Twenty Nineth

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At the same time Shay let out a loud groan, Evan shrieked. It wasn't a manly shriek, and if they weren't about to be violently interrogated by Alex, Shay would have pissed herself laughing.

"Calm down." Shay said as she placed her bag down onto the floor beside her. She then pulled Evans from his shoulder just as Alex reached them.

"What are you doing here?" Alex made her way specifically over to Evan who was still standing there, motionless and silent.

"I invited him." Alex tore her gaze from the imbecile she despised to look at her best friend. "He's here to talk and I'm here to grab more clothes. We'll be done soon." Shay gracefully strode past her best friend, sounding like she actually had balls. Once she realized that Evan still wasn't moving, she retraced her steps and pulled him along with her. Alex turned around still fuming and flabbergasted as she watched them enter Shay's room.

Once they entered Shay's room and she had slammed the door behind then, Evan finally opened his mouth.

"Alex sure hasn't changed." He mumbled as he looked around the familiar room of his ex girlfriend. His eyes darted for a place to sit, feeling a bit awkward being there alone with Shay in the first place. Evan hardly seemed like the guy that would cheat- in his defense, he claimed it was 'unintentional'. But he wasn't all asshole and boy toy like Shay had so easily made him out to be. Nearly everyone, from James, Brad even Tris didn't like the guy, and they didn't even know him. When someone cheats, even unintentionally as Evan claims, a label is stuck to them, even if the label doesn't fit. Evan was a good boyfriend, Shay knew that, he was sweet and treated her right. He just treated too many girls that way. With the reputation he didn't know he held, he was still the weird kid who used to eat glue in the second grade on the inside.

"Yeah." Shay shrugged. "She'll get over it." Shay rummaged through her clothes and tossed them into an old duffle bag that she was pretty sure was Alex's.

"Have you?" Evan quirked up, his voice slightly getting higher at the end. He quickly coughed to cover it and repeated the end of his sentence for the authoritative effect.

Shay zipped up her bag and tossed it onto her bed before answering, "I'm not entirely sure."

"Right." Evan licked the side of his mouth and swapped legs as he leant from side to side.

"You were going to explain?" Shay asked, making Evan's head snapped back up to look at her.

"Yeah." He nodded and walked closer. Shay motioned to the bed where they both sat down. Evan tried his best not to think about the last time he was on this bed and tried to focus on what he was going to say.

"Okay." He mumbled, mainly to psych himself up.

"Don't be nervous." Shay insisted, she wasn't used to him being this nervous, not around her.

"Its kind of hard to think about my overdue proper apology when the only thing I can recollect right now is the last time I was in this room. Its overly distracting." He nervously chuckled and Shay looked at him slightly confused.

"We were," Evan raised his eyebrows slightly and Shay almost immediately got the message.

"Oh," She busted out laughing. "That."

"Sorry, I'll continue." Evan quickly declared, not wanting to get carried away with the long lost memory. "So um, I know that I've said sorry like a billion times, and my excuses were so beyond fucked, but i'll explain for real."

Shay nodded, so Evan continued.

"When we started hanging out, I liked you. Like, a lot. You were really chill and you acted like you didn't expect anything from me, which was kind of shitty for me at the time. Then we started, um." He raised his eyebrows again.

Accidents ➡️ Brad Simpson/James McVeyWhere stories live. Discover now