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Jamie and Edward didn't return to the Darla's Diner. They took a walk to a nearby park and talked things out. They talked about the incident and how they will try and work together to overcome the stress with means other than smoking.  When things got heated about the topic, Edward realised how uncomfortable Jamie got, and tried his best to diverge the focus of the conversation.

"Is there anything else I should know about the multi-talented Jamie?"

"Hey," Jamie playfully pushed his shoulder as they walked, "I'm not multi-talented, I just paint."

"So... Can I call you Bob Ross?"

"No." Jamie said with a laugh, "You haven't even seen my art to call me The Great Bob Ross."

"Well, show me."

Jamie chuckled lightly, "What about you?"

"Nothing much," Edward scoffed as he continued to walk with his hands behind his back, "Just here in Hale to study business to have a chance at taking care of Father's company after him."

Jamie stopped in his tracks, "Wait... You're Edward Kavanaugh? Son of the Henry Kavanaugh, and heir to 'Kavanaugh Group'?

"Yep," Edward replied gloomily with a sigh, "That's me."

The two boys got to know each other while they fed the ducklings by a pond, they cracked jokes as they swayed on the swings, and laughed as they raced down a green hill. And obviously, Edward won the race! Just don't bring it up, Jamie is still salty about that.

"Look at that one," Edward called while was pointing at a fluffy white cloud in the sky, "It looks like a dinosaur."

Jamie subconsciously squeezed Edward's hand that was intertwined with his and chuckled, "Ed, that's a dragon."

"What?!" Edward rose from his laying position on the grass feigning shock when he realized that the cloud did resemble a dragon.

"Yea, Its a dragon, Ed."

With his eyes squinted, Edward gazed at Jamie, ready to continue with their fake argument, "Dragons aren't real, so its most definitely a dinosaur. "

He gave Edward a light punch on his shoulder, his eyes twinkling as he laughed at Edward's comment, "Yeah, dragons and dinosaurs look the same anyways."

"You're cute." Edward stated without looking at Jamie, he leaned back with his arms supporting his position as he nonchalantly observed the vacant grass area idyllically.

The blond stared at his friend, his stomach erupted with butterflies and his face instantly burned up. Thoughts ran through his head; he didn't know what to reply or what to do... his body was in shock.

A couple of moments passed in brief silence, and when Edward realised that Jamie hadn't uttered a word, he turned to face the flustered boy, "What?"

"I'm not cute," Jamie replied as he turned his face away from Edward's gaze.

The brunet laughed light-heartedly causing Jamie's face to turn ten shades redder, still not meeting Edward's gaze, "Mhmm,"

Low shuffling was heard as Edward shifted his position. And before Jamie knew it, the brunet sidled up to him blocking the golden rays of the sun and causing Jamie's heart rate to escalate at their close proximity. Jamie had no other option other than facing Edward, his lips parted to say something, anything, to cover up the sound of his loud thumping heart. They were so close to each other, their noses almost brushing one another.

With long slender fingers, Edward lightly traced Jamie's pink nose and blushed cheeks and high bones leaving a trail of sparks tingling his skin in their wake. Jamie looked so vulnerable under Edwards muscular body, but as if a magnetic pull was induced, Jamie somehow mustered up the power to rise up and lightly brush his parted lips against Edward's before pulling away. His hazel eyes gazing into the silver storms, almost lovingly, unsure of what to do next.

Edward pressed his lips back on Jamie's, and the blond leaned into the kiss, melting just a little bit. The kiss was sweet and tender making Jamie crave Edward's touch more and more. And without another thought, Jamie lightly pushed Edward's body and got on top straddling him with his knees on either side of the brunet's body.

Edward put a hand against Jamie's thigh, gripping tightly until the fabric of the trousers bunched up in his hand. His right hand found its way to Jamie's waist, pulling the petit boy against him as he slowly stroked the soft skin under his shirt lovingly.

Edward was like a drug. Just like with his cigarettes, Jamie couldn't get enough. He wanted more and more with every kiss but he was afraid that Edward would cause his downfall once again. But right now, he wanted nothing more than to keep kissing him.

Then gradually, the thick air around them filled with ambrosia of a foreign emotion neither of them knew what it was, neither of them had felt it before.

They were so lost in the kiss. And as every second passed by slowly, the kiss became more lustful, more carnal. With one hand supporting his body and the other cupping Edwards right cheek, Jamie swiped his tongue across Edward's nether lip and lightly bit the soft flesh.

Edward let out a soft gasp and lightly pushed the blond off him, "I think we should stop," He spoke softly, afraid that he would perhaps break the relationship they had built so far.

And with trembling hands, Jamie got off, nodding his head slightly in understanding, "God, I went too far, I'm sorry."

"I just don't want us to mess up what we have, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're right." Edward leaned in towards Jamie and gave his nose a small kiss, "Thank you."

With the sky's cerulean blue blending into shades of orange, Jamie and Edward started to head back to the university campus. When they were close to the dorms' district, Jamie glanced at Edward a couple of times before summoning up the courage to ask, "Hey, Ed, can I drop you off at your dorm, as a form of apology for earlier?"

"Yeah, of course." Edward's eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled.

After saying his farewells, Jamie turned around to leave but only to be stopped by Edward engulfing him in a hug.

He kept on thinking about the hug, a small meaningless gesture that unlocked vast realms of hope. In that moment, Jamie didn't realise that he was falling for Edward, he didn't think that this puppy love would go far.

A small hand rested on his shoulder bringing him out of his bubble of thoughts.

"Hey, you're Jamie, right?" He heard a voice as soft as silk call, and when he turned around he saw a pale hand extended towards him, "I'm Blair Thompson."

He looked up and his eyes met with ice blue ones, dull and cold like a glacier. Her blond hair cascaded down her back with small elegant braids woven within the platinum river like threads of golden sunshine. A coral fur coat lay on her shoulders, a cape of sophistication, contrasted with Jamie's casual attire.

"Yeah, that's me," He said with confusion laced in his voice as he extended his hand to shake hers, "nice to mee-"

 He was quickly cut off with her hand gripped his shoulder tightly and pulled him towards her. Her red-tinted lips brushed his ear lightly as she spoke the words that will forever change his life.

 "Stay away from Edward, he's mine."

|Author Note|

Hello every one!!

I hope you all are staying safe and washing your hands.

Thank you all for your comments and words of encouragement, it really means a lot. If you guys come across any grammatical errors, please do point them out, English is not my first language.

Don't forget to vote comment and share

Stay safe and take care every one,

Love you!

Xx Nora

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word count: 1236

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