends in the same spot he left them in... staring at the two boys' interaction. Once it was registered to Jamie that people were looking, he took a step back, but only for his back to meet the glass of the machine.

"I meant to ask you something the last time you bumped into me, but you sort of ran away." The boy stated casually as he stepped closer to Jamie's shrinking body.

Jamie averted his eyes back to the boy in front of him with sudden confidence, "I did not run away, I simply walked."

"Pfft, yea, you totally did" The older boy chuckled slightly as he leaned into Jamie, his eyes holding so much adoration. The blond felt heat rise to his cheeks and ears as he pressed his hands against the muscular chest in front of him to prevent their bodies from touching and softly whispered, "they're staring..."

The boy's eyes gazed deeply into Jamie's hazel ones as he cheekily ignored his comment, "Do you... want to grab dinner with me later"

When the question was heard, Jamie's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, he was sure his chapped lips were agape. His already flushed face turned a couple shades darker as his gaze locked with the grey orbs, "y- yeah, sure"

Oh? I did not see that one coming!

Thump, thump, thump.

"We can even invite our friends... to get to know each other!" Yea, perfect Jamie, I'm gonna invite other people because I'm insecure and don't want to be left alone with him... actually I'd love it if were alone...

Jamie quickly shook his head to rid it from his ridiculous thoughts and averted his face to the boy in front of him.

The brunet took a step back, his face morphing into a crestfallen countenance, and Jamie couldn't stand the fact that he was the cause of his sadness.

"umm, I gotta go," ah... it was Jamie's turn to use that excuse, "magazine painting and studies, you know..."

Jamie turned around to quickly leave, his long-forgotten lemon cake clutched in one hand.

"Wait!" A callous hand sprung and grabbed his soft one preventing him from leaving, "Edward, I'm Edward"

Thump, thump, thump.

"J- Jamie, nice to meet you." Edward lip's curved into a cocky grin when Jamie stuttered, his eyes sparkled with happiness, as he turned around with a wink and left Jamie frozen in place.

Are you kidding, Jamie? nice to meet you? that's all you could come up with?

"Edward" Jamie whispered under his breath unconsciously. He kept repeating his name, he loved the way it sounded, how easily it rolled off his tongue, and how it perfectly suited the beautiful boy.

Edward, Edward, Edward.

The freshman was definitely smitten...


Hello everyone!!

This chapter was a bit short compared to the first two, but I hope you guys enjoyed it none the less!

I have started my online examinations today and they'll end on the 12th of May, so hopefully I'll be able to publish a chapter on the 9th, and stick to my update schedule of a chapter every Saturday.

If you guys have any constructive criticism or feedback you'd like to give, please feel free to comment them or pm me, I really appreciate them!

I'd like to take a moment and thank everyone for reading my book and leaving such sweet remarks in the comments, I will take your suggestions into account and improve my writing for future chapters.

I hope everyone is staying safe and having a wonderful day!

~Nora xx 

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word count: 1092

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