Chapter 16 - Mind Games

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His legs buckle beneath him and the cuffs clang against the walls. His legs jerk and the bones beneath his fists are white. Beneath his mask his eyes are shut tight, but tears are still streaking down his face. He is still silent, but I can see the blood vessels beneath his skin in his strain to keep everything in.

"30 seconds." Vito whispers beside me. we still haven't said anything, too completely consumed, in that sick, twisted way, by the pain. Pain is fascinating. The worst things are the most interesting.

He lets out a low groan, and he throws his head backwards into the concrete. I cannot stop watching this pain. All I can do is see it, analyse every aspect of it.

No, I am not seeing the pain. I am just seeing the actions from the pain, the result of it. I can't see the pain, nor can I feel it.

I realise that this feels good.

Because I don't feel the pain, but I can feel its existence. I can feel it manifesting itself within another person, and the heat from his pain is lighting my eyes. It's addictive, his pain, and I don't want it to end. I want his pain to be endless, I want him to pay for what he has done.

But what has he done?

The thought is like ice in the back of my throat, cooling the fire that warms me. The guard says we must get the information out of him. His words are law, and now they are cutting deep gashes in my warmth.

The analytical mind takes over, and I walk over to him until I am just out of reach. His eyes are manic beneath his mask, and I can barely contain the bliss that it burning within me.

I never knew human pain could taste so sweet.

But we have an hour. And we have to get this information out.

Vito and Jae crouch down beside me, and I look over to them. They have the same joy dancing in there eyes as I do, but they too can still hear the Guards words in there ears. I don't want his pain to end, but we must obey the guard.

"What did he tell you?" I ask quietly, starting simple. But he doesn't even seem to hear.

"What did he tell you?" Jae screams at Harlan, and this time he does hear. His eyes are wide and locked on Jae's. He looks almost like a child. Weak and begging for mercy.

But instead of sparking pity within me, it sparks anger. But Jae moves first.

His hand pushes Harlan's head against the wall with a sickening crack.

"What do you have to tell us?" His voice is low and laced with venom. If I were Harlan, I would be talking by now. But he is still silent.

I grasp his chin in my hands and stare directly into his eyes.

"If you tell me now. It will stop." My words are soothing, like how you would speak to a scared child. That all he is, weak and scared. "Its just a few words. You speak them, and we will stop this. A few words in exchange for relief."

He just stare at me for a few seconds, his breathes shallow and quick.

Then, he stutters out the words "I killed her." He's not looking at me, but at Jae. I have no idea who this is, but Jae does. He looks like he wants his hands around Harlan's neck.

The guard walk forward and starts to fill a syringe with liquid from one of the blue-marked vials.

He pierces Harlan's arm and within a second his muscles have gone slack. His breathing steadies and his eyes scan the floor, avoiding looking at all of us, but especially Jae.

The guard releases the cuffs and drags Harlan away from the wall.

"Get Up! That was pathetic!" The guard shouts, pulling Harlan onto his feet. "Even now you're to weak to stand. You only lasted six minutes. Six! I have seen children do better!" The guard looks over at the rest of us. "Harlan here is sleeping in this room. Any of you who get below fifteen minutes will be doing the same.

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