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17|Qadr: We plan but Allah plans best.

Bashir's gaze fell to the trail his wife left as she walked into their house. With scrutinized gaze his hazy mind blurted out the name of what it was.


He wasted no time in hurrying, rushing after her and calling out her name as the trails of blood led him to where she was, at their room. In his sight she fell on a heap on the floor unconscious.

Bashir's thoughts dispersed as he crouched over her form, shaking her as he was almost at the brink of insanity.

He lifted the hem of her hijab and skirt which she changed while they were with Basira, Bashir found the blood flowing continuously at a terrible pace.

Mindlessly and out of thoughts he grabbed his car keys and hoisted her up his shoulders shouting for the Gateman to open the gates.

In a rush, he was out of the gates and heading to the reliable hospital in which their family frequented and trusted.


"She needs to know as soon as possible it's not something that should be hidden for a mere minute, it's her body"

"I know, I'm just afraid of how she'll take the news" He sighed.

"You took it well Bashir, I'm sure she will too. Allah ya Baku Mai tsayawa, Allah sa hakan mafi alkhairi" The female voice prayed as she consoled the man who was undoubtedly Bashir.

Fatimah urged her eyes to open, her efforts turned futile so she drifted into the slumber that was drawing her in.

An hour and a half later, Fatimah opened her eyes one at a time, trying to understand where she was at and whatever was happening, or had happened. The nurses stationed at her sides rushed to inform her husband and family that she was awake.

A race including Mommy, Bashir, Ya Ayshah and Kamal ensued in which Kamal came out as the victor while the others who didn't participate waited behind for the first batch to be done before they could join whilst praying in their hearts that she was fine.

Apparently, Fatimah was 3-weeks pregnant but all was now lost due to the state of shock and confusion she fell into when told of Basira's story.

Everyone that was there including her father- Daddy, Mommy, Kamal, Ya Ayshah, Mama and Bashir felt their hearts break at the loss of the conceived one they had no idea was up and about.

They all felt sorry for the pain she went through, the pain of losing an unborn one. Bashir was at lost, totally and completely lost. He at one point felt guilty for he was the one who urged Basira into telling her story but after a few talks with Daddy he took it as their fate, Qadr. It was stated that she would miscarry her first child at such a vulnerable stage.

Bashir let Mommy and Kamal speak to her first before he did. All of them finding it heavy in their hearts to break to her the news of what happened.

Tensed and scared out of his wits Bashir moved to her side and cupped a side of her face, running his fingers along her jaw.

"Fatimah, i thought i'd lost you. I love you so much" His heart ached because he knew one way or the other, it was inevitable for him to break the news to her. "Daddy and Mama are around. Let them speak to you first i have a few things to discuss with your doctor before..." She pressed her hand to his, seeking to draw his attention which she succeeded in doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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Cherishing Fatimah (Sequel To Unraveling Fatimah) 📍ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now